Bitshares - State of the Network - 17th October 2017

in #bitshares7 years ago

Welcome to the 57th Bitshares State of the Network (BSotN) report. A weekly report focusing on the changes in the ecosystem and track longer term changes in a effort to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares platform.

Bitshares - State of the Network - 17th October 2017

The Bitshares State of the Network Reports seeks to combine raw data from a wide range of metrics and combine them into meaningful information to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares network.

Observation from this week

This section will highlight any observations made while analysing the data.

  • The Bitshares foundation has put forward a worker proposal to elect a spokesperson on behalf of the Bitshares network. This worker proposal is for $50,000 USD over 15 months and has already been approved by the Bitshares holders. You can find more information about the proposal HERE

  • Billbutler has announce a new version of the Bitshares GUI wallet this week with a brand new portfolio page showing balances, active and open orders in a much cleaner and professional looking UI. There was also a lot of smaller but very useful cosmetic changes this week. You can find his announcement HERE or check out the changes live in the official Bitshares web wallet HERE

  • In addition to the 'Spokesperson' worker proposal which was proposed this week there is another proposal for a 'compliance' work. This worker will focus on compliance but also strategic direction and exposure for the platform. This worker is for $50,000 USD for 15 months consisting of a team of 4 community members. You can find the proposal HERE

  • Asset creation is currently suspended on the network due to a potential issue discovered and being investigated by @abit. You can view the discussion relating to the topic HERE

  • Kevin Messerly is currently running a 5000 BTS giveaway on twitter. To be in for the chance to win view the details on his tweet HERE

  • The Bitshares delisting from Bittrex has been put on hold while further discussions take place. There is no clear answer at the moment and during this time trading of BTS has been disabled on Bittrex. Further evidence of this is suggest by looking at Bittrex's API which has removed references to the other project that were delisted in the same batch but at this time Bitshares is still present.

  • Ronny Boesing (CEO of OpenLedger ApS) has announced the release of their new rebranded website. Visit to see the new design

  • has published an article this week focusing on Bitspark and their strategic decision to change their remittance business from the Bitcoin blockchain to Bitshares. You can find the article HERE

  • @abit has published Bitshares Improvement Proposal (BSIP) #33 Titled 'Refund Create Order Fees Paid in Original Asset on Cancel'. This BSIP proposes a protocol change to prevent fee pool draining from happening, while still keeping a similar "Refund Create Order Fees on Cancel" feature in the system. You can view the BSIP and participate in the discussions HERE

  • Bond On Blockchain is a new project that is seeking to raise funds for their project which will run on the Bitshares network. The crowdfund is KYC/AML compliant so investors will need to verify their identity to get involved. Interesting note, one of the asset classes this company is looking to invest in is the Billion Hero Challenge. You can get more information HERE

  • Discussions of a rebranding from the name Bitshares has been taking place on Telegram and Discord with names being suggested ranging from BTS, DEX, TRADEX, HyperDEX and more. For the time being these are just discussions and a poll of the top 26 vote proxies is being conducted to consider the pros and cons of such a change.

  • @bitspark have released their first fortnightly update for the Zephyr Project. Their plan is to release updates on the Zephyr project every 2 weeks to keep the community informed of their progress. You can find the first update HERE

  • This week’s Bitshares hangout recording has been published and is available HERE

  • Current registered wallets/accounts within the Bitshares network is 441361; an increase of 5810 wallets/accounts since last week

  • The last asset registered this week is asset #2239 and it is named 'NULS' registered by 'nuls' with the description 'Nuls is a highly customizable block chain infranstructure, Most modules of which are are plugable. Nuls enables companies to deploy a Customized block chain to meet a set of requirements. website:'.

