Bitcoin,s Next 2 years,

in #bitcoins5 years ago

today's show can the Bitcoin pricehit 250,000 dollars we're going to bebreaking down with these analysts haveto say regarding Tim Draper's $250,000price prediction we're talking aboutCNBC's Brian Kelly and fun strats TomLee which decipher venture capitalistTim Draper's bolt call will be breakingthis down in today's show also intoday's episode crypto markets long termtrend is positive according to the byNance CEO here's what block TV quotedhere if you look at historical patternsyou are probably looking at new highs atleast for Bitcoin in the 50,000 to100,000 dollar range and that's from JinChow the by Nance strategy officer we'regonna be breaking down this latestinterview as well as taking a look atthe overall cryptocurrency market anddoing a Bitcoin price action all thisplus so much more in today's showhere I crypto news alerts I drop a otherpeople's money to grow your wealth incrypto portfolio be sure alright welcome back toanother episode of crypto news alertsI'm your host Jay V and let's dive rightinto today's top story with the 250,000dollar Bitcoin price prediction tomarket analysts have said Tim Draper'sbold prediction might not be asfar-fetched as it seems the billionaireventure capitalist said recently thatthe leading digital asset would reachthe price of two hundred and fiftythousand dollars between six months anda year after the 20/20 having BrianKelly and fun strats Tom Lee bothbelieve that Bitcoin will absorb capitalfrom the gold market Tim Draper saysthat the digital currency will top 250thousand dollars by the start of 2023Draper rationalized his position bystating that rising customer adoption ofthe digital asset would drive thestellar performance he forecasts he alsosaid that a growing distrust of thebanking industry and financial systemwould contribute to bitcoins growingappealTouche and appearing on CNBC's fastmoney earlier today two investmentanalysts have weighed in on thelikelihood that Bitcoin can hit the highthat Draper seems so sure about andthat's founder and CEO of digitalcurrency investment company B KCM LLCwhich is brian kelly who said thatalthough the prediction sounds bizarrobitcoin is known for spectacular priceruns like those seen in 2013 and 2017kelly identified that bitcoin has beentrading within a channel since 2013extending that channel out to n 2020 tothe top is around 250 thousand dollarsper Bitcoin Mark Kelly said that heagrees with the opinions of Draper andothers that Bitcoin will absorb Gold'smarket share over the coming yearshowever he added that he was not surethat the digital asset would reach thefour point five trillion market caprequired to hit Draper's predicted priceby the start of20:23 and checking out this tweet fromCNBC's fast money could Bitcoin hit twohundred and fifty thousand dollars inthe next two years brian kelly and funstrats Tom Lee helped us break downlongtime venture capitalists 'll see a hundred thousand dollar plusprice for a few days and weeks in 2021it's definitely possible but I think wemay also drop back to forty thousanddollars after Dean Bennett respondedgood possibility sixty thousand dollarminimum by 2021 and probably about threehundred thousand on the top side X Liureturns responded if you think bitcoinis an overvalued Ponzi scheme wait tillyou hear about fiat currency Touche thecoin father responded can't hit twentythousand but is going to hit two hundredand fifty thousand dollars in a responsefrom traveling man oh you must havemissed the news it already hit twentythousand dollars two years agoBart responded interesting that no onementioned the stock the flow analysiswhich many in Bitcoin consider a strongprice predictor it is very likely wewill see $100,000 plus Bitcoin in thenext 12 to 24 months and he's referringto the infamous Plan B's stock the flowmodel next to weigh in on bitcoins pricecall was fun strats Tom Lee like Draperand Kelly Leah's overall bullish onBitcoin however he too is not sure aboutthe tight timeframe predicted by Draperhere's what Tom Lee is quoted saying Idon't know if 24 months is how long itwill take if it took five years I thinkit would still be considered a hugemassive surprising success and lookingslightly nearer into the future Leeadded that he was confident that aninvestment in Bitcoin would be theeasiest way to make money from cryptocurrency during 2020 he said thatregulatory uncertainty surrounding theindustry will continue to diminishinspiring confidence in investors andthat he thinks 2020 will be a betteryear than 2019 for the crypto marketgiven that Bitcoin started the year ataround 3,800 dollars and currentlytrades in excess of 7,000 is actuallycurrently being traded at 7,000 165dollars downfor 9% in the past 24 hours li lightDraper is clearly expecting some bumperreturns on Bitcoin investments during2020 are you bullish in Bitcoinsurrounding this happening I know I amI'd love to know your thoughts in thecomments right down below and checkingout the top crypto currencies we can seemost