rough draft, don't read yet, not ready.. lol

in #blah7 years ago (edited)

Just starting this blog, but don't want to post it yet. But it will explain the deception of 'Trump the good guy'. This is a rough draft, but I'm not sure how to keep a steemit work in progress in storage without posting it.

"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

  • Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Mason and head of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Most Ever - Absolutely, positively agree. Revelation says 'the whole world will worship the beast'. This is exactly what's being staged right now with 'the good guy' Trump narrative and why the powers-that-be are going out of their way to make him look like an outsider. It's working like a charm, most people believe the lie, which is being reinforced through the psychological technique of 'good versus evil' (duality, i.e. republican versus democrat). See 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - 'God sent them a strong delusion so they would believe the lie'. It's fooling just about everyone. But Trump is definitely not an outsider. Whether or not he's a Mason isn't as important as the fact that he's taking orders from the Masons and other secret societies (Skull n Bones) and think tanks. I say less important because people can argue to no end about this nonsense while these psychopaths bring us into Agenda 21 cities, the Global Warming hoax (carbon taxes), WW3, economic ruin, etc. Which is the point of all these political charades, to keep everyone distracted by the political play while they move forward with their plans to take us to the next level of crisis and suspension of the Constitution. People just can't believe how much power the government has during major catastrophe's, nor do they believe that they will execute these plans like Emperor Palpatine did in Star Wars when he deceived Anakin into murdering the Jedi and his own wife (gee i wonder where George Lucas came up with that plot?).

FEMA will be used to take over all transportation, communication, state authority, municipalities, food distribution, etc. I already know many will read that last line and think it's hogwash, and that's exactly why it works.. complete disbelief. That's why the Nazi regime got away with such severe human rights abuses. What were once ordinary German citizens became executioners and drove the bulldozers which piled the dead bodies high and pushed them into mass graves. Yet somehow they were 'innocent' because they were just 'following orders'. American police are no different when they force Americans into modern concentration camps called rape cages (maximum security prisons and jails). Wall Street is making a fortune from the prison industry as they did when American corporations funded Hitler. The War on Drugs is one of the biggest scams in history. In fact, Donald just called for the execution of so-called 'drug dealers', when in fact the biggest, most dangerous drug dealers on the planet are doctors and pharmacists. Pharmaceutical drugs kill far more people than 'illegal drugs', yet Trump wants the small fish eaten up by the big fish, literally the death penalty. We know how those politicians hate competition. No one ever believed that they might actually get away with taxing even the air we breathe, yet that's exactly what's about to unfold because people just can't get it through their head how incredibly sophisticated this is. The Italian Mafia are kittens compared to the secret knowledge of the Khazarian Mafia and their Luciferian idealogy. Donald Trump's Gematria is 'the Messiah son of David'. But he's fighting for the people, nothing to worry about. Proverbs 1:32 - 'For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them'.

JuliaB I seriously want you, Joe and other Trump enthusiasts to be right, but unfortunately there is much more evidence to indicate that Trump was chosen far ahead of time and groomed for this moment to mislead the world into more conflict. So of course they play on everyone's hopes and dreams and make him out to be someone who stands against the banking system, such as putting the picture of Andrew Jackson in the White(boy) House. That's how sophisticated it is. The people in power aren't in power for no reason. They're always many steps ahead of the rest of us and know how to play on our deepest desires and fears. They are master manipulators, why do you think they're driven around in limousines and we aren't? Doesn't the fact that he and Hillary are cousins make you at least a little suspicious? Dig deeper my friend. You might be right, but you might also be very wrong. This is all psychological manipulation. But now with Trump, it's the next level. Just search for his name on you tube related to Freemasons, hand signs, Jesuits, the swamp, the NWO, etc. You'll have to sort through some superficial videos, but you'll definitely find some well-researched gems in there.

NowayJose and Buck It's ingeniously scripted to be that way because they know through experience that all they have to do is tell us what we want to hear and then offer the 'controlled opposition'. Or they give us a little tax money back that they stole from us in the first place, and other such tactics that make it appear that Trump's doing what's best for America. Before world war 2, Franklin D Roosevelt said 'I've said this before and I shall say it again and again and again.. your boys are not going to be sent to any foreign wars'. He then immediately betrayed American parents and sent their boys to those very foreign wars. Google 'How Franklin Roosevelt Lied America Into War'. They write the same scripts over and over because we keep falling for it over and over. History repeats itself because we let it. The elites feel justified to lie because they reason to themselves 'well if these dumb animals can't think for themselves and can be fooled so easily, then they get what they deserve.' NowayJose Google Trump and Hillary are cousins. I have an ABC news video that clearly illustrates how George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, all the presidents are in fact cousins. Dig deeper.

