black monday
there is a chance rigth now, if the stock markets play out as i think they will, that Monday 02/07 will be black Monday.
il explain how we get there. the dow will end the day a little bit up, and tomorrow, we will fall down to the feb lows. bounce a little from there on Friday. true the weekend we will be standing there, on the edge, all the traders in the world will see it. thay have not been able to untill now, but there, there is no question. the bear market has begone. as trading start Monday, stockmarkets will tumble down, as everyone tries to get out before its to late. you know the story from here.
i personally believe the markets will be bailed out. the banks will get what they need. think dow will have a miraculous save at 20k true the new hyper-inflationary QE. go up to 30k over the next year, than the legacy markets will fall after that, when the crypto economy is a real thing. there is always hyperinflation, no system has ever just stopped
good luck to everyone though, hopefully wont need it if you read this. should be far enough ahead of the curve