Initial Release: Bitshares HUG REST API!

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Bitshares HUG API



The intention of this Bitshares HUG REST API is to provide the Bitshares network an open-source high performance interface to the Bitshares network through simple GET requests.

By following the readme, you can easily recreate the API in your own control. Do remember to change the API key and the Bitshares FULL/API node you're connecting to. If you're creating a service which will produce a large amount of traffic, alert the node operator or consider running your own Bitshares node.

This HUG REST API makes heavy use of the python-bitshares


Improve the NGINX & Gunicorn configurations
Implement additional HUG functions.
Work on ./ - Difficult broken code staging file.
Use [websocketrpc]( to expose additional functionality (worker proposal, item search (committee info & worker proposal lists)) to HUG.
Correctly handle 'datetime' user input for ranges of data requests (E.g. TX history between Feb & Mar 2017).

Future usage plans

Once this API is completed, I'll be looking into creating an open source (MIT Licensed) Google Assistant for Bitshares.


The contents of this entire repo should be considered MIT licenced.

How to contribute

It's difficult to debug development issues whilst running behind Gunicorn & NGINX, you're best running the HUG REST API directly with HUG during development "hug -f". Note that running HUG directly in this manner should only be performed during development, it is not suitable for exposing directly to the public as a production ready API.

If you want to donate: Customminer

About : Python-Bitshares

Created by xeroc, it's a thorough Bitshares python library which will be extensively used throughout this API. We won't be using it for any serious wallet control, purely the read-only blockchain/account/asset monitoring functionality.

Web Docs:

PDF Docs:

About: HUG

Embrace the APIs of the future

Drastically simplify API development over multiple interfaces. With hug, design and develop your API once, then expose it however your clients need to consume it. Be it locally, over HTTP, or through the command line - hug is the fastest and most modern way to create APIs on Python3.

Unparalleled performance

hug has been built from the ground up with performance in mind. It is built to consume resources only when necessary and is then compiled with Cython to achieve amazing performance. As a result, hug consistently benchmarks as one of the fastest Python frameworks and without question takes the crown as the fastest high-level framework for Python 3.

Source: Official website.

About: Extensibility

If your HUG functions takes a long time to compute, then you must account for NGINX & Gunicorn worker timeouts (both the systemctl service file & the 'default' NGINX sites-available file). If you fail to account for this, the user will experience unhandled timeouts.

Since HUG utilizes Python, any Python library can be used to process/manipulate Bitshares data.

Ideally, rather than over-scraping data we should cache it or limit scraping functions to large batches (1000 instead of 500k etc).

Install guide

This is an install guide for Ubuntu 17.10, it uses Python3+, HUG, Gunicorn & NGINX. If you change the OS or server components then the following guide will be less applicable, if you succeed please do provide a separate readme for alternative implementation solutions.

Setup dependencies & Python environment

NOTE: We use the develop branch of python-bitshares because it uses the pycryptodome package (required since pycrypto is depreciated).

We create the 'btsapi' user, however you could rename this to whatever you want, just remember to change the NGINX & Gunicorn configuration files.

Setup a dedicated user

adduser btsapi
usermod -aG sudo btsapi
sudo usermod -a -G www-data btsapi
su - btsapi

Install required applications

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev python3-pip python3-dev build-essential git nginx python3-setuptools virtualenv

Create Python virtual environment

mkdir HUG
virtualenv -p python3 HUG
echo "source ./HUG/bin/activate" >
chmod +x

Install Python packages

pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade wheel
pip3 install hug
pip3 install gunicorn
git clone -b develop
pip3 install -e python-bitshares/

Configure NGINX

NGINX serves as a reverse web proxy to Gunicorn & uses an UNIX socket instead of an IP address for referencing Gunicorn.

