Bitmoji Bandwagon
So, I have been noticing...

I downloaded the Bitmoji app a while back and tried to make my own Bitmoji, but it looked nothing like me.
So, I gave up and used to make an awesome static avatar which I have been using on my Steem & Discord lately. If anyone else wants to use that site it is free, by the way!

I re-downloaded the Bitmoji app and went through it, painstakingly. So many options! Avatar Type, Skin Tone, Hair Color, Hair Style, Hair Treatment, Eye Shape, Eye Lashes, Eye Size, Eye Spacing, Eye Color, Eyebrow Shape, Eyebrow Color, Nose, Glasses, Jaw, Facial Shape, Mouth, Ears, Cheek Lines, Forehead Lines, Eye Lines, Eye Shadow, Blush, Lipstick, Headwear, Body Type, Chest Size, Clothing...OMG!

After a long time playing with the app, trying many of the different options back-and-forth, up-and-down, I think maybe I arrived at what might be a somewhat reasonable facsimile thereof.

Of course, I am sure I will never be a master of Bitmoji like @saffisara is. She has created whole stories around Bitmoji characters, and does such an awesome job of it! 💜

a big hug is due to @enginewitty for designing the following personal banner for me 🤗

yyyyyep – just as adorable as always. I'd say your bitmoji adventure was a reasonable success (even if there isn't any female equivalent quite as exciting as 'package size'). ;)
There totally is....BOOBS. 😎
Haha that is great! I'm glad you had fun with it!
Lol! I'm glad you stuck with it! The hours of enjoyment of sharing your mini me will be worth it.
You will find yourself saying...

And there were no options for "package" size Hahaha!
the backgrounds are transparent.....but you need to open them in GIMP or a program that will take PNG's and not make them into JPG's.
I had to have my son make my face when I did mine cuz mine looked nothing like me LOLL so yes, the struggle is real :D
and yes, they are a lot of fun :D
Thanks for letting me know about the backgrounds! 😁