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RE: Bitshares is superior to Bitcoin

in #bitshares6 years ago

Awesome!!! For those who want to read it. Used PPDM so there might be some errors

EVEN WITII BITCOIN'S popularity, the cryptocuriency is being replaced or not considered at all by payment businesses seeking to use blockchain technology. My company Bitspark - a cash-in. cash-out blockchain remittance platform - announced its surprising switch to next-generation blockchain Bit shares late last year after experiencing high fees and transaction congestion on the Bitcoin blockchain.
The switch came after Bitcoin no longer gave the company its competitive edge as a cheaper and faster way to send money internationally. Bitspark looked to Bit shares as a replacement for several reasons - including access to decentralized smart asset creationgiving the company the ability to create IMP fiat-named crymocuirencies, as well as faster transactions at the fraction of the cost of Bitcoin transactions.
Why Bitcoin Is Being Rejected
The focus on Bitcoin's price, which hit an all-time high last year, shadowed its original intention as a financial equalizer that promised quick and cheap peer-to-peer (PiP) transfers, and perhaps for good reason.
Questions about Bitcoin's scalability soon cropped up as an uptick of Bitcoin transactions from recent market adoption formed a bottleneck, and transaction execution began to slow down or be rejected completely due to the size limit of the blocks - the component that cryptographically conceals transactions in 'blocks' every 10 minutes forming the Bitcoin blockchain.
The effects of transaction congestion inevitably were higher fees as transactors had to bid for their place in line, raising the network fee to unprecedented heights. While the intention of the I Sfb block size limit was to prevent system attacks, the system's reaction highlighted Bitcoin's weaknesses as an alternative payment system for large volume use ¬especially when considering it for a USS600 billion remittance market as Bitspark did.

The Bitshare Alternative
So what's the alternative to Bitcoin for businesses? Well, the answer lies in the reason a business needs a blockchain. Since Bitcoin's inception, it has paved the way for a new industry of blockchains with 1,000. cryptocurtencies built on top of them all with unique use cases ranging from privacy, governance, finance and data transaction.
With this, startups and organizations began researching. developing and implementing its use case (some in practice and others in testing) with particular focus on cryptocurrencies as a means to transfer transactions internationally for a fraction of existing prices.
Put simply, as ctyptocurrencies possess the qualities of money with better specifications such as fungibility (interchangeable units), divisibility and transactability on a quick and secure data infrastructure as the blockeltain, it changes how value is transacted between parties. Ifa blockchain is built to support heavy transaction load for low cost, opportunities open wide for the future of payment technology and better services.
Many Advantages
Bit shams is superior to Bitcoin for payments due to what is needed in cracking the remittance industry with blockchain. Besides having an expansive cash-in, cash.out network, predictability of fees, fast transfer speeds and access to liquid exotic currencies outside of major FX pairs is not something that Bitcoin can provide.
The landscape for exotic currency remittances are expensive and the reason is due to the architecture needed past the main 30 currency pairs. First, difficulty resides in the need for bank accounts to be opened in each country - however. the connectivity between them is incompatible and unreliable.

Additionally for exotic currencies. buy demand is often imbalanced - making liquidity hard to generate for kss• popular currencies, all in all making cashing out cheaply near impossible. The common solution for this is remittance companies to connect to gateways that hold monopoly over tgioro, how e% er as usual v. ith monopolies, high costs apply.
Lowering Remittance Costs
Take for inatatUt n mirianrc, Porn Aualratio (ADM) to Papua New Guinea (PGKi. one of the most expensive remittance corridors in the world where according to the World Bank the cost of sending AS200 is AS-10, a large sum for migrants seeking to send money home. This is because remittance companies either have several layers of banking to transfer the funds, or have opted to connect to a gateway. Both are cumbersome solutions that contribute to the high costs of remittance today.
This also proves true for inter-continent transfers. In Aft ica. which holds the record for the highest remittance fees in the world, sending S200 worth of CIA from Tanzania to Kenya the costs are in the S48-$50 range.
There are similarities with traditional remittances and Bitcoin, especially when speaking of accessing currencies outside of the top 30 and the expenses incurred. There is just not enough Sitcoms liquidity in exotic currencies that can support the remittance industry.
Besides Bitcoin 's scalability issues from block size limits and high network fees, Bitcoin remittance providers need to either settle in another currency or go through traditional channels - taking remittances to back to square one.
With Bitshares, a remittance company isn't limited to major IX pairs such as the USD. EUR or top 30. but can create one-to-one pegged fiat currencies such as Bit PGK or RitCSA. This means the ability to provide ISO• fiat pegged ciyptocuirencies to customers with those currency transfer requirements.

Other Benefits
Bitshares removes remittance providers' reliance on banks or expensive liquidity providers such as OTC. brokers or exchanges for access to (latencies with its smart asset creation functionality. Furthermore. with its built in decentralized exchange, direct currency trading of exotic currencies is made possible without hedging USD making trades for exotic currencies cheaper with direct native currency trading.
Smart asset creation is not the only benefit. it's the speed and cost of the Bitshares blockchain, too. Bitcoin is 9.090 times slower than Bitshares. which can process 100.000 transactions per second (Dens) making it capable of supporting large remittance volumes. Even Visa, which can process around 200 tx/ps, is no match for Bitshares.
The network fee is negligible, making it one of the cheapest blockchains out there with transactions costing under a cent. Imagine, sending AS200 to PCB for under a cent instead of SAO. This is why Bitshares will be the killer blockchain for remittances.

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