Planning the 2018 Global ResetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

In my last article I pointed out how Max Wright, Jim Rickards, and a host of feckless doomsayers claim that the global economy will not be allowed to collapse under its own decaying weight. Those tin foil hat conspiracy theorists are betting that the global elite will destroy the whole thing, on purpose, at a time of their choosing -- just to bring in a New World Order in which all economic traffic flows on a their private cashless Yellow Brick Road designed to give them absolute power.

Route 666.

Some believe they don’t even care how much of our personal wealth is destroyed in the process as long as they control everything that’s left. The world’s population needs to be capped at ½ billion people anyway.

Well, of course, this is ridiculous. Nobody that evil has such power!

But, yet, what is the fundamental raison d'etre! of digital currencies in general and Bitcoin in particular? Aren’t we building a new frictionless peer-to-peer economic superhighway because we are fed up with the quality of service we have been getting from those banks?

Think of the things you don’t like about your current bank...

The arbitrary limits they place on you
How long it takes them to wire money or send checks somewhere.
How much personal info you have to give them.
Low or even negative interest rates.
High fees and short banker's hours
Closing accounts on a whim without notice.
Taking reckless risks with depositors money and sticking them with the bail-in haircuts.

Banks add friction and delays every step of the way.
And every few years another part of that system collapses somewhere.
We may well be due for The Big One.

I’m sure putting an alternative level playing field in place for the whole world is why Bitcoin’s developers and miners struggled all year (before saying “fork it!”). Why else would they feel the need boost Bitcoin from 7 to 14 transactions per second? Maybe they just wanted to catch up to Ethereum’s 25 TPS? It’s obvious! They need to get ready to handle Visa’s current 4000 transactions per second and all the other 40,000+ transactions humming along on the crumbling financial highway before something bad happens! At this rate, they’ll be able to do it too… by 2041. That’s plenty of time to save us from the nefarious elite goal of enslavement, war, plagues, famine and, um, triggering work spaces.

But, I’m not at all worried. I know that the digital currency industry will be ready when the current bridge is blown in 2018.

You see, unnoticed by any other busy bridge builders, BitShares has constructed a real-time industrial grade financial superhighway capable of handling all the world’s traffic. It’s been up for three years and already crunches as many transactions per second as VISA and all the leading digital currencies combined. And it will scale to millions when it upgrades to EOS next spring. All we have to do is make sure everyone knows how to use it by then.

How hard could that be?

Shall we play a game?


"All we have to do is make sure everyone knows how to use it by then."

Maybe that is how we separate the wheat from the tares. Some will learn how to use it by then, some won't. Those who don't want to learn how to use it, but can nonetheless feel what is coming, had best befriend someone who does :-)

Who has mastered the current financial system then? None. We are just using paper money to buy goods and services. But we really don't know how it works. You will just parrot what you memorized in school and thats how stupid it is. I know how central banking works blah blah blah. Yeah really.

Truth revealed on old tv show, many people still ignorant...!/v/ragetester/6xicf9st
Feed the government!
Or was I looking for a different f word?

I do appreciate the hard work the team continues to do ramping up the awareness.

I do think it could still be easier to on-ramp, as I'm not aware of enough easy ways in for the masses.

I'm still a rookie in crypto but I've been financially active via brokerages. The number of hoops that i needed to get thru to purchase bitshares was challenging.

Wire money in, buy BTC, transfer it to, put in a buy order, do it wrong and cancel it, put in another buy order and watch it get partially filled.

It wasn't easy for me and it's why I've mostly stuck to Gemini to buy my BTC and then transfer it as needed.

I'd like to think we're going to move to the next layer of usability with this - like ShapeShift wants to become the browser of crypto the way Netscape really launched Web 1.0.

Maybe this stuff is more like Snapchat where I don't get it but the kids today do. And, I'm stuck in Facebook-land, with a side of Twitter.

