RE: The BLACKLUX Party - Day 13 - Here Comes 2018! What's in Your Future? Blue Sky Thinking for 2018!
I am looking forward to Steem hitting 1000. Then, we all will meet somewhere and vacation. @blacklux will make us laugh, @haphazard-hstead will feed us lots of wild food, I make everyone write and all of you who have partied on for 13 days bring all your talents too.
At home, my backyard foodforest will be producing so I can kiss the grocery store goodbye and feed the neighborhood as well.
The gardens and foodforest at the Sustainability center will be in full swing, lots of people come and learn and I don't care if I make any money there - because Steemit made me a millionaire.
Whey stop there. Let's be billionaires and create sustainable eco villages for refugees abroad and for the many homeless here.
Let's make sure that each kid in the US not only eats but has healthy food options and medical care for all.
And I have more on my list. Better make a post to earn another million to pay for it all :)
Now that's some big dreaming! : ) If even a fraction of that happens, you are going to have a wonderful 2018, with some great impact on other people, too. Here's to lots of fun and production in your gardens and foodforest, and lots of people having fun with your FreeWrite project! Enjoy your Steem wealth, too! :D