DEEX and Robotrade partnership
Progress does never stand still. Especially, if it’s the blockchain progress. The number of cryptocurrency users and crypto traders is growing constantly. Deex has already proved that it can use blockchain achievements for the benefit of its users. Two-factor authentication, stealth transactions, cloud nodes …
No other decentralized ecosystem has such services. And soon another one will be added – a cloud service of algorithmic trading.
We agree that it sounds a bit complicated, but we all know that all genius is simple. And Robotrade, the developer of this unique service, which partnership with Deex we are pleased to announce today, is ready to demonstrate it.
Robotrade combines a user-friendly interface for creating and editing trading robots with the simplicity of settings which even a beginner can handle with. Do you want to create your first robot? There is nothing easier! No server settings, special software and other problems. Everything works in the cloud, 24/7. The service is directly connected to the exchange’s account using API keys. Over the time, the robots will be implemented directly in deex exchange interface, so that each user will be able to manage them and get an income.
As a part of mutual cooperation it is also planned to conduct an IEO campaign, during which you will be able to invest in robotrade tokens. With the help of digital robotrade currency it will be possible to get a discount paying for the service itself, as well as participate in bonus programs. In case of successful IEO results, free trading robots will be available for Deex clients.
The list of trading robots for algorithmic trading strategies will be constantly expanding. Stay in touch to do not miss out on the profitable IEO on DEEX platform, which not just bring speculative short-term profits, but will improve the whole infrastructure and bring to the platform new trading instruments that will enhance liquidity and increase the investment attractiveness of the DEEX token.
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