Bitcoin Pizza Bitcoin Poker Graphics Mining Tutorial
Bitcoin Pizza Bitcoin Poker Graphics Mining Tutorial
Bitcoin Pizza bitcoin pizza presentation
Bitcoin Pizza (BPA) bifurcates at Bitcoin BTC block height 501888,Official website: http: //。
Bitcoin Pizza Bitcoin Pizza Wallet Download
Bit Buying Purse (Light purse):
Trading Center wallet application:
Bitcoin Pizza bitcoin pizza mining software: EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner zec(To distinguish between A card and N card)
Bitcoin Pizza Bitcoin pip supports mine pool
z-nomp Pool: 8080 /
vvpool pool:
Bitcoin Pizza Bitcoin A card mining configuration
Access to mining software, extract mining software, find the "config" file,
Double-click to open the file, as shown below, check BTW mine address and port number, and set the miners own BTW address and miners number. If there are multiple machines, miners number is to distinguish between different machines, that point do not leak. Only modify the corresponding characters removed, spaces, punctuation do not delete, modify the point after saving.
-zwal PNDgnewWXoeGxwj8eNtHYqi1XjS4k4fLZe.worker (Mine address and port number)
-zwal (Fill in the wallet address and miners number here) Format: Wallet Address .001
-zpsw z
-ftime 1
-i 6
-tt 75
-allpools 1
Then, find the mining program "ZecMiner64" file, double-click to start and start mining,Set a smooth, there will be the following mining interface:
Note that BPA's A-Card Miner software has just been upgraded from ZEC and the miner's software is still displaying ZEC's currency, which has no effect. As long as the calculated power, as in the figure Total Speed: 859.319H / s, similar words can be。