RE: Why the Impending Leadership Collapse caused by the Blockchain Black Swan will render Bitcoin Bans Impotent
I don't think you quite understand my position. I'm not longing for the collapse of western civilization. That must be some sort of projection on your part. I focus on the USA because that's where I am and I try to call it as I see it with as little bias as possible. I actually stand to lose a great deal when western civilization collapses. My pension for one (which I've been investing a small amount of in crypto as social security insurance), 70 acres of farmland for another. I'm quite far from indigent and semi retired operating my own software business. The USA has been quite good to me, but the leadership is failing. The police culture has gotten out of hand. I know this because many of my family are in the police and military. My great grandfather (Grieb) was former police commissioner for the city of Syracuse (long time ago).
As for focusing on the USA, again because that's where I am and because it's a lot simpler to list that way. It would be cumbersome for me to fully list all the countries involved in nefarious state activity (practically all of them). Instead I would list the much smaller list of countries that don't seem to be a criminal gang in charge of government aparatus (Sweden and Norway come to mind). But this is less than 5% of the world's governments.
I will admit to the use of a little hyperbole. But there does seem to be an undercurrent of f**k the West in the crypto world.
I am also not particularly proud of how our country has behaved over the past two decades. I understand the sentiment that "there's got to be a better way". But my experience has been that scorched earth tactics only lead to the next demagogue.
Crypto can be an engine of positive change if we don't get all freaky about it and start calling for the death of anything not ideologically pure.
This video should give you a better idea of where I'm coming from...