"BitShares will value more than gold!" okay this is my statement! But I know some people won't agree with me! But the speed, and the power wise BTS is the best choice for the industry!
Today coinmarketcap says "BitShares $361,414,313 $0.139082", next year same date you can see the miracle! Yeah, how many of us worried about BTC price, how many of us suffer WTF why we didn't brought BTC at $0.13?
People who suffered about BTC price, god decided to give a "Second Chance". So, here BTS now at 0.13$!
A better solution than BTC drama, a better speed than BTC turtle! If you wish to be a millionaire or a billionaire in 2020 you should spend few hundreds of $$$ today ;)
I'm just saying! We are lucky we have experts in BTS like @stan, @onceuponatime, @steempower, and etc... (There are more, but I know these guys are genius)
Decision is yours... a path to be a millionaire is already opened!


Thanks for this great comment Sir!

Thank you very much!

This opens my mind what Bitshares could be and what it can do to my life. I'll invest some of my earnings here on steemit to BTS and be a Millionaire soon!

I think half a billion people is somewhat ideal to keep high tech scaling economies in balance with ecologic and human well being. Enough space for everybody human to live while keeping nature and all other species intact.
Half a billion is a whole lot more than the world population during the Roman Empire and is about the same as during the late Middle Ages.
To me to reduce world population of humans asap to 1/20th of that of now is a very very good plan.

You go first. :)

Yeah, that's the standard answer you'll always get when you dare to touch the taboo subject of overpopulation - maybe the NWO guys know what they're doing after all, knowing the stupidity of man.

There's no overpopulation. Check out the Midwest or Russia east of Moscow if you don't believe me. Less people is easier to brainwash and control though...

Of course there is overpopulation. All areas that are good for living are overpopulated. We need nuclear plants and ugly windmills everywhere to get energy. There are practically no more landscapes untouched. No more space to breath. We need to go back to a harmonious life style with nature. There's absolutely no argument for growth. Try to buy ground. It's become impossible, whereas it should be free. 50-500 million people worldwide is way more than enough. Ancient Egypt at it's peak had only 2 million people. Roman Empire at it's peak had only 30 million people.

with better economies comes reduction of population. Bangladesh is a prime example of that.
The wealthier people are the least likely they start having a gazillion kids.

So if everyone starts investing in Bitshares we might have a solution at hand 😜

Also I think there is probably a good reason why we can multiply ourselves endlessly it is meant to be like that, I don't think any person or any government should have any say in what the maximum is, this will be taken care off by natrual balancing.

I believe growth is already reducing.

has nothing to do with economy but with culture and politics.

Look at the ex-soviet states. Those without muslims have a population that shrinks. Those with muslims have a population that grows. Central Europe : no muslims, poorer countries, population shrinks. West Europe : lots of muslims, rich countries, population explosion.

China : 1 child policy for a few decades : today : Worlds top-dog nr 1.

you seem to very much focus on Muslims being the problem here, the economy will have a huge influence. As economies get bigger, women will have carreers and less time for more than two kids. Education is generally better when economies are better so people make better decisions in terms how many kids they can support.

On the other hand one could argue that better economies increase childbirth. I read different things now.

By disregarding all those variables you seem to be painting a very shortsighted version of the truth.

I agree though that cultural differences/ politics are a huge factor as well.

But the more people we have on earth the more potential there is one person finds a solution for making uninhabited areas on earth inhabitable.
Making desert land fruitful, creating water out of dry air. Moving to Mars and colonize there.

We humans are very resourceful

God is a first grade asshole

hahahahahaha great answer!

I guess its time to look into bitshares. Thanks for the exposure.

All true @stan, but I'm baffled as to why so many people don't like the bitshares platform. I think it works just awesome, and like you say has been for years. There was a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure it out the functionality and usability is the best I've seen. Can anybody offer an opinion on this?

I've heard it explained as the learning curve can be steep if the payoff is high (Like using Autocad) vs. a shallow learning curve on a less powerful platform (like hotmail / gmail).

If the path to getting in is as easy as using your bank website which may only require jumping thru 1-2 hoops (opening account at your bank, setting up your online profile, you're ready to go) vs. Buying bitshares (buy BTC / Eth somewhere else, transferring it to Bitshares wallet, selling it to buy BTS at the right price, possibly moving it off the exchange wallet after (because exchange wallets shouldn't be trusted, etc.).

I see it as one of the big challenges to mass adoption. For us in early it's awesome and worth jumping thru those hoops because the rewards can be astronomical, but for mass adoption we'll need to make the on-ramps smoother /easier.

