Mission to the Moon with Bitconnect (BCC)
Mission to the Moon! :)
Bitconnect (BCC) last 4 months ago the price was only $10 and last year was $1 but now Bitconnect (BCC) is now heading $120. This is due to incoming release of bitcoin/ bitconnect smart visa card and plan to add additional crypto currency to be traded. Bitconnect (BCC) grows stronger due to their lending program which gives an edge to all investor to earn up to 40% per month but the lending payment is daily example check the lending profit payment last week
Aside from that daily profit produced by Bitcoin Volatility Software which is distributed to all investors who lend their money to Bitconnect (BCC) there is a additional profit example those will invest between $1,010 to $5,000 will have + 0.10%, those who invest $5,010 to $10,000 will get +0.20% and those will invest in between $10,010 to $100,000 will receive +0.25% please see the table below;
Likewise, Bitconnect has generous compensation bonus for those who refer to Bitconnect here's the following bonus % you can get;
I advise investors to accumulate more BCC coins to get more profits. Likewise,
- ✔Stake 2. ✔Invest (Lend) 3. ✔Trade 4. ✔Mine
Get Started Now ➺➺➺ https://bitconnect.co/?ref=bitcoinprince
Video Guide ☟ ☟ ☟
✔ Last week Bitconnect (BCC) was Included in Crypto Asset Management (CAMCrypto30), an investment firm which approved by US- SEC
- https://www.coindesk.com/crypto-asset-fund-launches-invest…/
- http://www.crypto30.com/index/
- https://www.crypto-asset-fund.com/
For more information pm in FB: https://www.facebook.com/rolly.custodio77
To join legit and stable investment programs
Rank #1: (0.25%-2% daily) Trading: https://bitconnect.co/?ref=bitcoinprince or https://bitconnect.co/?ref=btcprincess
Rank #2: (0.45%-1.5% daily) Trading: https://office.tradecoinclub.com/register/fromrags2riches
Rank #3: (10%- 11% monthly) Mining: https://www.eobot.com/user/844616
Rank#4: (10%-11% monthly): Mining: http://hashing24.com/?ref=bitcoinprince
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