Another censored post on Steemit that I believe has value and should be read.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Please resteem and upvote as the Censoring Whale known as B.S. will try to use his financial power to hide this from everyone on steemit too. (This post is a copy/paste from a censored post)

This post is by @Haejin who has many supporters but has attracted the attention of an apparently jealous whale.

"The below listed users are actively DOWNVOTING your UPVOTES AWAY!! Your PRECIOUS UPVOTES which you gave to @haejin, these users are furtively; SNEAKILY going to the 6 day blogs before payout and DOWNVOTING them to zero!! HOW SNEAKY!! HOW MACLICIOUS!!

IF THIS CONTINUES, I AM CONSIDERING TO LEAVE STEEMIT and GO PRIVATE!! More to COME on this DECISION to LEAVE STEEMIT!!! Going PRIVATE will allow FULL AUTONOMY but more importantly, keep these VIPERS powerless! Details of this possible direction will be announced in early January. It's amazing how SILENT the COMMUNITY is OVERALL!! Fear drives this type of SILENCE. Fear of repercussion from the likes of @berniesanders!! It's a sad state to see bloggers being driven out by the likes of @berniesanders who's uncouth and tyranical behavior runs unbridled.

WHY STAY AT a STEEMIT COMMUNITY THAT IS SO HURTFUL, ATTACKING, JEALOUS of OTHERS' BLOGGING SUCCESS and PAYOUTS? It's TWISTED to see the RECEIVER of UpVotes get ATTACKED with unprovoked vulgarities, false accusations of bot usage, false accusations of multiple accounts usage; etc. just because @haejin was rewarded by UpVoters who gave per their whims!! How does the accountability of that lie on the receiver?? IS THIS HOW THE STEEMIT COMMUNITY IS BETTERED? IS THIS WHAT DAN LARIMER, founder of Steemit, would ADVOCATE? No, DAN Could NOT have seen this as the true STEEMIT community!!**

I joined Steemit in June and my primary objective was to help and do no harm by sharing my Technical Analysis and market calls and forecasts. However, I'm seeing more and more that Steemit, as it is now, is not yet conducive of a community but more of a bully ridden schoolyard racket where these bullys are uncontrolled and are not held accountable.

All the UpVotes you've awarded are being pissed away by the downvoters listed below. They are DOWN VOTING and don't want to be seen so they try and kill your UpVotes on @haejin's blogs that are 5,6,7 days old!!

Know this: What goes around...comes around!

@randowhale is leading the charge....he's spending the SBD sent by innocent Steemians who think their SBDs are being used to UpVote them; but no, @randowhale is using those SBDs to DOWNVOTE @haejin.

THESE USERS are Actively Selecting the Just about to be PAID OUT Blogs on day 5,6,7 to DownVote @haejin:



Merry Christmas everyone!


Very interesting. I didn't know it was possible to downvote something. I just assumed you could vote on content you liked or not vote if you didn't like it. I'd like to learn a little more about this .

It was designed to stop plagarism etc but is being abused and misused. Its a flaw in the system.

ah, thanks. I had no idea.

it's pretty easy to use. The flag icon at the top right of posts and/or comments is used to downvote.

upvotes can be added to a post up to 12 hours before a post pays out. After that point only downvotes may be applied to negate rewards.

you'll note when you look at the screen that pops up before you flag, the first reason given is disagreement on rewards.

.... and the "disagreement on rewards" is a flaw in a brilliant platform, at least in my opinion. If Some one votes and donates their worth in communication not one person and the right to negate that persons voice. bS earns very well form his posts. I detest nearly (but not all) words he speaks but I believe I have zero right to censor him or anyone that supports him. There is zero excuse for negativity. Live and let live.

First of all, even the largest of whales is not 'donating' their worth when they upvote. The amount of the community's reward pool that vote receives is influenced by the whale's STEEM power. That value is coming from the reward pool that the whole community needs to share.

So, you can't have it both ways.

If one whale can upvote and reward a portion of the reward pool to someone, then another whale can downvote and negate some of that reward.

That is how balance on the platform is maintained.

The problem is that while people love to receive those big upvotes, they take it real person when the upvote gets negated. They think it is being personally taken away from them.

You need to keep in mind, that reward is not yours until the post pays out and then you get the balance between the up and down votes.

BTW, if someone believes that a person should absolutely receive the amount of that vote without question, there is a feature called Transfer in the wallet tab where the person can send that donation to the person and no one can negate it.

I think in most worlds, that is called 'putting your money where your mouth is' ... there are no transaction fees on STEEM.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I know you're explaining the rules as they stand on steemit. I understand them fully and I fully disagree with them. The downvoting and flagging is a flawed feature as it stands. It's being abused. In my mind there is no need the the negative behaviour than encourages and rewards ignorance. If a whale disagrees with a post and it's payout all he needs to do to affect the rewards pool distribution is instead of using the full weight of his it negatively, to use it positively and upvote a post the believes has virtue. So instead of simply denying someone their earnt rewards he can upvote someones post significantly. The world is a wild varied and fantastic place full of diverse language, religion and belief systems. No one should have the right to censor another. As far as rules go, the majority of Nazi's followed the rules in WW2. Look where that took them an the deeds that were done under the guise of obeying orders by their superiors. Quoting the 'rules' has little value. Discussing and suggesting the effects, debating options and methods for improvement has high value.

I just followed the whole explanation @tarquinmaine and @pathtosuccess . I really appreciate it. It's not easy to catch on to all the nuances of the site. Im starting to get though.

there is a lot of nuances @cflclosers. For the most part they are worth learning them and being part of the community.

If a whale disagrees with a post and it's payout all he needs to do to affect the rewards pool distribution is instead of using the full weight of his it negatively, to use it positively and upvote a post the believes has virtue.

Your premise is dead wrong. While that will give someone a better potential rewards, it does nothing to solve the problem of the over valued post other than possibly lowering it a small amount. A very small amount.

So instead of simply denying someone their earnt rewards he can upvote someones post significantly.

Well, there is where you have yet another fallacy. The rewards are not earned until the end of the seven day voting period. Until then, they are potential rewards and subject to movement up or down. That movement can be shifting in the reward pool due changing STEEM value or voting patterns or it can either up or downvoting.

The system has to have balance and that means the ability to both increase and decrease potential rewards.

The system will not be changed from that basic principle so I guess you're going to either need to adapt or decide this platform isn't for you. It wont be for everyone.

Who made this @haejin big when he joined steemit?
Or he had already a lot of followers?
I like to talk to you private but only over pgp @tarquinmaine.
I heared only this steemit wallet got also encrypted messaging options but i never did this. I consider to buy 1 usetoken @haejin its such a unic-secure-etoken that it will skyrocket after it gets on an exchange the first time.
This coin got private groups. I will stay here. I know shit can ugly. @berniesanders also knows this he presents hisself as asshole but very often just tells true sentences. Its like in this holywoodmovies when evil guy tells the truth. Haha

Edit: Your whole post looks like propaganda only to me. 23:20 03.01.2018
I upvoted because it was hidden when i first came here.

You can private message me. Add a # in front of message. I followed Haejin when he was earning $3-5 a post if that. He had a tiny following. He's grown it organically. Bernie Sanders helped him double his followers by drawing extra attention to him.

Thanks for your help i try now.
Edit: i proofed your content.
But i think also without @berniesanders this guy would got more attention or not? Maybe would have taken just more time?

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