Bitconnect going strong!

in #bitconnect7 years ago

I said I'd update everyone after a couple weeks of having invested with Bitconnect. So here you's been 2 weeks, and here's what I've made:


$900 off of $3,800 that I invested in 2 weeks! Now it's no @craig-grant, but still not too bad. I still have the same concerns over it being a Ponzi scheme, but even if it is, it takes years to investigate and shut down a Ponzi scheme. That's a lot of time to capitalize on this coin. Are Ponzi schemes even illegal where this coin is based? I'm not even sure about that. Does anyone know? In the meantime, you can't make this kind of interest rate anywhere else. With such a low supply of bcc tokens, this coin has a lot if room to run. With the fact that bcc coins are locked in for the duration of the loan, makes the coin hold it's value over most others, and protects against huge sells at anytime. I get all the skepticism, but I'm getting less and less skeptical having done my own lending now, as well as having seen multiple others do incredibly well for longer than I have. This coin is going to big for years to come. Use my referral code and check it out. It's nice to have that money coming in monthly off of interest which can be instantly transferred out to Bittrex, or reinvested in lending!


[-]its4thekids 47 · 11 days ago
You okay now that bitconnect is finished there maintenance? I know I know how dare they. I hope you made it through this very difficult time.

[-]queeneleanor51 · 11 days ago
Doesn't take away the fact that it's still a Ponzi scheme. Old money is feeding new money. Just a period of time before they fail and take all the invested bcc and btc with them. It's still new enough that they have plenty of raised money to give out to everyone while collecting more and more btc until they have enough to just walk away. It's inevitable, so I hope you have enough reserve that you'll be ok during that difficult time

You said all that and then promote it 7 days later?

Are you Fucking retarded? Bitconnect is the most obvious Ponzi scheme of all time. Really looking forward to you and @craig-grant and @trevonjb losing all your money once they run away with...which will be in about 6 months when all this money that's locked in, they'll have to pay back, but there won't be enough new money coming in to payback all those old loans. So shut the fuck up you little twat...I can't wait to ask you, "are you ok now that bitconnect shut down and took your money? Are you ok knowledge no that I told you this would happen, and now it has and now you look like as big of a jackass as you act? Are you ok now knowing you're nowhere close to as smart as you think you are? Stupid cunt

Yeah making fun of mentally disabled people isn't cool with that said I have already gotten back my original investment and if you say its going to last 6 months then I am going to make back 3x my original investment so while they may take my investment I don't lose they can shut down tomorrow and I win so I don't know what you are on about kid. Also I am not the one promoting it lol you are. Was this part even english smart guy "Are you ok knowledge no that I told you this would happen?" I am going to ask you this again is your life okay??'re part of the Ponzi scheme. congratulations? you've gotten 3x back on your original investment in such a short period of time? uhhhh...yeah, that's why I called you retarded. I didn't mean it as an insult. I actually donate about $1500 a year to the mentally challenged, which is why I thought you were part of that group. It's obvious you struggle...I'd love to help. Which home do you belong to so I can make a donation?

Right do you know how to read? "I have already gotten back my original investment and if you say its going to last 6 months then I am going to make back 3x my original investment" I will break this down for you in a way you just might understand.

-I got back my original investment already
-If it lasts 6 months I will have gotten back my original investment 3 times

You make little to no sense what so ever I think when you come on here and type you have steam blowing out of your ears and you cant even see straight, must suck being a crybaby your whole life.

Jesus you're a jackass. Let me break this down in a way your 3rd grade brain can grasp. Just because you make back 3x in 6 months, doesn't make it NOT a Ponzi scheme you fucking twat

I wasn't referring to your whole ponzi scheme thing what I am saying is its hard for me to lose money even if its a scam so you are looking forward to something that really doesn't matter but your feeble mind wont let you see past certain things.

"Really looking forward to you and @craig-grant and @trevonjb losing all your money once they run away with...which will be in about 6 months when all this money that's locked in"

I guess you don't remember stuff you said today I'm not surprised though you seem really upset.

Wow you're really dumb. Yes I said that...yes I still believe it. You must really think highly of yourself to keep posting stupid ass're quite the ass clown aren't you

Hi @queeneleanor was this all from str8 interest or was this also from your affiliate link too? Or a combination of both, and glad it's working out for you.

That is actually straight interest. I haven't really wanted to promote it until I had at least experienced it for myself for a bit. I must say, I actually love it. I love how low the supply of coins is...only about 6 million. Plus most the coins are locked up into lending which keeps the coin price stable. I believe in the entire bitcoin and crypto world, and while I'm not sure where this coin will be in 5 years, I feel like I'm going to be investing big into it for at least the next few. I'd like to have 10k in lending, which would be about $2400/month of passive income. Yes please! :)

Nice didn't see this contradiction it keeps getting better! Guys don't comment on this because he will tell you to shut the fuck up and call you a twat, cunt, and jackass if you ask what changed from his previous stance 7 days ago with all that said make sure you signup for bitconnect using his code hes a great guy, defiantly not ignorant or bat shit crazy or anything like that.

What changed is that I researched it more than I previously had. I never will pump Bitconnect again. I'll leave that to the D bags like yourself, @craig-grant and @trevonjb. Also, Orioles suck

I have never once promoted bitconnect I take my own risks. You on the other hand have promoted it.... Keep promoting bitconnect along with those you hate on all day. Its crazy to me that you are single you're such a level headed guy.

Are you stalking me? How do you know if I'm single or married or divorced or whatever. Fucking creepy douche bag

You think I had to stalk you to figure out that you're single? lol I am done with you, its getting too easy and I am starting to feel like I am mentally terrorizing someone with bipolar disorder. Good luck with the craig grant and trevonjb bashing and bitconnect promoting you do.

Fantastic. Bye bye now fuck head

That's pretty cool, just make sure to WD the profits to be sure and keep it going and good luck, glad its working for you. Keep us updated. Thanks

Exactly. I've withdrawn 4 times now. I'll probably start doing it once a week from here on out. Thanks! :)

I also started slow. First few days I had $400 and waited till I got an inteeest payment to make sure I actually got it, but also that I'd be able to easily transfer it. Both were good. Few days later out another $1600 in and a week later another $1800. Today I'm doing another $1500 and I'll be good there for a few months. :) thinking about it?

that's good to hear Thanks for posting ;)

Congratulations to you. I'll try it too. Thanks for the tip.

Nice! Update me in a week when you're happy about your interest received!! :)

This sounds pretty great. However, unless you've successfully withdrawn money from bitconnect, I wouldn't be too quick to praise the platform.

Good luck!

I have! I've withdrawn 4 times actually. It literally took about 2 minutes...straight to my Bittrex account without a problem. Only reinforces how much I like this coin. My only complaint is that they're pretty lazy in responding to emails. I'm sure they're swamped but it'd be nice to get quicker answers. Then again, most coins support team takes a while responding.

That's awesome then! As long as you're able to get as much out as you originally put in, and keep earning more, Get it!!

Thanks for sharing!

That's nice to hear this :)


I heard that this is a spam site too. Is it true

Months ago I thought so also but after having kept an eye on it for months and done my own investing as well as watching others over the months, I don't believe it is a scam at all. There's such a low supply of coins, it's going keep the price rising and lending strong!

I lost so much money because of the ponzi scheme that I will never invest in it

You lost money because of bitconnect? How? I've never had any issue

"Are you Fucking retarded? Bitconnect is the most obvious Ponzi scheme of all time. Really looking forward to you and @craig-grant and @trevonjb losing all your money once they run away with.."

-queeneleanor in this same post lol

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