Smartcoin issuance chart showing weekly change since the start of 2017

How the BitShares blockchain compares to other blockchains

The BitShares client has a brand new account page design. Check it out HERE

Boxmining has done a video on Bitspark and their planned migration to Bitshares

Stan leading the presentation for The Billion Hero Campaign

Have you claimed your FREE coins!?!, If not I highly recommend that you get signed up to the Billion Hero Campaign! These coins will be used in the Billion Hero Campaign and potentially be quite valuable in the future (No such thing as free lunch does not apply in Crypto - Fair distribution at any cost is the name of the game); at the moment you can get notified on the project and claim your share of the FREE coins at no cost - Click HERE and selected 'Get Notified' to claim your free coins

Bitshares Distribution

This sections seeks to analyse the current distribution of the network. We look at the current supply, top 100 hodlers, Orders on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Reserve pool balance and Income growth.

DistributionBalanceChange W/WChange W/W %
BTS Supply2,600,638,869 349,195.000.01%
BTS Stealth287,368-0.00%
BTS in Open Orders (DEX - T250)6736670.33 -1,232,522.00-11.58%
Reserve Pool999933507 -349,650.00-0.03%
RP Accumulated fees115601-0.00%
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins427039967 6,485,300.001.59%
Top 100 Total1,276,499,062 -51,096,914.00-3.51%
Top 100 - minus Exchanges428,638,556 -1,740,382.00-0.42%
Exchanges847,860,506 -49,356,532.00-4.73%
Non Exchanges1,752,778,363 49,705,727.003.19%

Profit/Expenses from the Bitshares Reserve Pool

The chart below show historic profit/expense from the Bitshares Reserve Pool where a positive number represents a W/W profit and a negative number means a W/W expense; Bitshares expenses include witness and worker pay and income includes network fees.

BTS Trading

Looking at the most active trading pairs for Bitshares (BTS). Data displayed is a 24 hour snapshot as taken on the date of this report and not a reflection on the week as a whole.

MarketLast PricePrice USD24hr Vol BTS24hr Vol USDVol %Vol % Change W/W

Worker Proposals

This section will identify the current approved and pending worker proposals

Active Worker:

Proposed Worker

DEX: Most Active Markets

This section will show the BTS markets within the DEX and seek to highlight the most active markets.

The most active base pair is BTS and the top 3 pairs are Open.BTC, KEXCOIN and CNY


This sections seeks to analyse the current supply and market capitalisation of the Bitshares Smartcoins.

AssetSupplyPriceMarket Cap BTSMarket Cap USDSupply Change W/W
BTS2,600,638,8690.058426752,600,638,869$151,946,877.04 0.013%
BTS Stealth287,3680.05842675287,368$16,789.980.000%
Reserve Pool999,933,5070.05842675999,933,507$58,422,865.03 -0.035%
Accumulated fees115,6010.05842675115,601$6,754.190.000%
BitUSD3,142,72817.0653,614,940$3,142,728.00 4.325%
BitCNY41,856,2182.546106,565,931$6,226,301.01 6.820%
BitEUR66,07519.821,309,607$76,516.05 -11.142%
BitBTC47.296,3614,548,239$265,738.83 -2.479%
Ruble1,763,7580.293516,781$30,193.84 36.392%
HERO8592,6422,269,478$132,598.22 0.585%

Referral Stats

This section will track user referrals, to gauge active refers overtime. The chart below shows in blue the total number of referred users and in orange the new referrals for this week.

AccountReferralsChange W/W

Vote Proxies

This section will track the change in proxy voting

AccountOpinionsFollowersWeight (M)Weight Change (M)
xeroc37201216.2 3.5
bitcrab6659210.5 1.3
baozi236875.4 -3.4
fav2210440.2 0.7
laomao35434.2 -0.3
openledgerdc332112.7 2.5
blckchnd2360112.1 1.5
btsabc586910.2 0.1

