Bitcoin Is Booming : And WHY it will go on strong

in #bitcoinbooming4 years ago (edited)

How It All Changed?

I was first introduced to the concept of crypto currencies by a friend at a cafeteria talk in my university when i was 22 years old. We didn't talk about it much, passed the subject by and talked about other things. But even with that short introduction and being a rebel at heart, i remember how much i got excited about the idea of a possible economy system which doesn't involve big banks.

However like most people, i didn't start buying immediately , i forgot about it for a while and when it started to prove it's worth ( meaning when i was too late to be extremely rich ! :) ) i started buying Bitcoins. I wasn't into buying and selling and making money. I just believed in holding it.


So still, to this day, i follow the market and occasionally buy Bİtcoin and let it sit there. And guess what? my money is rising. But i don't do this for gaining moneyonly. I strongly believe that Bitcoin and many other crypto currencies are here to stay and there will be a point where we will need them just like paper money. I am holding them for those days. I have started buying my first Bitcoins 4 years ago and i still have that and other coins like Ether, Litecoin and Steem. I do plan to keep buying and sometimes selling in the future too.

kıtaop bıtcoin.jfif

I am a crypto currency enthusiast but i don't have the insight knowledge of it. I try to understand it with zero computer knowledge. So i guess i won't be able to talk about those sides of the issue. If i may put it this way ; So many people are on this platform are like the performing artists creating a big magnificent theatre piece and i am the person who buys the first row tickets and appreciates it.



The reason i chose Bitcoin for this article is purely because i sympathized with its big revolutionary movement that started with it. I read about other posts and saw some really good altcoin philosophies that is worth good attention but Bitcoın was the one that made the first big impact. In fact it crushed the current economy system like a meteor.

And i am loving that.



As a woman in a country where i feel overlooked, I remember one big thing that made me decide to get into the world of crypto currencies was a real story about an afghan girl. Although many of you may know i still think it is worth mentioning in a post like this. In Afghanistan women can not have their own bank account. Even the money they work for will be paid to their husbands or fathers bank account. There is no argue that money is the ultimate freedom, having no right to spend one's own money means they are not allowed to be existed in this world. But guess what? Bıtcoin come in and no husband and father could see it coming. She gained money off of an İnternet blog that pays with Bitcoins and then she purchased her first computer. I can not imagine how free she must have felt.


This rebellious act is changing the game. The world economy is shifting to the crypto currency economy and i believe because of cases like this, it is now unstoppable. When Nakamato sent that e-maıl and started this business i am not sure if he knew how far it would go. But i am sure glad that it does. I believe one day, along with the other crypto currencies bitcoin will be widely used like paper money.

Recall how often in human history the saint and the rebel have be the same person
Rollo May

Thank you for reading my post!


I understand now why bitcoin will continue to emerge strong regardless of it's fluctuating prices.

You graduated knowing all about Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies. It's also good to know that you hold other cryptocurrencies.

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