Quarterly Development Update no. 12-14 - June - July - August - 2018

in #bitnation6 years ago

Quarterly Development Update no. 12-14 - June - July - August - 2018

General note on the development updates: Normally we publish them monthly, but this time we opted to combine it 3 months in a row, because the entire team were focused on distributing the xpat after the sale (distribution, airdrop, etc) and making sure the Bitnation Jurisdiction becomes go to market ready. Now that the dust is settling a bit, development updates will be published monthly, as usual. Enjoy the progress updates, and make sure to install the app, and give us feedback on it!

Pangea Jurisdiction Development Update 10 - Aug 2018

Updates since last month:

  • NOTE: private chat messages will be lost on app update
  • Improved app performance and resiliency
  • Dapp engine & documentation: support for 3rd party developers on Pangea
  • Current work & previews
  • Add your ERC20 to the Pangea wallet
  • Q3 release schedule
  • TODOs

NOTE: private chat messages will be lost on app update

In this release of Pangea we are deploying a new chat database in preparation of introducing multi-user chat in a coming release end of September.

We advised that when you update to this coming version you can expect to lose all existing peer to peer messages.

Nation messages are not affected. This is a one-time occurrence.

Improved app performance and resiliency

In this release we see further updates to app performance and resiliency, relative to in-field usage. In general we find it frequently necessary to work with open-source utility coders to update their frameworks in support of the challenges associated with our deployments.

Dapp engine & documentation: support for 3rd party developers on Pangea

The Dapp engine, bundled with the release that is available 10 Aug, could be thought of as an easy way for developers to work with our Pangea API. Included are example Dapps as well as documentation necessary for any moderately experienced developer to customize or build their own Dapp.

Current work & previews

In coming releases, likely within weeks, we’ll connect the user interface to the “behind the scenes” work we’ve done, and will thus enable multi-user chat. This unlocks substantial functionality; auction, microcredit loans, etc.

In effect: Pangea will soon support a barter marketplace for multiple users, with built-in support for purchase options. In conflict or disaster recovery zones, citizens can already coordinate via private and secure chat. “Do you have food? I will trade for medicine,” for example.

In coming releases this expands dramatically. Barter exchanges open to a broad variety of economic options, such as “choose the highest / lowest bidder,” or microcredit loans, or subscription / payment plan options, and so on.

We are on target to introduce the first versions of our reputation economy, leveraging Lucy. We expect this will become available in the next few weeks ahead. As the reputation economy matures, you will see ever greater applications of the Pangea “Exocortex,” which is both a shared contextual memory of the Lucy reputation AI, as well as an AI ecosystem, which will eventually enable AI autonomy.

The first examples of Lucy and Exocortex will include previews of XPAT sub-tokens which will support various “universal basic income” models (UBI), without treating UBI like a charity. In our model, social reputation becomes a form of income, based upon merit.

We are similarly on target to begin introducing various applications in support of identity and document signing. Look forward to this capability by end of September.

Add your ERC20 to the Pangea wallet

Anyone with an ERC20 token can now add it to our Bitnation Jurisdiction wallet. To add your token follow the instructions on the README here. Other token standards including ST20 tokens will be added this year.

Q3 release schedule

High-level planning is occurring now for the Q3 theme of adding reputation (Lucy) and identification. There are four planned releases in Q3, dated as follows:

  • 2 - 20 July (shipped on time)
  • 23 July - 10 Aug (shipped on time)
  • 13 - 31 Aug
  • 3 - 28 Sept

TODO in the next few weeks ahead:

  • Desktop client
  • Multi-user chat
  • Further evolution of Dapp engine
  • More example Dapps in-box (microcredit, subscription, etc)
  • Reputation tokens
  • Identity and document signing
  • Exocortex examples

Pangea Jurisdiction Development Update 29 - July 2018

Updates since last month:

  • Mobile performance and resiliency enhancements
  • In-chat transactions
  • Reputation, identity, and exocortex: update
  • Q3 release schedule
  • TODOs

Mobile Performance and Resiliency Enhancements

Behind the scenes, much work was done to effect an acceleration in performance in the user experience, most specifically pertaining to chat and nations, and further enhancement is being pursued as the team recommends modifications to a shared open source JavaScript library that is currently single-threaded and is therefore blocking execution. This should be addressed and available within a short period.