Active Witnesses

This section will track top 25 active witnesses and the changes in support

RankWitnessVotesMissedMissed W/W
1in.abit 1.6.35 747.6705
2 verbaltech2 1.6.34 741.616892
3 fox 1.6.16 740.333633
4wackou 1.6.18 716.418072
5 rnglab 1.6.45 67719031
6 witness.yao 1.6.71 670.835502
7 roelandp 1.6.74 667.527
8 bhuz 1.6.17 667.31564
9blckchnd 1.6.75 654.96328
10witness.still 1.6.69 652.89097160
11 sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73 648.184310
12 xn-delegate 1.6.59 640.3281652
13 elmato 1.6.20 584.24259
14xeldal 1.6.22 556.62248370
15delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28 554.3158510
16crazybit 1.6.84 553.2844
17delegate.baozi 1.6.37 46714661
18 xman 1.6.64 446.21638
19 mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24 403.85725
20 delegate.freedom 1.6.63 401.74859
21 delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26 394.4869
22 delegate-clayop 1.6.27 328.14842
23 roadscape 1.6.13 311.41465
24 harvey-xts 1.6.23 310.95809
25 cyrano 1.6.21 309.63539

Top 100 Distribution including Exchanges

This section looks at the top 100 rich list and compares account balances, this section will seek to identify changes in ownership which may lead to interesting investigations and early warning signs of upcoming projects

RankAccountBalance(inc orders)OrdersChange W/WChange W/W %
1poloniexwallet245,871,862025,346,148.00 11.49%
3bitcc-bts-cold139,192,927012,000,000.00 9.43%
4bittrex-deposit93,985,7910-73,775,629.00 -43.98%
5btschbtc38,000,9890-12,000,001.00 -24.00%
6yun-bts34,132,6400-283,948.00 -0.83%
7jubi-bts26,240,1530-57,631.00 -0.22%
12bterdeposit11,455,9610-10,432,795.00 -47.66%
14bitcc-bts9,861,96807,174,443.00 266.95%
20bitcoinindonesia8,618,1680181,055.00 2.15%
29alexna646,389,12706,244,550.00 4319.19%
30tyrone-shoelaces5,812,0900305,793.00 5.55%
33yoyow.team5,579,1500-1.00 0.00%
36storj5,424,670300000568,628.00 11.71%
49a2dcdf323a8a576408f62604b17a8a524,306,74702,956,962.00 219.07%
51tsuratsura-35574,243,5850-5,207,254.00 -55.10%
57serg3,867,3490299,960.00 8.41%
58chsend3,830,2930435,275.00 12.82%
59goodc0re3,778,58738028,450.00 0.76%
60enki3,694,28928002-690,840.00 -15.75%
61denkhaus3,593,6630-2,507,446.00 -41.10%
64livecoin-net3,367,6600888,231.00 35.82%
70bilbo-baggins3,149,3570381,397.00 13.78%
72ags3,100,919287393,032,842.00 4455.02%
80wjlsf2,700,8840243,957.00 9.93%
81stat-dude2,650,19101,292,976.00 95.27%
82btsabc-lclouis3262,608,20101,608,201.00 160.82%
86thread2,526,068031,052.00 1.24%
90mybak2,502,8240-200,100.00 -7.40%
93bitspark-zephyr2,338,7330115,519.00 5.20%
94demo.btsbots2,318,635663285-1,311,278.00 -36.12%
96chbts2,237,60601,237,606.00 123.76%
97poloniex2,232,1890129,474.00 6.16%

Thanks for viewing :)

I value your feedback.
Is there something more you would like me to track in these reports? or do you have some information for the next BSoTN report? please let me know in the comments, on, in the 'BitsharesDEX' Telegram group or every Friday in the the BeyondBitcoin Hangouts.

I hope you enjoyed this report! :)

New to Bitshares? Need an Account?

Please support my efforts by using the banner below to create your account.

Best part is at anytime in the future If you decide to buy an LTM (Lifetime membership - which gives you an 80% reduction in fees and other premium features) i will rebate 10% of your membership costs in BTS.

  • Just use the banner above to create your account
  • Enroll as a Life Time Member
  • Leave your username in the comments on the latest BSotN report or join us on BitsharesDEX telegram chat.

