In defense of Bitcoin!
Yesterday, the web portal of the Venezolana de Televisión news channel (VTV) published an article about Bitcoin, which is quite offensive and threatening. The title of the article in question was titled: "BitCoin: The cybercriminal system", just read some lines of the article to realize the pre-judgments issued by the author.
In some fragments of the publication, it can be seen how Bitcoin users are labeled: cybercriminals, terrorists, drug traffickers, even rapists. I would like to know what the author is based on to offend millions of people in the world who use the cryptocurrency.
Perhaps the author of the aforementioned material is not aware of all the honest and influential people who use and support Bitcoin in the whole world. For this reason, to educate the character who wrote such a lamentable publication, we decided to make a list of several people who support the use of Bitcoin:
Marc Andreessen: Co-founder of the company Netscape Communications Corporation and co-author of Mosaic, one of the first web browsers with graphical interface. He is currently one of the main partners of the venture capital company Andreessen Horowitz.
Andreas Antonopoulos: Expert in information security businessman and author.
Tyler Howard Winklevoss and Cameron Winklevoss: Entrepreneurs and Olympic Athletes in the founding year 2008 Harvard Connection social network that inspired the creation of Facebook.
Mike Hearn: Google engineer author of bitcoinj (the first implementation of Bitcoin in Java).
Wences Casares: Entrepreneur with global business experience in the financial sector. He is the founder and CEO of the company XAPO.
Gavin Andresen: Software Engineer, graduate of Princeton University. Andresen began his career working in 3D graphics software at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. He is currently Scientific Director of the Bitcoin Foundation.
The list goes on and on ... These people have earned their merits by striking, working and innovating in their fields. They are not terrorists, nor drug traffickers, much less rapists. They are respectable people who live in the Bitcoin community and fight because this technology is accepted like any other technology in the world.
But perhaps, this is not enough for the author of VTV's pseudo press release, so let's list some companies that already accept bitcoins to sell their products and / or services:
Virgin Galactic: It is a company within Virgin Group of Sir Richard Branson that plans to provide manned suborbital space flights, suborbital launches for scientific missions and orbital launches for small satellites.
Microsoft: The super famous software company that created the Windows operating system, accepts bitcoins in its virtual store in exchange for the purchase of its products.
Tesla Motors: is a US automobile and energy storage company that designs, manufactures and sells electric luxury cars, electric vehicle propulsion system components, and battery products.
Overstock: is an American online retailer based in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, near Salt Lake City.
WordPress: It is a content management system or CMS, focused on the creation of any type of site, although it has reached a great relevance used for the creation of blogs.
Dell: is a privately owned US multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, which develops, markets, repairs, and is compatible with equipment and related products and services.
I do not believe that these companies, which in many cases are listed on the US stock exchanges, risk having their clients, terrorists or drug traffickers, or that they lend themselves to illicit money laundering businesses, however, they accept bitcoins as a way of paying for your products and services.
In conclusion, many people try to make Bitcoin look like a harmful technology and linked to any type of criminal acts, but they forget to mention that the greatest amount of criminal acts in the world are committed using coins like the dollar, the euro, the peso, the real ones even the bolívar. So because the cruelty against Bitcoin, is it that they are looking for scapegoats to blame for the country's ills?
It is important to defend our right to use technology, access knowledge and even more to defend our right to choose, that is what makes us a democratic and egalitarian society.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the points of view, and should not be attributed to, Infocoin.