BitShares Core Release 2.0.180612 新版本发布
This is a protocol upgrade release. All nodes should upgrade before 2018-07-19 14:00:00 UTC
Detailed info and binaries for download:
Note: in the previous release (2.0.180425
) we fixed a serious bug.
- If you're upgrading from
, you don't need to do anything special; - if you're upgrading from a release earlier than
, please check release notes of 2.0.180425 to see if you need to perform additional steps.
Consensus changes
- BSIP26: Refund Order Creation Fee in Originally Paid Asset when order is cancelled
- BSIP27: Asset Issuer Reclaim Fee Pool Funds
- BSIP29: Require owner authority to change asset issuer
- BSIP30: Always Allow Increasing Collateral Ratio If Debt Not Increased
- BSIP31: Update Short Position's Margin Call Price After Partially Called Or Settled
- BSIP32: Always Match Orders At Maker Price
- BSIP33: Maker Orders With Better Prices Take Precedence
- BSIP34: Always Trigger Margin Call When Call Price Above Or At Price Feed
- BSIP35: Mitigate Rounding Issue On Order Matching
- BSIP36: Remove expired price feeds on maintenance interval
- BSIP37: Allow new asset name to end with a number
- BSIP38: Add target collateral ratio option to short positions
- Bugfix #184: Potential something-for-nothing fill bug
- Bugfix #214: Proposal cannot contain proposal_update_operation
- Bugfix #453: Multiple limit order and call order matching issue
- Bugfix #588: Virtual operations should be excluded from transactions
- Bugfix #868: Clear price feed data after updated a bitAsset's backing asset ID
- Bugfix #890: Update median feeds after feed_lifetime_sec changed
- [Bugfix #922 / #931 / #970] Fixed missing checks when updating a smart coin's
options E.G. force settlement delay, backing asset ID or etc; - [Bugfix #942] Fixed missing asset authorities check for "from" account when claiming from a withdraw permission.
API changes
field ofcall_order_update_operation
changed from an array to an object, which affects all related API's E.G.get_block
and etc. Due to this, old version ofcli_wallet
won't be compatible with new API nodes when that operation would occur in result.- [Issue #862, PR #872] Improved pagination of
node API - [Issue #863, PR #871] Node
API now returns time stamp of latest block instead of server time - [Issue #811, PR #861] Added
command/API tocli_wallet
Other changes
[FC PR #36] Support Boost 1.64-1.65
[FC PR #43] Fixed a memory leak issue in TCP socket destruction
[FC PR #44] Fixed Diffie-Hellman shared key computation (related to memo encryption)
[Issue #727, PR #880] Added stack trace printing when node crashes (only for boost 1.65)
[Issue #878, PR #927] Made number of I/O threads configurable (can be manual or auto)
[Issue #805, PR #840 / #919 / #937] Improved logging level and messages; added logging options about log-rotation
[Issue #837, PR #848 / #839] Added cli_wallet to Docker
[PR #938] Fixed an issue that may cause the node to store incorrect block ID to disk when switching forks
[Issue #582, PR #813] Fixed macOS witness node crash issue when being used as an API server
[Issue #776, PR #816 / #955] Fixed missing notification to RPC clients when changes occurred on some types of objects
[Issue #888, PR #954] Fixed an integer overflow issue when checking whether a price feed has expired
[Issue #864, PR #865] Fixed a
transaction signing issue when creating proposals with transaction builder[Issue #859, PR #801 / #817] Fixed macOS and Ninja build errors introduced in last release
[Issue #136, PR #928] Fixed an asset supply calculation error in test case
[Issue #943, PR #869 / #945] Improved a few assertion error messages
[PR #850] Removed unused asset cache from
[PR #918] Fixed in-code documentation for
command/API incli_wallet
[PR #804] Refactored
for easier testing[PR #851 / #853 / #854 / #855] Fixed several compiler warnings
BTS 2.0.180612 新版本已发布。
这是一个协议升级(硬分叉)版本,请所有节点在 2018年7月19日(周四)北京时间晚上22:00前完成升级。
由于有数据变化,升级会自动 replay 。
【注意】前一个版本 2.0.180425 修复了一个账户历史相关的重要问题,主要影响对接,请注意处理以免造成资产损失。详见 。
- 从 2.0.180425 升级到 2.0.180612 不再需要特殊处理;
- 从低于 2.0.180425 的版本可以直接升级到 2.0.180612 ,但需要参照 上述链接中的方法,自行判断是否需要进行历史对接数据处理。
【BSIP29】修改资产发行人需要 Owner key
【BSIP32】主动吃爆仓单时,成交价是喂价/1.1 (实际数值由喂价产生,1.1是当前大部分智能资产的参数)
【Bugfix #184】修正撮合成交会出现付出非0买到0的问题(就是 BSIP35 里的金额为 0 的情况)
【Bugfix #214】修正不能用提案来批准提案的问题
【Bugfix #453】修正多个大爆仓单同时砸盘时可能会和价格不是最高的买单成交的问题
【Bugfix #588】修正可以签虚拟交易上链的问题
【Bugfix #868】修改智能资产的背书资产后,清除现有喂价
【Bugfix #890】修改智能资产的喂价有效时间时,更新喂价并检查爆仓单
【Bugfix #922 / #931 / #970】 当修改BitAsset的参数,比如修改背书资产、修改强清延迟时间等时,遗漏一些检查。现在修正。
【Bugfix #942】 循环扣款时,遗漏对被扣款人进行白名单检查。现在修正。
【FC 库 PR #36】 增加支持 Boost 1.64-1.65
【FC 库 PR #43】 修正一处内存泄露问题
【FC 库 PR #44】 修正一个使用diffie-hellman算法计算共享秘钥时的潜在错误(memo加密相关)
【Issue #727, PR #880】 节点崩溃时输出堆栈信息
【Issue #878, PR #927】 可以配置IO线程数,或者根据CPU内核数自动配置IO线程数
【Issue #805, PR #840 / #919 / #937】 增加日志回滚配置项,改进日志记录内容
【Issue #837, PR #848 / #839】将cli_wallet加入Docker
【PR #938】修正一个可能导致错误的区块索引保存到本地磁盘的问题
【Issue #582, PR #813】 修正macOS节点(重钱包)收到挂单后崩溃的问题
【Issue #776, PR #816 / #955】 修正有些交易发生时没有通知客户端、所以客户端不会自动刷新的问题
【Issue #888, PR #954】 修正检查喂价过期时的整型溢出问题
【Issue #864, PR #865】 修正命令行钱包使用 transaction builder 时可能不正确签名的问题
【Issue #859, PR #801 / #817】 修正macOS下、Ninja下编译失败问题
【Iuuse #136, PR #928】修正测试案例中一处资产供应量的计算错误
【Issue #943, PR #869 / #945】 优化报错信息
【Issue #862, PR #872】 优化查询资产列表API的翻页参数
【Issue #863, PR #871】 优化get_ticker API的返回时间戳,现在返回最新块时间戳而不是当前时间
【Issue #811, PR #861】 命令行钱包增加 get_full_account 命令
【PR #850】 命令行钱包不再缓存资产数据
【PR #918】修正一处命令行钱包帮助文档错误
【PR #804】 重构p2p和app模块部分代码以方便测试
【PR #851 / #853 / #854 / #855】修复一些编译警告
La actualización es el 19 de julio a las dos de la tarde.... gracias por ofrecer la combinación ...
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