Bitshares - State of the Network - 27th December 2017

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the 67th Bitshares State of the Network (BSotN) report. A weekly report focusing on the changes in the ecosystem and track longer term changes in a effort to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares platform.

Bitshares - State of the Network - 27th December 2017

The Bitshares State of the Network Reports seeks to combine raw data from a wide range of metrics and combine them into meaningful information to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares network.

Observation from this week

This section will highlight any observations made while analysing the data.

  • The first demo of the Bitshares tradingview integration has been released this week with OXArbitrage posting a link to the UDF wrapper on github HERE. You can view the Bitshares BTS_BitUSD market in the demo HERE. I personally am very excited to see this implemented into the reference wallets!

  • The first Graphene Developers Conference has been announced and will hit Shanghai on the 20th of January 2018. Bitcrab (Core member of the Chinese community) has generously organised and sponsored the event. Find more information HERE

  • @cm-steem has posted a guide and intention to create an open source HUG REST API for Bitshares. The service or toolset will provide easy access via a GET request to a REST API service to retrieve information from the Bitshares network. Get more information HERE

  • @tsugimoto has published a collection of BitShares Documentation (Development Guide, FAQs, Tutorials, Integration Guide, Blockchain Interaction, Network and Wallet Configuration, and other reading materials). This is a great resource for anyone looking to dig deeper into the Bitshares platform. You can find the post HERE

  • @taconator has released his monthly 'Fees collected on the BitShares blockchain' report for the month of November 2017. This month has seen 1.41 Million BTS from 12.1 million Operations within 5.13 million transaction. Asset creation has taken the lead accounting for 73% of fee's paid. Full details HERE

  • @full-steem-ahead has released a introduction to Python-Bitshares for any developers or anyone looking to interact with the Bitshares network via Python. You can find the very insightful article HERE

  • George Harrap (CEO and Co-Found of Bitspark) has released a post on medium titled '2018 The Year of The DEX'. The article explains what a Decentralized exchange is, some history, counterparty free smartcoins, gateways and atomic swaps. The article concludes with with George's views on what would make a successful DEX and he highlights Bitshares as the only systems that meet his criteria. You can read the full article HERE

  • The Billion hero prize money reached its first milestone this week in which the value reached 2 Million USD (initially 1 Million USD was set aside for the prize money for the Billion Hero Challenge). For more details you can view @stan's post HERE

  • Current registered wallets/accounts within the Bitshares network is 541023; an increase of 14369 wallets/accounts since last week

  • The last asset registered this week is asset #2661 and it is named 'UGAME’ registered by ‘xin-shan' with the description ‘UGAME'.

Smartcoin issuance chart showing weekly change since the start of 2017

# of Accounts holding BTS (only have a few weeks of data so far)

% of BTS circulating supply held as collateral backing of Smartcoins

Quantity of Transaction and Operations - source

Bitshares Distribution

This sections seeks to analyse the current distribution of the network. We look at the current supply, top 100 hodlers, Orders on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Reserve pool balance and Income growth.

DistributionBalanceChange W/WChange W/W %
BTS Supply2,606,051,701 412,115.000.02%
BTS Stealth287,457 -8.000.00%
BTS in Open Orders (DEX - T250)5248387 1,386,093.1723.08%
Reserve Pool994,521,557 -414,615.00-0.04%
RP Accumulated fees37,489 88.000.15%
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins493314489 16,412,628.003.40%
Top 100 Total1,088,642,632 -22,207,033.00-2.01%
Top 100 - minus Exchanges428,334,470 -29,778,374.00-6.69%
Exchanges660,308,162 7,571,341.001.15%
Non Exchanges1,945,743,539 -7,159,226.00-0.37%

Profit/Expenses from the Bitshares Reserve Pool

The chart below show historic profit/expense from the Bitshares Reserve Pool where a positive number represents a W/W profit and a negative number means a W/W expense; Bitshares expenses include witness and worker pay and income includes network fees.

BTS Trading

Looking at the most active trading pairs for Bitshares (BTS). Data displayed is a 24 hour snapshot as taken on the date of this report and not a reflection on the week as a whole.

MarketLast PricePrice USD24hr Vol BTS24hr Vol USDVol %Vol % Change W/W

Worker Proposals

This section will identify the current approved and pending worker proposals

Active Worker:

Proposed Worker

DEX: Most Active Markets

This section will show the BTS markets within the DEX and seek to highlight the most active markets.

