Could Ray Kurzweil be the reason for the planned November 4th blackout drill?
For those of you unaware who Ray Kurzweil is, he is the top Artificial intelligence developer in the world. Formerly a professor at MIT, he now works with google developing artificial intelligence systems, or AI. You may have seen YouTube videos of of machine called Sophia, watch below.
This artificial intelligence could be very discomforting (creepy) and for good reason. You see, not may know of whom the deep state is. The deep state that has been plastered all over the media is actually called the Jesuits, or Khazarian mafia. This cabal has been trying and succeeding in ruling the world for centuries. All under cover, all hidden, infiltrating every nook and cranny of positions of power. The Vatican, the Masons, Knights of Columbus, Skull and Bones, all manner of secret societies [For more information on secret societies I reccomend Jordan Maxwells work at
These societies worship those know as the fallen ones, the annunaki, Satan also known as Lucifer, the Devil, Baal, Molek, the One-Eyed God, Nimrod, Poseidon, Leviathan, and.... Son of the Morning Star.
These people are the pedophiles, human traffickers, slave lords, murderers, Cretans and government corrupters all involved in blackmail, bribery, human sacrifice, MK-Ultra mind control technology, and now pushing society toward transhumanism and the 5G mind manipulation enslavement grid.
They own ALL the banks, the Federal Reserve, all central banks, international bank of settlements, and the International monetary fund. They own most all of the larger corporations, and what they do not own they infiltrate.
It is such a massive organization that most people could hardly comprehend.
Now whether you are religious or not, these people are. Devoutly so! They commit human sacrifices for their gods sake, most are innocent abductees such as the homeless. Do you think for one second that they have an end game? An Agenda? I'll tell you what the agenda is. You see it in just about every science fiction movie you have ever seen.
Their is a saying that the best way to hide something is in plain sight. For those who aren't aware, let me explain it.
These satan worshipers, or whatever name of the day they call it, want to enslave the entire population of the entire earth, so that they can bring about the reign of their god. They have one Achilles heal. They have to announce what they are going to do to you before they do it. They believe that by them announcing something and your failure to object, means they have your permission to do it. This is like a bill collector you've never heard of and sending you a bill for something you never bought and if you don't object to the bill, in law, your silence is your acquiescence.
They own Hollywood! And they put it to good use! Their modus operandi is to create films with a science fiction label. For those of you ahead of me here, yes, The Matrix was one such movie. Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate.. The list is endless. The saying that life is stranger than fiction is very real. And so are the movies. Believe it or not, every major science fiction film you've ever seen is actually a documentary! After 30+ years of research, I know! Go look up Operation Paperclip!
Now I am being as brief as I can because many of you have short attention spans. Lets go back to Ray Kurzweil and his AI project. There was a series of movies called Terminator. Arnold Schwarzenegger (damn nazi, yes he is, go find the photo of him saluting) was the lead actor. Onward to present day. Not too long ago there was the last in the series called Terminator Genisys. I broke out the movie and watched it again. About 1/3rd of the way in. He announces that Skynet was set to go online in October 2017....
Now about that government planned blackout set for November 4th...