Stan Larimer Mind Meld With Kevin Harrington - Live!

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

We had a nice reunion with Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank fame at Freedom Fest on Friday the 13th.

I first met Kevin four years ago in St. Martin at a Mastermind sponsored by Michael Taggart and Max Wright. Most people only got 10 minutes in the Shark Tank with Kevin. BitShares got three hours of briefings and three days of interaction with him.

Check out some familiar faces from BitShares history in this picture - many reunited above! See if you can spot Dan Larimer, Brian Page, Max Wright, Michael Taggart, Kevin Harrington, Mark Lyford and Stan Larimer.

Check out Michael Taggart's reflections on his facebook page.

See the whole interview by Crypto Connie here:


Tell Dan to use Steem again!

At least post his EOS notes here. haha

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Have you seen the mass censorship of the Arise telegram channel?. Anyone that poses uncomfortable questions are deleted and the ones the pose them kicked.

The attitude of the admins and of Jared towards his investors and potential investors and how they react to the worries and real legitimate concerns gives me pause for concern.

I was in the channel for one day before i got kicked, simply for calling an admin out on how he was treating a person who joined that was having problems getting the refund he was promised twice over. I wont name the admin. Its the defensive and often aggressive responses(Unfortunately its often insulting responses) to critics and to simple questions that really got to me.

If they cannot act in a professional manner in a telegram group and rise above the flack and combat it with simply producing facts and being calm when things get a bit tough, can we really be sure they are the best people to be leading a bank?.

I was on the fence due to all the fud that was swirling, normally i can look past that and make my own determination. It was how they engaged with people who asked hard questions that did not immediately back down to pressure that got to me. And if you persisted asking reasonable questions you get kicked.

If legit, its great for crypto as a whole. BUT these are the people who will be sourcing and training the support staff you will need to rely on to resolve real issues with the service if you use it. And carrying on this way now gives me a bad feeling for when and if the bank goes live. If this attitude transfers to the real service then is a real worry.

This point is aside from any technical issues that have been raised regarding Arise. Simply how they treat and communicate to their investors and supporters alike.

I hope it works out, i hope it benefits BTS and i don't want it to be less then what it claims to be.

There is no Arise Telegram channel.
There is no Arise.
Jared is not selling anything.

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