Public reply to "Bitnation & XPAT Update" from CryptoSwede, on Statism and "ritual sacrifice"
Some of my own thoughts around this post.
- Since it has been three weeks since I very publicly distanced myself from "bitnation", it is now clear to me that the major reason is that my protocols, mainly Pseudonym Pairs and proof-of-power, contradict "bitnation" as an "ideology" (read more), main reason is that it is a one-size-fits-all model. Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof has for 4-5 years now been saying that the problem about the nation-state is that it is a "one-size-fits-all model", so clearly that would be a conflict. In that sense it is for formal reasons, not personal (there were personal aspects too, but I do not think they are the main reason, at all. )
Some more of what I stand for (to avoid confusion or others appropriating me and who I am), I do not support scape goating a single ICO for "breaking security laws" because
the Nakamoto consensus breaks the legacy system
all dApps, ICOs and smart contracts break the legacy system.
I think Susanne Tarkowski was brave in 2014 to pioneer a new platform, and the amount of crap she got was not legitimate, I do not respect those who made it their "call" to single out a person (one example of that).
Today, all ICOs are doing exactly what the XBN ICO did in 2014, so to keep up the narrative that XBN was "wrong", like CryptoSwede are doing here (who is behind that blog? does anyone know?) is not something I'm very impressed by. The technology I have been producing has also grown from "bitnation" including from that XBN crowd sale, so to what extent it has value, it is a product in some ways of "bitnation" (although at this point I had to break with that meme/community, exactly why I have tried to be clear about in public comments over the past weeks. )
If my protocol succeeds then it will disprove all that statism nonsense, and show that actually, going out there, taking risks, and having the guts to take on the world, works, just not in the way it was planned. Serendipity is when you find something that was more conducive to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. "bitnation" was an important step on the way in the evolution of Pseudonym Pairs and proof-of-power, and should not be under valued in its importance.
Read more: The worlds first decentralized borderless virtual nation (DBVN)