The "Godfather of BitShares"

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

What does that even mean, anyway?

It certainly isn't referring to some ruthless, dark, sinister figure. (I'd have a hard time pulling off such a role convincingly.)

No, it was simply a carefully chosen personal brand name for use as a catchy introductory title for the many media interviews I do every week.

It is meant only to imply for listeners a certain ability to speak authoritatively on the subject material without claiming to speak as a governing authority for BitShares itself. BitShares has no governing authority except for the token holders and any representative(s) they may choose to elect. I explicitly disclaim any governing role, responsibility for, or control over that archetypical Decentralized Autonomous Company (DAC). This has been true since I first coined that phrase back in 2013 with Bitcoin and the Three Laws of Robotics.

"Ultimately, to achieve complete incorruptibility, developers must be willing to let go of their own control. If there remains any centralized human control anywhere, it will eventually be exploited to the detriment of the DAC’s stakeholders. DACs need to be free to be trusted." -- Stan Larimer, Lets Talk Bitcoin, September 14, 2013

Google Dictionary offers this godfather definition :

So there you have it. I'm merely "a man who is influential or pioneering in an organization or movement."

(The other definition, taking responsibility for the religious education of a child, might also apply as you may have noticed my posts here and my four hours on Coast to Coast AM recently are an unapologetic mix of insights about BitShares and Jesus.)

The image I prefer to cultivate is a harmless old farmer sittin' on the porch in my overalls and pontificating about the world with whoever drops by for a visit.

It's true that I'm an officer in several companies including Cryptonomex, Heronomex, Hyperion Ventures, and Quintric, but those are behind the scenes firms with brands I don't need to promote. BitShares is the brand I want to promote. Because BitShares is my son, Dan Larimer's, first attempt to defend "live, liberty, and property" by developing "honest money and a level playing field" for all mankind.

To do that, we had to make BitShares free and independent of us. We built it, gave away the code and rode off into the sunset as I described two years ago in one of my first Steemit posts: The Origin of BitShares Rides Again

These days, I spend my time as the "Godfather of BitShares", writing, speaking, and rescuing dozens of startups from misguided attempts to use mere concept demonstrating prototypes like bitcoin and ethereum platforms when what they really need is the industrial strength scalability and real-time performance of BitShares. As a result of these efforts, we have more than a dozen exciting new companies planning to move to the BitShares platform.

When this happens, I am honored to be able to introduce them to the world in this forum and others. This never implies an endorsement or promise that any particular company will succeed or meet anyone's preconceived expectations. It merely means that I won't give up trying to achieve those original goals for BitShares, no matter how many attempts it takes.

In that sense, you might better call me "The Wile E. Coyote of BitShares".

When someone needs to hear the gospel of BitShares, who ya gonna call?


Bitshares solid buy here

I would like to invest in Bitshares but I spend all my money in wine and with a girl whose name is Gina that charges 50 euros each time

In Latino culture Padrino is decidedly not a dirty word. In practice it is the Best Man at a wedding and the second protector, advisor and backer at a child's baptism; second only to the father himself. Viva El Padrino

Our community is not only lucky to have you in its corner, we are truly blessed that you and @dan have made the contributions to Bitshares, and the blockchain community as a whole.

I agree the more farmers the better... lol

You and Dan are game changers! I'm a big investor of both Steem and BitShares and will try to promote both platforms the best I can.

Here's my technical analysis of Bitshares price path:

BitShares (BTS) - Analysis (403% POTENTIAL PROFIT) — Steemit

Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at 00.19.01.png

You had me at the three laws of robotics lol.

Until this post, I have doubted you. I thought, my experience with bts is too good to be true.

No cop or agent or any of their a**lickers however would or could write something so fundamentally subversive to the type of technologies the current extremely corrupt forces require to maintain their idiotic, parasitic domination.

Today you've made a new friend and believer, thank you for giving me a little hope.

As someone who has been harassed by law enforcement and their private lesser-paid flunkies, part of the vast army of deceptive whres who for a lack of any ability to think of anything actually decent to do decide to sell themselves to the highest bidder in order to destroy everything in the world that might lead to an actual improvement for humanity, I must warn you to watch out for these utter shite people who will inevitably approach you and try to f*ck everything you are doing up.

I'm going to read more of your writings, you'll hear more from me.

Again, thank you for your work, I have for many years wondered where this tech has been and you and your friends were working on it the whole time, so you have my thanks and encouragement.

Let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

A dozen new companies on bitshares! Exciting times. Bitshares is the future and this is the year that Bitshares really takes off! Looking forward to that very much. I just need to work out how I can be more involved!

I’ve invested in bitshares, eos, from my earnings here on Steemit. I’m looking for long term scalable platforms and currencies that make sense to me. Your son’s coding skills, both of you have incredible knowledge regarding freedom, business, and a free market. I look forward to a future without centerlized governments, banks, and markets!

Perfect! I guess every community needs a godfather like you. When you watch the recent awesome EOS video, where Brock showed the one footage about the importance of the first follower, this explains the situation perfectly. I´m still no nearly aware of all the possibilities we have with bitShares and it seems too complicated and not practical for daily usage (due to low volumes and too few coins available at the DEX), but hey... time to learn from the godfather, right? Thank you!

BitShares niche is a behind the scenes platform for business not an up-front application for ordinary consumers. That's where most of the new businesses are moving to bitshares - and bringing millions of their customers along with them.

My interest in Bitshares is primarily because it's a decentralized exchange. Coinbase and all others like it violate the decentralization rules of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Interesting... I didn´t yet take the time to do much research on BitShares since I´m mostly invested in EOS & Steem and have not enough budget left to make a serious investment into BitShares - but I never heard before, that it´s a business platform. So you are saying, that it´s much more like Ripple (but really decentralized ;)) with the goal in mind, to be a protocol for business transfers and trading? I just saw it as a DEX with margin trading features. Anything I can watch, that will bring me up to date with the deeper business aspects I missed? Thx!

Thank you! Very appreciated - I already started to watch some vids and sort through the information. The first thing I learnt was, that you are Dan´s father and I don´t need to worry, that Dan has moved on to EOS and abandoned BitShares. It seems to be in good hands and since your son is a genius, he must have inherited it from someone, right? :))

You are very perceptive! :)

both you and your son seem geniuses and very good human beings......this world needs more people with that combination of characteristics

and this time I was not making comedy and I wastalking seriously....better not to do that many times

great stuff @stan, and I personally never associated the 'godfather' part with the (in)famous movie characters, it's understood implicitly in the true sense of the word, in what you provide to BitShares community and have given to the crypto world at large.

Bitshares & decentralized exchanges will be huge, please see an analysis from an expert cyrpto analysis here about BTS. After this correction it will boom, so get a truck and load it up at the dip.

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