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RE: Is trading on LocalBitcoins Illegal? What is Legal trading?
That's true and also one of the reasons I'm interested in learning more about it, however that doesn't mean that people should try to avoid their government's laws for financial gain. But obviously it's going to happen with more frequency in the future
Why not, why should we avoid taxes and bullshit permits every chance we have?
Why should we bow to every obsolete law and mandate, which is arbitrary at best and because of that can be interpreted a million ways from Sunday. Why is it ok to tell your neighbor how to run his business? You wouldn't tell him how to eat and shit but you'll tell him how he can and cannot make a profit.
You tell me, why should you avoid taxes and bull**** permits every chance you have? I'm not telling you to murder, I'm telling you to pay your taxes.
Follow the laws you believe in and suffer the consequences. It's that simple.
You tell me why should we pay taxes and get bullshit permits, because as it stands taxation is theft and permits aren't necessary, period.
Better yet, don't offer advice like "pay your taxes, get your permit" without backing it with a WHY and a HOW, and least of all don't recoil from answering those questions and flip it on the questioner to establish why you shouldn't, because it won't make your advice any more sound, it's still nonsense that crumbles at the touch of inquiry.
You simply make your own decision. If you choose to break the law then you choose to suffer the consequences if found out. That's my whole position. Why? Because taxes show thankfulness to our fellow-countrymen and to mankind. How? By paying your taxes and contributing to your society. You can keep arguing about this position, but at the end of the day, I'm not arguing back. I'm simply sharing what I believe.
Warning , circular reasoning ahead!
You can keep believing what you're sharing, regardless of logic or ethics and in the end you won't have to consider either.
My original point was that people will probably continue breaking the law and getting in trouble for doing the same thing that this individual did. I stated that it was unfortunate, which it is. I shared my thoughts on paying taxes because I feel that they're right. I also stated that you as a free human being are able to do what you'd like, be it pay taxes or not. I'm not totally sure what you're arguing over, or that arguing further will prove in some way that my beliefs are unreasonable.
It is unfortunate to break immoral laws which tell you what you can and cannot do in respects to your finances and associations? No, it's ethically sound to not obey any law which doesn't have an actual victim.
You didn't share your thoughts, you shared your beliefs, you didn't examine your belief on why it's right to pay taxes that pay ONLY the interest on a debt on a privately owned currency which exists only to devalue goods and services. You used the reason for paying taxes as to show thankfulness to our fellow man as a valid reason to tax people 30% of their labor, 8% of their goods at the point of sale, and insurmountable taxes added onto products and services throughout the whole process of manufacturing, as "showing thankfulness to our fellow man", because showing thankfulness shouldn't be a free choice, it should be a tip of the bayonet, you go to the cage for not resisting, you die for resisting kidnapping choice. Because pay taxes or else.