The most active base pair is BTS and the top 3 pairs are CNY, USD and Open.BTC


This sections seeks to analyse the current supply and market capitalisation of the Bitshares Smartcoins.

AssetSupplyPriceMarket Cap BTSMarket Cap USDSupply Change W/W
BTS2,606,051,7010.5742,606,051,701$1,495,873,676.37 0.016%
BTS Stealth287,4570.574287,457$165,000.32 -0.003%
Reserve Pool994,521,5570.574994,521,557$570,855,373.72 -0.042%
Accumulated fees37,4890.57437,489$21,518.69 0.235%
BitUSD23,744,6171.67839,843,467$22,870,150.25 7.255%
BitCNY357,234,0800.25591,094,690$52,288,352.29 2.811%
BitEUR117,6801.99234,183$134,421.16 2.036%
BitBTC43.126,1351,126,419$646,564.22 -3.363%
BitGold113.82,161245,922$141,159.11 21.972%
BitSilver20,69327.6571,127$327,826.78 10.605%
Ruble10,451,9980.02866299,554$171,944.15 -11.831%
HERO2,691277.4746,483$428,481.47 1.203%

Referral Stats

This section will track user referrals, to gauge active refers overtime. The chart below shows in blue the total number of referred users and in orange the new referrals for this week.

AccountReferralsChange W/W

Vote Proxies

This section will track the change in proxy voting

AccountOpinionsFollowersWeight (M)Weight Change (M)
xeroc39216249.5 -0.8
bitcrab6873234.7 -7.2
openledger366426165.6 4
still23217104.8 -5.5
bitshareseurope043040.1 0.1
fav2515031.4 -0.6
baozi306629.7 0.8
abit4735718.6 0.7
laomao35415.5 -2.7

Active Witnesses

This section will track top 25 active witnesses and the changes in support

RankWitnessVotesMissedMissed W/W
1in.abit 1.6.35 998.47111
2openledger-dc 1.6.76 963.3612
3witness.yao 1.6.71 926.63557
4witness.still 1.6.69 913.991901
5xn-delegate 1.6.59 899.92821
6bhuz 1.6.17 884.61576
7roelandp 1.6.74 85830
8blckchnd 1.6.75 8539191
9 delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28 803.14396
10 xeldal 1.6.22 789.522573
11abc123 1.6.65 705.21274
12crazybit 1.6.84 682.84571
13 xman 1.6.64 676.51642
14 rnglab 1.6.45 662.820781
15verbaltech2 1.6.34 634.338481
16 delegate.freedom 1.6.63 6314861
17 elmato 1.6.20 6304269
18 wackou 1.6.18626.818618
19 sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73 600.58982
20 fox 1.6.16 597.53609
21billbutler-witness 1.6.92 491.577
22delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26 425.3869
23 mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24 359.97604
24 cyrano 1.6.21 329.73539
25 delegate-clayop 1.6.27 323.54842

Top 100 Distribution including Exchanges

This section looks at the top 100 rich list and compares account balances, this section will seek to identify changes in ownership which may lead to interesting investigations and early warning signs of upcoming projects

RankAccountBalance(inc orders)OrdersChange W/WChange W/W %
3poloniexwallet83,451,6400-7,001,737.00 -7.74%
4bitcc-bts-cold64,261,3410-3,781,003.00 -5.56%
5zbbts60,471,295011,108,125.00 22.50%
6bittrex-deposit33,306,0600-3,335,313.00 -9.10%
7binance-bts-132,754,9490-679,260.00 -2.03%
9yun-bts15,500,2420-2,587,244.00 -14.30%
10jubi-bts14,591,906010.00 0.00%
11binance-bitshares-gvbdb84k6h13,847,76304,372,202.00 46.14%
14a2dcdf323a8a576408f62604b17a8a5211,988,9440-449,770.00 -3.62%
16anonymous9,831,9435250-646,177.00 -6.17%
18graphene20159,193,78101,449,330.00 18.71%
20gamma-rabbit8,770,97404,770,893.00 119.27%
23onceuponatime7,696,73867001443,656.00 6.12%
27coinegg-main7,227,1950-2,094,639.00 -22.47%
32virtual-ventures6,384,4040-447,019.00 -6.54%
33stat-dude6,316,623149560234,945.00 3.86%
36bts-morning5,615,11901,270,571.00 29.25%
49ld6364334,361,289108,298861,289.00 24.61%
52bitcoinindonesia4,348,1130-488,041.00 -10.09%
53bts4lan4,282,35002,355,243.00 122.22%
62abit3,853,28102,934,321.00 319.31%
64livecoin-net3,683,6740-186,208.00 -4.81%
72mcxcwbts3,000,68602,000,686.00 200.07%
73bts14923,000,00602,000,006.00 200.00%
74swipetoken8883,000,0050-1.00 0.00%
77jackkang2,882,9400-99,998.00 -3.35%
79zbsend2,799,4360-3,006,285.00 -51.78%
88thread2,504,9350-8,549.00 -0.34%
90bitspark-deposit2,483,3340-173,734.00 -6.54%
94abc.btsbots2,250,0360-500,001.00 -18.18%
95poloniex2,247,72001,325.00 0.06%
100random1232,185,8470-514,760.00 -19.06%

