Bitcointalk TROLLING with new Merit system.
Merit - A definition of, Rich people become Richer, POOR people maintain POOR.
The dev of bitcointalk has created a new trolling system call Merit.
The definition of "Rich people become richer, poor people will be poor forever" begin to start.
"sMerit" score trading's even happening now in Chinese and Russian local, and does it support my theory, all high rank level now they can sell their Merit to earn money and I read a Cooper Member, Legendary from another page support this, why shouldn't they? => Rich become richer.
Merit is created for anti-shitposter not for trading and how does it go now? It currently benefit for most of high rank member in bitcointalk forum.
Later on, new members, beside spend a lot of time, have to spend their own money to buy sMerit to reach a higher rank. What a failed system.
Example: if you was in bitcointalk forum a few years ago, you posted a lot of under-quality posts and you earned Legendary Rank, so it is unfair with new people joining this forum now.
Sr, Hero Member, and Legendary start planing on selling their sMerit score and their account with a ton of money.
In addition, a lot of projects need bitcointalk rank level such as bitsend airdrop (need Legendary rank), so it is much harder for new member to join if this new system keep running.
Bitcointalk developer is genius in making their high rank member rich. It has been done successfully. Many high rank people defend this system and saying their hate shitposting. However, think in different way, what make these high rank people giving their merit score even that's a good quality post without profit.
I lose my faith on that forum. I will still read and post in this forum but not in supporting anymore.
And I think steemit now is my choice.
Currently, another problem is occurred. Merit system has been questioned a lots. Group of people, they will cheat by giving their own team member, partner, friends their Merit score, even their posts are spam posts. How are bitcointalk dev gonna control that?
Good luck with your Merit score and congratulation to those who reached Sr, Hero Member, Legendary rank one more time (by now, they will get the most benefit of all thing in this crypto-world).
In COMMUNIST country, president give the law and people only can follow without any right for agree or disagree, government will partner with the wealthy people and both of them grow well together. In this case, bitcointalk developer is the same.