Will do! Looking forward to it. I want to use more too. Nothing beats decentralized in this day. Ease of use and Decentralized. I'll buy a LTM at that point.

Hi Sauna, what do you use the platform for mainly and what could I be using it for?
I know about Hero and Smart coins, but I think a simple video explanation will do wonders.

Also I think Bitshares the exchange platform, it might be me, but I think the black color doesn't do itself justice, it doesn't invite people to stare at it for long, much prefer white or a lighter color.

Well let's see, I transfer value around as bitshares (someone wanted to get paid partly in bts), I have bought and sold bts, btc and a handful of user created assets such as brics. I'm also using the openledger dex for holding my Qora as I couldn't get their wallet to work. So, you can use it as a wallet, (you control your keys), and you can trade dozens of coins and assets in a de-centralized manner. I believe you can change the colour to something else. Never bothered with that, I don't mind the black.

@stan - Sire, crypto world seems in a trouble. thousands of fake coins, fake market pulses, fake icos & itos making this place worst & worst every day. but we have few good coins as BTC, LTC, ETH, STEEM & BTS too. according to your view bts is the only network which can handle the upcoming transactions traffic jammed. yes, it can be Sire.
the power of BTS eco system & the block chain technology can handle this upcoming traffic jam without an issue. and also BTS is a stable coin with reputed dev team Sire.
Nice post Sire. nayone can understand the power of BTS through your post Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I feel the banks were doing whatever it took to prevent crypto from taking ground. Today we see the banks getting involved in the crypto world.

Maybe they're embracing it?

  • Do they know the inevitable?
  • Do they know the system they have created is obsolete?

If so, what would this mean for crypto?

I will do my part and I suggest everyone else do what I'm doing. Tell your friends and family. Tell them how important it is to -AT LEAST- learn about the blockchain. This will direct them to discover more at their own pace.

It's important for everyone to know what is to come.

I love your vivid diagrams. Especially that of Ethereum because it's the one that's beginning the infrastructural change.


As you may know, inspiration through the Ethereum network could lead to a bridge much more complex, beautiful and a network of many routes.

The banks know what is coming. One could argue they dictate to the government what to do about it. That is why the major banks are filing patents as fast as they can, to stay relevant. As Stan illustrated so well, they want to gather the tolls on the coming toll road.

Kind time of the day, (H) take a little time🙏. I want to tell you about the new ATB coins, it is very, very promising based on its parameters. It will revolutionize the world of crypto-currency. Its launch is scheduled for September 1, 2017. You can buy it today at an affordable price of 1.5💲 beforehand to buy it before the start of trading on the stock exchange. Where the price will naturally be higher than the purchase price plus a purchase bonus. In general, you decide. More information on the official site or here In general you decide https : // ref = ByHAtrSrb

I smile knowing they are late for dinner.
The meal is still hot, but the guests are already served.
The banks will be sitting at table 19.


Upvoted! Understood where you are going; however, @stan I need electricity to run my computers and routers, I need telephony for the Internet and I need an OS and software to access Bitshares, etc. When the elite finally flick the switch you can guarantee that to get electricity or more importantly access the internet it will be harder than it is now. Bitshares is part of the solution but as some steemians who live in countries with more authoritarian regimes know they need to go to considerable lengths to mask their activities.

To those living in supposedly democratic countries ("the free world?") please understand that the majority of the population is as free as the elite in government (or shadow government) allow. For many you are "modern day slaves", the elite know that if they can keep the major happy and satisfied, they will not need to spend a lot on security forces to control a rowdy population as they will live out their lives oblivious to the truth (or happy not to ask the difficult question/s) - in the meantime they just keep working for the elite.

So coming back to my point - people can now generate their own electricity - say with solar, they can get reliable computer systems that run open source OS and software that will last many years - now we need a method of meshing our decentralised computers together without the traditional wired (or government regulated wireless) internet.

Exactly governments own the internet.

Do you really think bitcoin classic will be totally obsolete in the near future? Judging by your photos you chose I believe that is what you were implying. @stan

Bitcoin classic was replaced by Bitcoin Segwit, Bitcoin Cash, and Bitcoin United's Fast Bitcoin (FBTC) on August 1, 2013. So Satoshi's original is no more.

That said, we will always need special purpose foot bridges. But that alone won't bypass the coming reset.

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