the major Kryptos are back in thered Bitcoin currently down 0.5%aetherium down 0.16 percent trading at128 dollars x RP down 0.8% trading atnineteen point two cents miss litecoindown 0.2% trading at $39 and 90 twocents BnB coin is in the green pointthirteen percent trading at thirteendollars and fifty five cents and link isup two point six eight percent tradingat one dollar in 91 cents and anothercryptocurrency news the crypto marketslong-term trend is looking positiveaccording to buy Nance CEO who explainswhy we're gonna be breaking this downBitcoin and other Kryptonian asregulatory pressure and sell-sidepressure for miners and the plus tokenscam hit the market but despite this oneof the most prominent executives in theindustry Xiang ping Jie Zhao of BI Nanceis sure that this industry's long termmomentum remains in the upward directionvoting well for the future of kryptosand related technologies as the yearcomes to a closecrypto and blockchain research firmshave started to post their year-endreports attempting to figure out the toptrends of the year and what's next forthis nasan industry one such firm Asia'sglobal coin research just released itscommunity predictions for 2020 report inwhich it cited countless industryexecutives Zhang ping shall theprominent chief executive behind Kryptostop firm finance was quoted as sayingwhat he thinks that the long-termtrajectory for the bit coin and cryptomarket remains decidedly positive heelucidated Bitcoin is still a market capinstruments so there will be highvolatility in the short term however ifyou look at the fundamental technologythe longer term view about five year to10 year horizon were very confident thatBitcoin andcryptocurrencies are here to stay hewent on to say that he thinks blockchains impact will do more than theinternet meaning that the industry willgrow thereby meaning that the prices ofthe asset underlying this industry be itBitcoin finance coin or otherwise we'llalso see growth and while Zhang pingzhao did not give any crypto pricepredictions one of his colleagues hasjin chao the chief strategy officer offinance told trade news outlet block TVearlier this year that historical trendsimply the crypto asset market has alarge amount of upside potential in facthe states that if you take previouscycles into account of which there wereat least three Bitcoin could find itselfin the 50,000 to 100,000 dollar rangearound 7 to 15 times higher than thecurrent price of about 72 hundreddollars respectively in the comingdecade and let's check out this tweetfrom block TV news who wrote if you lookat historical patterns you are probablylooking at new highs of at least forBitcoin in the 50,000 to 100,000 dollarrange and that's coming from jin chowthe BI Nance strategy officer why this willoccur Chow echoed Chow looking to thefact that there's likely to be a turningpoint in the adoption of digital assetsand with investors starting to bifurcatethe good digital assets from the bad theBitcoin obviously falling into theformer category a move to such a levelcould be had the current cryptocurrencymarket cap is sitting at a hundred andninety billion dollars with seventybillion in volume in the past 24 hoursand the current Bitcoin dominanceaccording to coin market cap is sixtyeight point three percent and taking alook at the top gainers in the past 24hourshedge trade leading the pack up 23%trading at a buck 64 luna is up 12percent trading at 27 cents maduknetwork up 12 percent trading at onepoint seven cents solve shout out tosolve by the way is up 6 percent tradingat 11 cents Icahn up five percenttrading at twelve cents and aetheriumclassic up five percent trading at fourdollars and eleven cents and for thebiggest losers made safe coin down 34percent Wowwhat a dumpcurrently trading at 7.4 cents Cryptareum after soaring yesterday is downeight point nine eight percent tradingat thirty five centsedu care down seven percent trading at6.3 cents didja byte shout-out to digitbyte down five percent trading at pointzero zero five bike coin down fivepercent trading at point zero zero zerotwo and horizon is down five percenttrading at six dollars and seventy sixcents and checking out the bit maxmargins we can see the Bears are back incontrol but barelyleading by one million in superiority inthe past 24 hours and is practically adraw are you bullish or bearish onBitcoin right now let me know yourthoughts in the comments right downbelow and checking out the crypto greedand fear index right now we're rated at23 in extreme fear yesterday was also at23 in extreme fear and last week was at21 in extreme fear holy molyand if you're not familiar with thecrypto greed and fear index extreme fearcan be a sign that investors are tooworried that can be a buying opportunityand when investors are getting toogreedy that means the market is due fora correction well that's gonna concludetoday's show as always I appreciate youtuning in and journeying along with meinside this Bitcoin rocket ship 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