One of the first blockchain participants.
The American cryptographer Hal Finney was one of the collaborators who helped (at that time) to improve the Bitcoin network recently launched by its creator "S. Nakamoto", since he reported on some bugs presented by this platform, which they solved in time. Fascinated by this software, he continued to participate and enjoy the benefits that Bitcoin gave him, his interest in crypto payment systems and his attempt to create a currency based on proof of work, led him to believe and get involved in this incredible project.
Loving his work as a cryptographer led him to see the potential that this would be later, favored the advances and publications that were made on this first cryptocurrency.
In full support and admired for the development of this powerful network, which was just beginning, participated in the first blockchain transaction. Interested, he continued to investigate the development of this technology. Due to the monetary value that Bitcoin acquired, it decided to save its savings for its heirs.
It is surprising how this man supported and participated in the digital dream that today is called bitcoin, a dream from which we can deduce that "S. Nakamoto" is not about a person, but a work group that has materialized his ideas and experiences , collecting and improving their advances thanks to the technology shared by people of common interest.