Copy the nginx.conf file to /etc/nginx/
Reset nginx (sudo service nginx restart)

sudo mv default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Implement SSL Cert

You aught to implement a free LetsEncrypt SSL certificate, this requires a domain name (they don't sign IP addresses) and it needs to be renewed every few months by running certbot again.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
sudo certbot --nginx -d api.domain.tld

Configure Gunicorn

Official website:


Gunicorn is used to provide scalable worker process management and task buffering for the HUG REST API. Gunicorn's documentation states that each CPU can provide roughly 2-3+ Gunicorn workers, however it may be able to achieve a higher quantity (worth testing).

cp gunicorn.service /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service
sudo systemctl start gunicorn
sudo systemctl enable gunicorn


If you make changes to the service or the hug script:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart gunicorn

If you want to monitor Gunicorn:

tail -f gunicorn_access_log
tail -f gunicorn_error_log
sudo systemctl status gunicorn

Available HUG REST API functionality

This section will detail the functionality which will be available to the public through GET requests.

The functions are currently all read-only functions, enabling the public to request data from the network without the risk of exposing critical wallet controls.

Blockchain functions

More info: python-bitshares docs


A high level overview of the Bitshares chain information.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/chain_info?&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

 "id": "2.1.0",
 "head_block_number": 22901637,
 "head_block_id": "015d73858661412b31201155f6f77c772d044a95",
 "time": "2017-12-23T14:04:03",
 "current_witness": "1.6.16",
 "next_maintenance_time": "2017-12-23T15:00:00",
 "last_budget_time": "2017-12-23T14:00:00",
 "witness_budget": 112200000,
 "accounts_registered_this_interval": 10,
 "recently_missed_count": 0,
 "current_aslot": 23041161,
 "recent_slots_filled": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
 "dynamic_flags": 0,
 "last_irreversible_block_num": 22901622,
 "valid_key": true,
 "took": 0.12855


Get chain properties, return in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_chain_properties?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "chain_properties": {
    "id": "2.11.0",
    "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8",
    "immutable_parameters": {
      "min_committee_member_count": 11,
      "min_witness_count": 11,
      "num_special_accounts": 100,
      "num_special_assets": 100
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.01332


Return BTS network information in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_network?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "get_network": {
    "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8",
    "core_symbol": "BTS",
    "prefix": "BTS"
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.12271


This call returns the dynamic global properties in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_info?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "chain_info": {
    "id": "2.1.0",
    "head_block_number": 22988592,
    "head_block_id": "015ec73077ef571e12193ae0ae512f7f55b971fb",
    "time": "2017-12-26T14:42:48",
    "current_witness": "1.6.75",
    "next_maintenance_time": "2017-12-26T15:00:00",
    "last_budget_time": "2017-12-26T14:00:00",
    "witness_budget": 34700000,
    "accounts_registered_this_interval": 118,
    "recently_missed_count": 0,
    "current_aslot": 23128120,
    "recent_slots_filled": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
    "dynamic_flags": 0,
    "last_irreversible_block_num": 22988579
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.13397


Returns object 2.0.0 in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_config?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Retrieve the specified block's date/time details, return in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_block_details?block_number=10&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "block_date": "2015-10-13T14:13:00",
  "block_timestamp": 1444745580,
  "block_number": 10,
  "valid_block_number": true,
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.05997


Retrieve the details of the latest block, return in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_latest_block?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON Output

  "block_date": "2017-12-26T23:54:03",
  "block_timestamp": 1514332443,
  "block_number": 22999590,
  "valid_block_number": true,
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.14057


Retrieve all Bitshares account names. Takes a while!

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/get_all_accounts?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  'accounts': [{acc1, acc2, ...}],
  'num_accounts': 500000,
  'valid_key': True,
  'took': 20.5

Account information functions

More info: python-bitshares docs


Given a valid account name, output the user's balances in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/account_balances?account=example_usera&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

Note: 'balances' has been concatenated to save space in this example.

  "balances": [{"BTS": 780.3515},
              {"ROSE": 999.0},
              {"FASTCASS": 8.0},
              {"DELETIP": 12760.0}],
 "account_has_balances": true,
 "valid_account": true,
 "valid_key": true,
 "took": 0.50434


Given a valid account name, output the user's open orders in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/account_open_orders?account=example_usera&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "open_orders": [{"Sell: USD": "558.8355", "Buy: OPEN.PPY": "553.30247", "USD/OPEN.PPY": 1.0100000095788477},
                 {"Sell: BEYONDBIT": "500", "Buy: WHALESHARE": "12500", "BEYONDBIT/WHALESHARE": 0.04}],
  "account_has_open_orders": true,
  "valid_account": true,
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.24319


Given a valid account name, output the user's call positions in JSON.