Let's hope you're right my man, for everyone's sake. I just think we should be more streetwise when it comes to our criminal political system. There have always been two major gangs throughout history.. the oligarchs and the masses. The oligarchs always have to deceive and manipulate the masses to stay on top, and only stay on top because the masses never become streetwise. To answer your question of 'what evidence is there that Trump isn't an outsider'? There's just far too much evidence to explain here in the comments section of YT. Keep digging and I have no doubt that you'll eventually find it. Look for videos with Trump and the Freemasons, the Khazarian Mafia, the Zionists, etc. By the way, even Trump calls his family 'Jews', which is why many researchers say that 'Jews' control banking and the world in general, but the 'Khazarian Jews' only converted to Judaism. They have no genetic connection to the land we now call Israel like the Sephardic Jews do. So for Trump to consider himself Jewish is a blatant lie in itself. HUGE RED FLAG. So-called 'Caucasian Jews' (the current Zionist Freemason white men who control the political stage) are genetically descended from the Caucasus mountains (southern Russia), not the middle east. I don't like when researchers refer to Trump or other zionist freemasons as Jews because it's simply not true. It makes it a racial thing, which is why the zionists call themselves Jews in the first place. It's all about controlling perception and psychology with our primitive fears. 'Caucasian Jews' don't control the world because there's no such thing. Only Sephardic Jews are genetically related to Israel (Palestine). The concept of a caucasian jew is only something written on paper, but has no legitimacy. They're Khazarian Mafia from southern russia, which obviously means that these white men were formerly Russians. If you want to be certain of the truth every single time, just think of the opposite of everything they're saying. That's how you always know the truth, because it's the inverted version of their narrative.

Sean M
1 week ago
Citizen Smith
You actually make a good point about the hate crime laws. Who do you think those orders come down from? The secret societies like Skull n Bones and Freemasons, which is why their motto is 'order out of chaos' underpinned by the 'Hegelian Dialectic' philosophy. The destruction of free speech with 'political correctness' is all related and comes down from the same Khazarian Mafia or Freemason bankers. It's obviously meant to set different races against one another to police, oppress, and wage war on each other to the benefit of the defense contractors, for which Trump increased spending to arm the world to the teeth to set the stage for more conflict. That's what the wall between the U.S. and Mexico is for...for racial tension and an extremely exaggerated focus on 'terrorism', which the Hegelian Dialectic is responsible for. The problem is that we keep blaming corrupt political leaders for giving the rest of us unjust, criminal orders, but the masses are the ones who actually carry out those orders. Is Hitler and his administration to blame for the Holocaust? Or is it the German citizens who played the roles of judges, police, prison guards, etc. who actually carried out those corrupt orders against their fellow human beings? The leaders blame the citizens for being dumb animals who can't think for themselves. The citizens blame the leaders for giving them corrupt orders in the first place. So who's more guilty...the Nazi judges, police, soldiers, etc who actually did the stealing, killing, and destroying? Or the Nazi leaders who gave the orders? We're all responsible for the mess we're in because we're the only one's who can change things. The answer is to stop participating in their criminal system. A Resource-Based Economy is the only true long-term solution that I'm currently aware of, but the major problem isn't that particular improved system, but the fact that uninformed types will waste most of everyone's time arguing about something they don't understand. We fear what we don't understand, so tend to waste an enormous amount of time criticizing things we haven't deeply researched. The following is a comment I left in a different YT thread, there's a little redundancy, but it should put things in perspective:

I keep hearing everyone say 'peace talks', 'Trump wants peace', 'peace, peace', etc. I swear Americans live in Lah Lah land. Look up Donald Trump's Gematria (the Kabbalistic numerical code of a word). It's 'the Messiah son of David', which is the same thing the bible says about Jesus Christ. He was 'the Messiah son of David'. I'll say it again, Donald Trump's name means 'the Messiah son of David'. How can Jesus Christ be 'the Messiah son of David' and Donald Trump as well? This implies that Trump is Jesus Christ. Now look at Matthew 24:24 - 'For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect'. Notice how it says that even the elect will be deceived? Now look at Jeremiah 6:14 - 'they have also healed the hurt of my people slightly, saying 'peace, peace' when there is no peace'. And Ezekiel 13:10 - 'indeed, because they have seduced my people, saying 'peace' when there is no peace.. and one builds a wall.. and they plaster it with untempered mortar..'

The wall between Mexico and the U.S. is part of the 'Cabal's' ('Kabbal'istic) long-term plan of divide and conquer. Or the Freemason's philosophy of 'order out of chaos', or the 'Hegelian Dialectic'. Ezekiel 13:16 - 'that is, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her when THERE IS NO PEACE..' How many times has Trump said he stands behind Israel? Plenty. How many times has he flashed the 666 hand sign? More times than I can count. Now look at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 - 'while they are saying, "peace and safety!", then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.'

