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RE: What is about to happen to Bitshares - BOOOOM!! Dan or Bytemasters retribution is coming!

in #bitshares9 years ago

Nice article. Bitshares has a huge way to go before it can dethrone Ethereum though. It's strength is also it's Achilles heal (the council has to vote and anyone can't just build) as this is often interpreted as a centralised aspect, much like a board would decide the future of a corporation.

I'm not out to hate on bitshares. I'm holding big amounts and know that later rather than sooner, bitshares will have its day in the sun and I can see an little profit on my investment.

How can the marketing aspect be rectified? GUI is improved which is sweet but it's lacking that certain appeal that Ethereum has nailed.


This is actually kind of incorrect. The council DOES NOT vote on what people can or cannot build (the BTS Holders do). In fact, that is the holders of BTS.

Additionally, the committee is actually doing the same role if you think about it as the Eth Foundation (and eth does not let ethereum holders elect--and more importantly FIRE their foundation members). Isn't this an issue? To me Ethereum is no more decentralized than BTS precisely because of this (if you don't believe me look at the DAO problem and how it forced two eth chains...

The fork after DAO exemplifies why you want elected leaders and the to enable holders to decide who makes these decisions. Not hating on eth...but anyone who says eth is more decentralized than BitShares is actually misinforming people.

Don't agree? Look up Consensys (the centralized company that pays the main project devs) and the Eth Foundation who decided to fracture the Eth community (because they didn't have the infrastructure to ENABLE their holders to decide) Just my two cents and thanks for bringing it up.

And btw, Steem (a graphene based blockchain just like BTS) has already surpassed eth in its number of tx's and has had 3sec tx's for a long time now...which will become much faster when the demand is there. So Eth actually has a long way to go before it can do what BTS does, and is less able to adapt in an organic way (the hardfork creating two chains proves this).

As far as having a "huge" way to go before it can dethrone Ethereum. I actually see it as quite the opposite. Eth has has one thing BTS hasn't. Big money from very early on Pumping it as the bitcoin killer...
If ETH and BTS had both started out with the same level of positive marketing and help from key players in bitcoin, BTS would be way past Eth imho because it can reach industrial scales TODAY (not years from now). I have no doubt eth will eventually get there (because they have the funding)...but I can tell you right now BTS achilles heal is actually that people dont know about it and those who do know of it tend to misrepresent it (as done above). Not meaning this in a bad way of course...I mean how the hell are we all supposed to be experts in every crypto??

P.S. As for the marketing for BTS, I think #STEEM may help with that one because lets face it, misinformation o bitshares has been its real achilles heel ;)

Well looks like i keep jumping into this gold mine love it. Learning a lot and can't wait for some moves.

Excellent reply and I stand corrected on issues that I raised. I'll repeat that I love bts and it is undervalued considering its capabilities. That being said, Ethereum had the jump, doesn't mean bts won't/can't compete.

When I read about Ethereum Dapps like
... I get pretty excited and I don't even hold any Ether. I'm just hoping BTS gives me that level of excitement and expectation that it really is a game changer.

I'll continue to support BTS by buying the dips and holding as well as contributing on the forum and hope that continues to be a marketing platform that works well.

Awesome work over all, please keep writing so I can learn more :)

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