Lisk Mainnet expected to arrive wednesday Aug 29th
The migration of Lisk Core 1.0 to Mainnet will happen when block height 6,901,027 at the end of round 68327. This block height is set to arrive on Wednesday, August 29, no sooner than 11:00 AM CEST (Important: all the times are approximate).
With Lisk Core 1.0 comes a new API design, a new P2P communication layer, and additional features such as an entirely new data field that provides you with the option to include a custom message with your transaction. It also includes atomic block writes, structured test suites and code migrated to JavaScript ES6.
Please avoid making any transactions during the 24 hours prior to and after the migration.
During this period, it's recommend that stakeholders direct any questions to the network channel in Lisk chat.
Good luck team!