In-Chat Transactions

The currently-available release of Pangea supports the sending of crypto within a secure chat, using portions of the Signal protocol. It also supports escrow. See “TODO” section below for further elaborations, available soon.

Reputation, Identity, and Exocortex: Update

The engineering team has become designing and deployment of the test environment, which will be used to test corner cases for the crypto economy, as well as challenge the veracity of the identity and exocortex architecture under stress. The plan of record is to introduce the first examples of identity and reputation by the end of this quarter, leveraging the same test architecture.

Q3 release schedule

High-level planning is occurring now for the Q3 theme of adding reputation (Lucy) and identification. There are four planned releases in Q3, dated as follows:

  • 2 - 20 July (shipped on-time)
  • 23 July - 10 Aug
  • 13 - 31 Aug
  • 3 - 28 Sept

TODO in the next few weeks ahead:

  • Multi-user chat
  • Will unlock the ability to engage in commerce, such as auction, etc
  • Reputation 1.0
  • Identification
  • Exocortex 1.0
  • Namespace registry design (nations, etc)
  • TBD framework for nations
  • Dapp engine 1.0

Pangea Jurisdiction Development Update 12 - June 2018

Updates since last month:

  • Refactoring of mobile app backend
  • User Interface Updates
  • Ability to add multiple accounts
  • XPAT added to the Pangea wallet
  • GDPR compliance
  • Third party Dapp developer preview
  • Q3 release schedule

Completed refactoring of mobile app

This release (0.4.5, due 8/Jun) we finalize major refactoring of the mobile product, which better prepares Pangea for mesh networking and Dapps. Modifications include:

  • Support for multiple accounts
  • Implement chat crypto
  • Implement chat networking
  • Transaction queue update
  • Logic: confirming private key
  • Account capability enhancement (multiple accounts, etc)

User Interface Updates

We continue to roll out updates to the user interface in terms of styling, aesthetics, and user flow. In this release you see styling updates.

Ability to add multiple accounts

You can now create multiple personas for different purposes. You might for instance want to have one persona for work, another for your private life, a third to do online business, and so on. Pseudo-anonymity is at the heart of the Pangea design.

XPAT added to the Pangea wallet

XPAT is now added to the Pangea wallet, in addition to Ether. Look forward to other currencies in the future.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Our architects have designed an architecture that ensures full GDPR compliance, which will you'll begin to see implemented in Q3 as we roll out support for transactions. The design reflects a solid solution for GDPR compliance that is deeply complementary with the existing design for the Bitnation Pangea exocortex; no refactoring necessary.

Coming up in the next couple of weeks is an intensive on-site planning session which will result in actionable designs for the GDPR-compliant exocortex, as well as a roadmap for Lucy reputation features, which will appear in Q3.

Third party Dapp developer preview

The team is preparing the Q2 update release of Pangea (0.5.0), which will include the ability for users to engage in basic commerce with one another, from within a secure chat, leveraging some of the Signal protocol for security.

Look forward to the following for third party Dapp developers interested in bringing their governance solutions to Pangea:

  • Dapp engine 1.0 (plug-and-play access to Pangea API)
  • Supporting developer documentation
  • Example Dapps (smart contracts)
  • Single transaction
  • Auction
  • Subscription

Expect many ongoing updates to this same Dapp infrastructure from here on out.

Q3 release schedule

High-level planning is occurring now for the Q3 theme of adding reputation (Lucy) and identification. There are four planned releases in Q3, dated as follows:

  • 2 - 20 July
  • 23 July - 10 Aug
  • 13 - 31 Aug
  • 3 - 28 Sept

TODO in the next few weeks ahead:

  • Q3 release planning
  • Reputation 1.0
  • Identification
  • Exocortex 1.0
  • Namespace registry design (nations, etc)
  • Dapp engine 1.0

Great progress so far. Exciting roadmap ahead. When is the time to claim XBNX tokens?

put in a picture in your summary folks, so more people see it and read it!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60583.13
ETH 2342.84
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48