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RE: Regulating Cryptocurrencies... And Why It Matters

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Regulation in the US means putting it under control of the bankers.

Regulating cryptos means treating them as a security and only licensed financial institutions can issue/sell securities. In the hands of the bankers.

Those who commit fraud, there are laws on the books for that. There are a great many ponzi schemes using bitcoin...toss those people in jail. There does not need to be any regulation on Bitcoin to arrest people for running a ponzi scheme.

Besides, cryptocurrencies cannot be regulated. It is outside the control of any one government. Regulate the exchanges and business will move to the de-centralized ones.

I am holding some BTS so I love the idea of regulation (over regulation) by the SEC....move all the business elsewhere.


I think you're being a bit optimistic. The banksters aren't nationalists, aren't tied to a nation. The reach of money exceeds any nation's, including the USA.

Given political will - and money can buy that - it is trivial to regulate BTC. Any exchange can simply be eliminated if it won't play ball. Every employee of every exchange in the world can be 'extraordinarily' renditioned, and spend the rest of their lives drooling in MK Ultra programs in black sites, without exceeding the cost of lunch for just the Rothschild family for one day.

I'm not saying those particular scenarios are likely - they're not. They're not because much more reasonable means exist to compel exchanges, and holders of BTC and other cryptos, to accede to regulaton, even taxation.

We are talking about folks that intentionally profit from crimes against humanity, after all. Think of how many 'nice' ways that can be used to convince YOU PERSONALLY to say 'please, take half my BTC!'

All they have to do is 'accidentally' turn off the power, or the internet - again, a blunt force example, rather than one that requires more than one second to think about and devise.

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