in #bitsharesmunich7 years ago


#Dr. Fabian Schuh told us about a completely new financial syndiacte from Zurich-London-Moscow-Rome-Vienna, where a new Holding called FreedNex should be founded. In this Holding, every Token from the ICO (which would have equated #€6Mio on the transaction date) from #BitShares Munich and #Echo-Industries GmbH would have been exchanged 1:1 with a discount of 20% as compensation.
The management of #FreedNex Holding contained #Top Manager with an extraordinary expertise for CEO, CFO and CIO.
The members oft he advisory board were the Co-founders CEO Christoph Hering, CTO Dr. Fabian Schuh, CMO Rodrigo Crespo and Interim CEO Annemieke Dirkes.
FreedNex Holding has an addressable Portfolio of international and market-orientated Tripple-A accounts, which has been improved by the (prospective) shareholders. The market-potential for the sections Oil&Gas, Banking and Real Estate and Mulit-Media Companies, was estimated around some hundreds of Billions US-Dollars.
On behalf oft he shareholders of #FreedNex, Dr. Fabian Schuh #(Xeroc) led tangible communication about a partnership with Block-one EOS in his position as CEO&CTO of FreedNex Holding. Unfortunately, the cooperation could not be realised despite the promising start of conversations.
Dr. Fabian Schuh informed us about the founding oft he (financial) structures oft he FreedNex Holding and additionally about the status of opportunities and sales activites FreedNex Holding and eventually presented them. #Annemieke Dirkes has very often been presenting along with Dr. Fabian Schuh, for example at the #Consensus in #New#York, where we have been too.
Christoph Hering visited us with the exact same informations (about the activities, planned financial transfers BitShares/Echo-Industries/FreedNex) in China and showed us the Businessplan/White Paper, just as we had bought BitShares-Token in multiple Tranches (depicted on the Bitshares platform: from cent 2 to USD 50), as everyone involved (Hering, Schuh, Dirkes) had assured us, that the Tripple-A clients would go in the BitShares Blockchain in the next few month and run their businesses over it.
This would have been a massive breakthrough for the entire#Bitshares Community.
Moreover, #Christoph Hering informed us about the whole#situation with#KenCode which was, that#Christoph Hering neither had a existing#software of#Blockpay, nor access to the programmer, although he was #CEO of BitShares Munich. BitShares Munich and #Dr#Wolfgang#Hering are #working on a#solution, to cope wth the problem #KenCode, who presumably caused damage to the whole#platform.
#Founding the#FreedNex,#the#capital#of#BitShares Munich/Echo-Industries had to be#transfered#to#FreedNex#Holding as soon as possible.#FreedNex was intended to be the future for important projects (Oil&Gas, Banking, Telecom, Trading Platform, Energy supplier, Multi Media, Renewable Energy/Solar Projects). #FreedNex-Token #(FNX) were launched on the BitShares platform. There have been reservations made of 200 Mio FNX-Token a`0,20 EUR Cent (= EUR 40 Mio) over the #Co-founder accounts without an #ICO.
Dr.Fabian Schuh recommended #Annemieke Dirkes as CEO of FreedNex Holding to the Co-founders. He referred to her experience as COO at OpenLedger regarding business structures in Blockchain technology. Two Co-founders of FreedNex were not content with the recommendation as Annemieke Dirkes had been working at OpenLedger at the time and suggested to put the whole network of OpenLedger into FreedNex. Moreover, #Annemieke Dirkes only spoke of #Ronny Boesing in a very negative way at a time, when we were in conversation with him. #Blackmail!!!
From this point on a dissonance started to spread between the shareholders because of #Annemieke Dirkes‘ scheming and half-truths.
Dr. Fabian Schuh (Xeroc) was registered as a 100%-shareholder of #FreedNex Holding (trusty) because of certain temporary circumstances (as not every Co-founder wanted to be registered as official shareholder of FreedNex).

