Martin Luther King JR Tribute

Martin Luther King small.jpg
By @ArtZanolino

Have you ever felt left out? Like an outsider or an outlaw? Have you ever felt injustice, or fought from the position of an underdog? Have you ever felt people judge you based on your appearances rather than on the content of your character? If you can identify with any of those scenarios, that's what's it's like to be a minority, ALL OF THE TIME...

That's why right now, we have to make #BlackLivesMatter

Eventually we can continue the struggle for equality with #IndigenousLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter #AsianLivesMatter #LatinoLivesMatter (Please add yours here) #Womenslivesmatter #Childrenslivesmatter

and yes, then we can maybe one day be free to say

#AllLivesMAtter #PlanetEarthMatters #FreedomMatters
#LoveMatters #iMatter

In respect for one of the greatest symbols of the Human Struggle for equality, I made a Portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. I hope it serves as a reminder that the fight for justice must still be fought and that non violence is key.

Keep the Dream Alive...

The only way equality will prevail, is if that's the course we choose to sail...

#BlackoutTuesday #TheShowMustBePaused #MLK #MArtinLutherKing #IHaveAdream

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