This insanity needs to stop.
I'm sure that the activists are gonna jump on this and shout, "Haha! You see! The woman beat the trans-woman. There is no unfair advantage." just like they did when Fallon Fox finally lost, and Laurel Hubbard failed to get anywhere close to an Olympic Podium.
These people are usually "Trust the science." people. Yet, they elevate exceptions and outliers over what's generally true, and they use univariate analysis instead of multivariate. They trust the science without knowing the first thing about science works.
Taelor Moore is, most definitely, a badass. This is also a martial art that emphasizes technique, and using the opponent's size and aggressiveness against him or her. So, if a 135 pound woman is gonna beat a 200 pound man, this is a good sport to use.
Still, this match never should have happened. Moore wasn't even informed that her next opponent was going to be a male before she got on the mat. Apparently jiu-jitsu competitions, particularly this one, doesn't check hormone balances or anything of the like to even assure that the trans-women have actually done something the level the playing field.