Note: Highly verbose! Example contains 26k lines of JSON!

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/account_callpositions?account=example_usera&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Given a valid account name and transaction history limit (int), output the user's transaction history in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/account_history?account=example_user&tx_limit=10&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Given a valid account name, check if the user has LTM.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/account_is_ltm?account=example_user&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "account_is_ltm": true,
  "account": "xeroc",
  "valid_account": true,
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.14034

DEX functions

More info: python-bitshares docs


Retrieve the currently implemented fees in JSON format.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/list_fees?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

Market information functions

More info: python-bitshares docs


Given a valid market pair (e.g. USD:BTS), output the market pair's ticker information in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/market_ticker?market_pair=USD:BTS&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Given a valid market pair (e.g. USD:BTS) and your desired orderbook size limit, output the market pair's orderbook (buy/sell order) information in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/market_orderbook?market_pair=USD:BTS&orderbook_limit=25&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Given a valid market_pair (e.g. USD:BTS), output their 24hr market volume in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/market_24hr_vol?market_pair=USD:BTS&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Given a valid market_pair (e.g. USD:BTS) & a TX limit, output the market's trade history in JSON.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/market_trade_history?market_pair=USD:BTS&tx_limit=10&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output

  "market_trade_history": [
      "date": "2017-12-24",
      "time": "15:54:36",
      "bought": "55.7395 USD",
      "sold": "107.13165 BTS",
      "rate ": "1.922005938 BTS/USD"
      "date": "2017-12-24",
      "time": "15:54:36",
      "bought": "100.0000 USD",
      "sold": "192.19944 BTS",
      "rate ": "1.921994400 BTS/USD"
  "market": "USD:BTS",
  "valid_market": true,
  "valid_tx_limit": true,
  "valid_key": true,
  "took": 0.17249

Witness functions

More info: python-bitshares docs


Find details about a specific witness.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/find_witness?witness_name=blockchained&api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Retrieve a list of available witnesses.

Run Command

Usage: https://subdomain.domain.tld/list_of_witnesses?api_key=API_KEY

Example JSON output


Worker Proposal functions

More info: python-bitshares docs

May not be possible - tx proposals, not worker proposals?


Retrieve a list of worker proposals.


Find a specific worker proposal.


Amazing work. Do you guys have any plans to release more Javascript libraries/tools?

Perhaps a google assistant, which is nodejs/javascript.

Ah nice. That would be interesting to see.

Amazing work indeed, @cm-steem does great work!

i just stated on steemit. please suggest me how to write best blog.
i have good knowledge on java JAXB REST API And Automation.
please guide me.

Please go though my java 8 Lamda Exxpression tutorial.

Thanks for the post, looking forward to the Google Assistant for Bitshares.

Can you put in laymen's terms what this means for Bitshares? How can dev's more easily build?

It means that anyone can run their own REST API for Bitshares, simplifying interaction with python-bitshares and establishing an alternative software stack to BPAP.

With this, you could query BTS network stats for website widgets, charts, scripts, data mining, etc.

wonderful, thank you. Is this simliar to how Steem already works? Does Steem already allow this? Is this why services like SteemWorld can exist?

This API doesn't exist for Steem yet, however it uses the same Graphene toolkit (albeit tweaked), so it's entirely possible to make a similar HUG REST API for Steem.

I'd probably use:

Incredible amount of work and motivating creativity in there too!

Thanks a lot for sharing as well as for everything you do for us all!

Namaste :)

i just stated on steemit. please suggest me how to write best blog.
i have good knowledge on java JAXB REST API And Automation.
please guide me.

Please go though my java 8 Lamda Exxpression tutorial.

I am not one who would be able to give much advice on this manner. I just read LOTS of posts and it gives me an idea of the pulse of what people enjoy and how it needs to be done. Meanwhile, I also just write and do I feel I should be doing. A combo of the two strategies has been a very successful Steemit time for me. I wish you the very best too! Read on, write on and Steem on!!!

Namaste :)

godd post and thank for sharing it looking forward for google assistant

Yo cm-steem, this is absolutely crazy!
Thanks you for sharing it. :)

Bitshares is a good pick for 2018

More data to explore. Keep sharing APIs.

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