And everyone's just going along with it just like the Nazi's went along with Hitler. Believing a single word of the Khazarian mafia (Zionist Freemasons in control of the White-boy House) is complete insanity. These guys are surely bringing us into WW3 if you believe the religion Christians love to boast about. And if you believe your own eyes and ears according to what's going on at this very moment in the Middle East. We're all a bunch of suckers and schmucks, God help us all indeed.

Donald Trump appears to me to be the 'false messiah' foretold by the bible 2,000 years ago. No doubt Trump is intimately involved in the 666 beast system, which is discussed at length at See 'The Failing System'. Trump's skyscrapers are based on this 'occult' concept.

But what if he's playing us into a sense of security by acting like one of us? That's the more probable scenario. Are you a billionaire? Do you break bread with any billionaires? How did he become a billionaire? By being part of the elite power structure. If Trump would've been a struggling, ordinary citizen from the working class and became President through honest elections, I would have more faith. But he isn't one of us plain and simple. And there is no honesty in our current political system. All that's left is his false pretense and deceptive Freemason hand sign gestures (which absolutely gives these Freemasons away once you understand why they do it that way). Dig deep everyone.

A guy who owns casinos that leave people in worse poverty than they started and publicly says how attracted he is to his daughter signed executive orders against child trafficking and human rights abuse? That's all it takes for simple minded to 'believe'? One of the methods the powers that be use to make everyone believe they're protecting the public is to go after little fish with a lot of publicity so we're convinced that they're really protecting us. They always sacrifice a few scapegoats for these purposes. And I wouldn't be too thrilled about the fact that they're making everyone think of executive orders as a good thing. Executive orders are exactly what they'll roll out during a major crisis to suspend the Constitution and start methodically removing rights in waves. But again, I'm not saying Trump is a pedophile, just that the strategies they use to rule us are far more sophisticated than we realize. I'm also not insisting that I'm right, just asking serious questions.

Dave, regarding the 'peace talks', you said "Why didn't we go to war then? We could've gone to war with Iran or North Korea at any time, no way is Trump putting together a war cabinet! Instead behind the scenes there are talks of peace."

I want to put this as respectfully as possible because I've learned plenty from you and your well-informed guests over the years. See 1 Thessalonians 5:3 - "While they are saying, 'peace and safety!', then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape". As far as the constantly repeated theme of "Trump's just keeping his enemies closer to study them", this seems like part of the sophisticated perception management the elites use because they know how easy it is to fool everyone. See Proverbs 14:15 - "a simple man believes everything, but a prudent man carefully considers his ways." My mind just will not allow me to accept that Trump is 'playing the left like a fiddle'. I'm trying, I'm really trying to accept this, but think it's more likely that he's playing you like a fiddle. But I really really hope I'm wrong and this turns out like a fairy tale for everyone who stays 'positive'. But was 911 a fairy tale? Is the world wide economic crash going to be a fairy tale for billions of unfortunate people so these rich gangsters can get their way again? I, like everyone else, want to believe that Trump's telling the truth, but history always proves otherwise. The oligarchs always lie and start new empires out of the ashes of old empires. This thing is so much bigger than one little mafia spokesperson (Trump) for the mafia-racket-cartel 'government'. We're all being taken for a ride yet again. This is extremely sophisticated guys and girls. 'Nothing is what it seems'. They're biding their time and know exactly what they're doing, proven by the fact that 'believers' keep parroting the script they carefully wrote to fool everyone yet again (he's keeping his enemies closer to study them). It's complete 'double think' insanity, but please Universe let me be wrong! IMHO, it appears that this so-called 'internet bill of rights' does nothing but fool everyone into believing that we need government to 'protect' these rights that were given by government, so can be taken away by government. It gives us the false impression that 'the good guys' are 'fighting for our rights', it's a Hollywood play based on duality. I think this is what Lynette Zang means when she says 'perception management'. Matthew 24:24 - "For false messiahs will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect'. I'm not even a 'Christian' per se, but have read the bible many times, and it's obvious that they're following the blueprint. All they need is another major crisis and Trump will say 'hey, I tried, I'm still the good guy though' and I'm pretty sure most people will believe it. What we think of as 'adults' today are really just a bunch of big, dumb, spoiled kids in adult bodies. Which makes sense since the elites work around the clock to keep everyone in this childish, arrested development state of mind. Problem is that we see the problem in everyone around us when we should really be looking in the mirror. We are blind indeed. It's not just the fault of our corrupt leaders, it's everyone's fault for willfully going along with the system like the German's willfully went along with the Nazi system. Then had the nerve to say 'but I'm innocent, I was just doing my job'.


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