I don't know who keeps selling Bitshares day in and day out, but I read these reports and can not think of a single reason any investor would do anything except buy BTS. It's crazy! Tinfoil hat time, but the only thing I can think of is a competitor trying to keep a lid on Bitshares because it threatens their business model. Hmmmmmm....

Man, just look at that comparison chart - then go look at the market caps of each coin. Does that make any sense whatsoever?

A lot of misinformation about dPoS, especially by not very tech literate people like Vitalik who obviously don't read much about other blockchains.

  1. many don't know about any chain other than top ones like btc or (ew) eth and don't know there are faster options
  2. many don't understand how dpos is decentralized because it's so different. e.g. we have consensus decentralized over 36k bts holders which is more than there are full nodes in eth for example. and it's more obvious of effect on consensus than a arbitrary node. our validators are more decentralized than mining or staking pools as well, and we solved all major issues with PoS.

I updated FAQ today to address some of common questions I hear people make:

So a lot of the selling was madatory selling because of margin calls. As the price falls people have to sell to maintain a margin level. If a large number of people Hodl. And there is a then market and then a bunch of people take out margin and the price starts to fall, eventually some gets a margin call. They have to sell. That causes the next person to sell, and that causes the next person to sell and so on. They fall like dominoes and the market can not absorb the impact. If you even took out a small loan when it was at 30 when it hit 4 you are likely to have a margin call. (or be forced to sell to and pay back that loan before then. Either way. It adds to the selling. This happens regularly in the Stock and futures markets.

Great point you posited.

One word - Betamax.

Totally agree with you John..I've been watching the price action myself like a hawk and every time it gains momentum it gets pushed down..may be whales accumulating at cheap prices...this price is insanely cheap..with companies like Bitspark moving over it just shows how massive this opportunity is..with Bitshares being able to handle the same volume of the Nasdaq and the dirt cheap fees, this is going to be the go to place for institutional money and venture capital, because they can accommodate so many aspects in business, from remittance, banking, payroll and insurance...the list goes on...wait until the truly large investors catch on and wallstreet is able to load up

Benar,,, kalau di pikirkan memang tidak masuk akal......

@steempower Just wanted to let you know that this account is taking your work and making it his own. He just tried to do the same thing to me, but he was caught.

LOL, they even replace @abits name with their own to suggest they discovered and are investigating the asset creation issue :) Thanks for the heads up

Can anyone explain in relatively simple terms what the whole HERO thing is and the Billion Hero Campaign? I've read a bunch of the stuff on their website and still really have no idea what it is.

HERO is a stable crypto which follow the price of the USD + 5% per year.
The billion HERO campaign is a fund in HERO to be dispatch later to ten NGO when the fund will have reach 1 billion USD in value.

Thanks @chrisaiki, not sure why they don't just say that on the website! How will the fund reach $1 billion in value? Do people contribute money to the fund? Is there anything in return for contributing?

They are expecting VIP to contribute to the fund and with the interest the fund will grow by itself. Stan is giving the first million. It is a marketing campaign, try to make the buzz, people may want to participate to "something big". I like this idea very much.

Awaited to read this article! Today you made the week perfect!


Thanks Guru, Cheers mate!

That was a really good read. I notice that the Bitshares' Dex interface really has improved a lot. It's so much easier to interact with and navigate. I think they could leave Bitshares/DEX with the same name. I don't think that's the issue.

Good article, thank for sharing. If there is time to visit my blog, thank you

Hey @steempower
No more words my dear friend...
And Smart work...
I'm 1000% like and respect your work....
Upvoted and resteemed....

Chinese ban (Chinese community were largest holders), Bittrex issue and some rumors on top shakeholders holding some marketing campaigns hearted BTS most. However, there are not all fundamental issues for BTS, technically it is a superior coin. However, in current market, hype and publicity matters most (:

Lots of good traction -still very little action

Awesome 1.5 sec Confirmation time...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 79489.17
ETH 1885.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.81