RE: Mt. Gox is a big reason for the Bitcoin price crash from all time high
The theory is based upon something that is very anthropomorphic applied to a process that is really much more sterile. If this was the chart of a person, an astrologer would say that the reputation during this time is "idle" because the ruler of the times is in detriment and under the beams of the Sun (made invisible). The Sun is often associated with authority and in Capricorn, represents possible restrictions and regulations coming. But while the symbolism says this according to the rules, bitcoin is not a person and so it doesn't have the same sense of "katarche" (important beginning in Greek).
The key to interpretation is to see it in hindsight. What the chart seems to say is that relative to what happens to crypto in the early 2020's that this period is running idle by comparison. The question is how much. It could be that bitcoin only makes it to $40K by the end of this year and that is considered "idle" because it looks flat on a graph when you compare it to prices in the early 2020's.
Ah okay I understand.
And you feel that the chart for crypto overall mirrors that of Bitcoin....that we are going to see the real upward action in the early 2020s...and there could still be upward moves between now and then, but not as much in comparison?
Am I following correctly?