Bitcoin Gold Blockchain Knowledge Centre
Bkc New York Team Update Nov 11, 2017
Blockchain Knowledge Centre - USA India Canada Hong Kong
What is the purpose of Bitcoin Gold?
The purpose of Bitcoin Gold is to make Bitcoin mining decentralized again. Satoshi Nakamoto’s idealistic vision of “one CPU one vote” has been superseded by a reality where the manufacture and distribution of mining equipment has become dominated by a very small number of entities, some of which have engaged in abusive practices against individual miners and the Bitcoin network as a whole.
By changing Bitcoin’s proof-of-work algorithm from SHA256 to Equihash, all of the specialized SHA256 mining equipment will be obsolete for mining the Bitcoin Gold blockchain.
According to BKC Executive Director Canada- Today is a Day to Remember, because we provided the Knowledge and strategy to acquire Bitcoin Gold to the USA/canada members. We are expanding this knowledge into India.
Bitcoin Gold will provide an opportunity for countless new people around the world to participate in the mining process with widely-available consumer hardware that is manufactured and distributed by reputable mainstream corporations.
A more decentralized, democratic mining infrastructure is more resilient and more in line with Satoshi’s original vision.