BREAKING: Stellar TEAMS UP With MAJOR German Bank! Swiss Citizens Want Crypto & EOS Trouble!

in #bitocoin5 years ago

Today interesting, stuff going on, first up the Swiss is rapidly warming up, to crypto investments and why that's a great thing also German Bank von der, hiked organizes securities on the stellar lumens blockchain and I found, this one fascinating because this is not, one of my six but it makes me look into, still lumens a little bit more closely, also gos point based suspension traced, to degraded performance and this is kind, of depressing news for me because it is, one of my six and we're gonna delve into, this story also forty-five million in, Bitcoin cash Bitcoin siphoned off as sim, swap Menace continues which will lead us, into the scam of the day and first of, all I want to say thanks, everybody who, is participated we have removed a ton of, scams so that helps us out especially as,2020 is going to be a very big year for, cryptocurrency and this is going to help us in this space to protect all the newbies who are coming in and might FOMO in because I want to get them to have them,

screwed out of their money so this is usually done at the last moment of the or the last part of the video but today we're going to switch it up I'm gonna go, over this first the reason we're gonna, go this first is because we have some scam to just keep hanging on and I can, look at different things as far as like, we click numbers and what people are doing when we did this in the, beginning when we started us off on the video we have like a hundred, percent success rate and I moved it to, the back because people said hey don't, hijack us and don't make us watch all, this stuff because some of us someone do, that and I was like that's fine I'm, glued to the back but a problem with, that is that as moved to the very last, part of the video very few people are, actually clicking on it now very few, people taking actions so every, so often I need to put this to the front, so people will take action and the reason for that is simple if we did not

take action in our space YouTube doesn't, have the ability to wipe out all these, cameras I mean they do but they are lack of in the whole process so it is up to us to police the whole community, and it's very easy to do, all they have to do is just click on a link downvote it and then just say it's a scam and off it goes now if I do it, it's only, person and that doesn't help us at all, but if you do it and we have thousands will get eliminated if we do not do this, this space will be riddled with scams, and when new people come in there going to get screwed out of their money, and then it's not going to be hey, cryptocurrencies lawsuits is fantastic, they're going to say hey I lost all my, money

cryptocurrency they are a scam, they are used for the Silk Road they are, used for nefarious purposes and cartel, and all that nonsense that we know is, not true but that is what they're going, to say to all their friends one person, gets screwed out that means that they, tell 10 of their friends those 10 tell a, thousand ten thousand and so on so if we, don't take care of this now this will be, a huge problem later so just help me out, I appreciate it so first up to, get to this section in every video that, I do in the description there's going to, be a link it's going to say scam of the day and next to that once you click on, that link it's going to take you this, handy-dandy

Google spreadsheet and the, very bottom are these four that just, actually this ones that people trying to, remove this but these three they just, keep going on and look at this one, is from January 25th so we're gonna, click on that and we're gonna go to the actual scam so before we get into this, let me just help you out if you have any, inkling or any type of inclination to, think that these are not scams or that, something is not a scam I want you to, remember one thing treat everything like, a scam until proven otherwise let me say, that one more time treat everything like, a scam unless proven otherwise even if, you see my little my logo in some other, type of video or even in my videos, where I say hey I'm giving away free, whatever or I recommend this free

I still can't believe it's, true how somehow come someone keeps, so much crypto acid on his phone this is, why I'm kind of like leery on this whole, thing I'm like really he leaves 45, million in a wallet on a Samsung phone, or whatever it was I don't know but I, can't tell you this though here's how a SIM swap attack works so a SIM swap the, hacker is trying to gain control over, the victims phone number, the attacker calls your carrier pretends, to be you and asked to transfer service, to a new SIM card and that's bad enough, but hundreds of website use SMS for,two-factor authentication putting your, accounts at risk

so basically there's, gonna call up to Verizon or T cell or, you know t-mobile whatever you got and, they're gonna say hey my name is blah, blah and is something wrong and you, should mean your sim they will issue, this they will take over your phone take, over your accounts and they'll take all, your money I don't think this is a very, common place I don't think a lot of, people keep a lot of wallets on their, phones but I can tell you this could be a big issue because Samsung, just came out about a week ago and they, are talking about having their Samsung, for upgrades and hardware wallets on, their phone for I believe it's Bitcoin, and aetherium support not sure how many, are out there as far as like support for, different currencies you can take a look, later but that is concerning as far as, like while it's being used your phone if, you have any inkling or any problems, with that I use a nano ledger it's a cold wallet storage that can I get, access to that

uncertainty that I could cause, myself making that everything's gonna go, up and up and up I have an XRP and etherium and Bitcoin exit plan you can so I have everything set in place in motion once, prices hit a specific point things get, sold any in a dollar-cost average type, of thing you know once Bitcoin hits,15,000 I'm gonna sell so much 20,000, sells so much so I have a certain, amount of money on these exchanges, however, this story talks about Greg, Bennett a serial angel investor had also, fought a lawsuit against bit tricks, claiming exchange violated or ignored, its security standards and industry, standard practices that allow hackers to, steal a million dollars worth of Bitcoin

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