Nevertheless, there had been an clear agreement between Dr. Fabian Schuh (Xeroc) as CEO FreedNex and the (proposed) #shareholders of#FreedNex respectively their representatives (f.e. Co-founder), endowed with a mandate, about the decision-making process. Dr. Fabian Schuh has, contrary to this agreement, independently given authority to Annemieke Dirkes. The outcome of this so-called authority was #Annemieke Dirkes setting the whole team against two Co-founders.
Furthermore, she texted the Tripple-A clients of #FreedNex without the understanding and permission oft he Co-founders, in order to take personal advantage out of it.
Together with Dr. Fabian Schuh (Xeroc), she offered those #Tripple-A clients performances which compete with the portfolio of FreedNex. A clear attempt of evasion.
Annemieke Dirkes massively damaged the interests of #FreedNex with her actions which imply, amongst others, abuse and unauthorized acquisition of data, client addresses etc. When she was confronted with those accusations, Mrs. Dirkes denied every single one.
#Christoph Hering and his #Co-founder with the majority of #shares of #FreedNex, prepared the whole #Token#Transfer which provided, that all oft he Tokens of BitShares Munich and EchoIndustries should be exchanged 1:1 to FreedNex Token. Significant problems showed up at this process with Christoph Hering regarding BitShares Munich and EchoIndustries. It has been ascertained, that not one employee was ever registered at BitShares Munich for over a year.
Furthermore it has been determined, that Christoph Hering transferred money over his private, as well as his business.accounts. Because of this behavoiur, which is unworthy of a businessman, BitShares Munich has been led into a absolute economical chaos. Even a self-indicment had to be made at the tax authority.
It has to be said that students have been employed with a salary of #EUR 2.500,00-3.000,00, working 20h/week, although social and health insurances never have been paid.
Because of this mismanagement the investors of BitShares Munich have had an overall damage of about EUR 2-3 Mio.

In order to work on this threatening situation (bankruptcy), a financial expert and his team were employed, paid by the BitShares Munich-investors.
The team managed to settle the mismanagement that had been caused by #CEO#Christoph Hering.
Obviously Christoph Hering wasn’t able to ply with his position as CEO and would have caused bankruptcy if he still had the mercantille responsibility.
Parallel to the redevelopment and stabilization of BitShares Munich and after the take-over of KenCode’s shares through
#Christoph Hering, latter started to build up communication with Rodrigo Crespo. The content of those conversations contained prospectorous mutual activities between BitShares Munich/Echo Industries/FreedNex. Specifically it was about the take-over of the 20%-shares of BitShares Munich as well as Echo-Industries, which had been property of Rodrigo Crespo. The outcome of these conversations was, that Rodrigo Crespo sold his shares to Christoph Hering für USD 76.
The resignment of corporate-shares by Mr. Crespo happened this way:
Mr. Hering promised Mr. Crespo, that BitShares Munich/EchoIndustries would transfer the entire capital into FreedNex Holding. A part of this entire capital were the 20%-shares of Mr. Crespo of BitShares Munich. At the time oft he resignment, the shares of Mr. Crespo were worth #EUR 1.2 Mio. For those 1.2 Mio he received 10%-shares of #FreedNex Holding and 50%-shares of #FreedNex-Mexico.
Because of this commitment und agreement, #Mr.Crespo began to build an office in #Mexico#City#with#complete#infrastructure and employees, #financing#everything#by#himself #(USD#150.000,00).
Meanwhile, #Christoph Hering#blocked #Mr.Crespo#on#every#platform, after the latter had given his shares to him. Several trustworthy acquaintances told us, that #Christoph Hering deliberately #deluded Mr.Crespo.
#Christoph Hering #published in#Blockpay#Telegram#Chat#the#resignment#of#shares#of Mr#Crespo#of#USD 76.
As we learned from the Community, it seems like legal steps have been initiated against#Christoph Hering and#Annemieke Dirkes.
Additionally #Christoph Hering made it public that he passed on the management of BitShares Munich and Echo-Industries to a #Co-founder of #FreedNex and his positions as a #CEO of BitShares Munich to an extern individual.
The background of this approach was, that #CEO Christoph Hering was not able to fullfill his duties as a CEO and his resignment should prevent more #damage on the #Community of #investors.

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