heart series
hello people,
this picture comes from my heart series the series includes ___ 36 pictures___ that are available in different formats.
My favorite format is 16: 9 I think in this format, the heart comes to the best of the validity of one or the other does not think in the seire of a heart but the face of an ant or something completely different that everyone can see how he wants.
the main thing he likes my pictures and he finds edification when he looks at them.
It took more than 40 steps to make a simple photograph from the middle of the nineties such a compostion and some hours of computer work.
Now you could do something different if the calculator so pays off in front of him but that is not so every single step must be controlled and corrected to only emergency.
Despite all the effort and the very long nights, it makes a lot of joy such or to compose pictures.
thank you for votes and replys
best regards
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