What Makes Bitcoin (BTC) Unique and Superior to other Cryptocurrencies (a.k.a. “Altcoins”) and Imitators like Bitcoin Cash (BCC or BCH) and Bitcoin Gold (BTG)?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

This is a quick update in response to today’s launch of Bitcoin Gold (BTG), which is a “fork” of the original Bitcoin (BTC), for the benefit of anyone who may be confused by the nomenclature of these different bitcoin-branded cryptocurrencies. Plus I provide a surprise ending, the likes of which you won't find in any other articles relating to this topic today.


The first point to mention is that the original Bitcoin (BTC) and its current team of developers have nothing to do with these other imitation coins. The second essential point is that these alternative currencies do not have identical code to the Bitcoin code and therefore do not have the same value.

Because the experts at the World Crypto Network explain all of this better than anyone, I am posting their short video below which should reassure crypto investors and educate newbies. It is aptly titled, "The Battle for Bitcoin's Soul."

Finally, if you are wondering why a Bitcoin topic is listed on my Steemit channel which otherwise hosts only Christian content, that is because blockchain technology is, in my educated opinion, the beginning of the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy, particularly Revelation 13:17, regarding the Kingdom of Antichrist and its ability to control all buying and selling on earth, “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The technology upon which cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are based is called blockchain. Blockchain technology (but not Bitcoin, per se) offers for the first time in human history a means for one entity to control all economic activity, down to every transaction by every person on earth in real time. This control would be possible because, if a global currency were issued and it was a blockchain-based currency (e.g., a cryptocurrency), and the law required that all economic activity be done in this currency, then no one would be able to buy or sell unless they had permission to access the blockchain on which said currency operated.

Blockchain-based currencies are internet-based networks, therefore access to any of them requires an internet connection, the proper software client application, and a validated personal ID (such as public and/or private keys or some other unique identifier). In other words, you need permission to access the network and some type of “mark” acceptable to the authorities who created and operate the network.


Stay tuned, as I plan to develop this topic more extensively sometime in the future. In the meantime, bet that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will become the dominant economic tools on our planet. The Bible strongly suggests that this outcome shall come to pass. If you'd like some reassurance that you can understand and escape such an eventuality, see my previous post.



BS! validated personal ID??? to transact in blockchain? are you even sure what youre talking about

I'm talking about private/public keys and your permission to receive them through client software. You must have a wallet client and the blockchain must agree to recognize your wallet. Thank you though, I am going to add a parenthetical in the article to make the point more explicitly.

And in fact, MasterCard has launched a blockchain that is unfriendly to cryptocurrency but instead uses central-bank-owned digitized fiat currency. Read another article here explaining how Mastercard is making their blockchain opaque and permission-dependent. Thats just one example of how the blockchain is already being used to build a global financial system that will enslave us all.

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I dont think you read my entire article. And I dont see an upvote...

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