Thanks for viewing :)

I value your feedback.
Is there something more you would like me to track in these reports? or do you have some information for the next BSoTN report? please let me know in the comments, on, in the 'BitsharesDEX' Telegram group or every Friday in the the BeyondBitcoin Hangouts.

I hope you enjoyed this report! :)

New to Bitshares? Need an Account?

Please support my efforts by using the banner below to create your account.

Best part is at anytime in the future If you decide to buy an LTM (Lifetime membership - which gives you an 80% reduction in fees and other premium features) i will rebate 10% of your membership costs in BTS.

  • Just use the banner above to create your account
  • Enroll as a Life Time Member
  • Leave your username in the comments on the latest BSotN report or join us on BitsharesDEX telegram chat.

Awesome work man! - Updated

Shared on twitter / reply below as usual.

Have a nice end to your week @steempower. I commented in the thread here about me being more involved, learning, sharing etc to BTS.

I am trying!!

Wow, great stuff. I am trying to be more active and learn/contribute here and direct ppl. to BTS over the months.

keep that energy going! Share-

Nice bro thanks..

Wonderful work @cm-steem👍👍👍

Graphs 2 and 3 are v informative! If the number of people holding BTS continues to rise, and if the % of BTS tied up as collateral continues to rise, then the price of a BTS can only go one way...


This is a great point. Markets will be markets but it is a very bullish metric to follow and a healthy trend on both

Looks like markets are being markets right now - time to buy more...

Once mainstream money catches on to the fact that this platform enables instant loans at 0% then surely the trend on both will continue - or hopefully accelerate significantly...


I hope to understand this one

I just signed up for Bitshares exchange and I regret I didnt do it a long time. Because what I read about it is a very interesting. soon It will be one of the biggest exchanges in the market

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, second best time is today.

We already have great volume compared to other decentralized exchanges and even smaller centralized ones and with all the exchanges starting to lock down and require full kyc and withdraw limits i think Bitshares is well placed to capture some big market share in 2018

yes you are right about this,, and Thank you very much for the generous upvote.

Bitshares recent movement has been nothing short of phenomenal! Keep up the good work growing the platform.

What a post! I need to reread everything again but great info and graphs demonstrating the ebbs and flows of the market. Thanks for your post!

Week goes so fast! You reminds me it! Great summary report and thanks for sharing!


@steempower thanks for continuously posting about the Bitshares state of the network. Tryuly thanks to this and for several people like @cryptographic and @lukestokes is that I started to get as much bitshares as possible.

I just added an Upvote to this new post.

By the way, yesterday I published the 1st chapter of the Full Steemit Guide to help new visitors, new members, minnows and other steemians make their way easier on the platform. The same as @lukestokes and @blocktrades that deserve more than the simple thanks I gave them for their support on it, you also deserve this for all the support you are giving to many people on the steemit community, to learn about bitshares and see about its current state (between several of other contributions).

I am not sure if you ever read a post from me. Today, I wanted to let you know I mentioned you on this 2nd chapter because of your great contribution on "How to Buy Steem Power with @blocktrades:". Thanks for that post. It will be helping lots of several more new visitors and new steemians that reach the 11 full steemit guide.

Looking forward to your thoughts on it when you get the chance.

Here is the link for Chapter 2 for you to check them in case you are interested.

Chapter 2 of 11: Focusing on the Details of the Steem Wallet to learn as much as possible How to use it - Transfer Steem SBD - Convert it to ETH LTC Bitcoin or other Crypto - This is part 2 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way:

Regards, @gold84

My favourite time of the week :)

Nice Post Very Informative !

Until very recently I was not aware of BitSharws. The recent Heijn controversy made me read about it.

The idea looks interesting, I will register and will buy a few of these.

Thank you.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.24
JST 0.034
BTC 92614.60
ETH 2533.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.68