"95% of the Crypto-currency will not cost anything in a year or two"

in #bitcoin7 years ago

When it comes to blockage, it's usually the minds of crypto-currencies like bitcoins or ether. Never stop in the market. Only 5% of the Crypto-currency will be the winners in this race, creating new businesses for trillions of dollars

"If you have a basic understanding of the potential of blocking technology - that it destroys the need for intermediaries - and a basic understanding of the current value chain (that huge money, 44 cents from each $ 1, is spent on intermediaries), it is pretty obvious that the ripe for transformation the industry is advertising technology, "says Jeremy Epstein, head of Never Stop Marketing.

"Gene of the blockade-decentralization broke out of the bottle," says Epstein. "It does not matter what China or Jamie Dimon say, the wave of transformations is coming." The expert is referring to the decision of the PRC authorities that came into force today to prohibit ICO crypto-currency and close the crypto-exchange exchanges, as well as the refusal to conduct operations with the crypto-currencies of the head of the investment bank JPMorgan Chase.

Despite the resistance of the authorities and the financial establishment, the changes that the blockade brings, according to Epstein, will bring with them an explosive growth of the marketing industry and new rules of the game. "We do not need 10 different protocols for the advertising industry so that people can decide whether Papyrus, for example, is better than others," he says. "All of them are unnecessary."

This means that the blockboy will eventually become yet another normal market, and although most of its participants will disappear, the minority will succeed. "95% of the Crypto-currency will not cost anything in a year or two. But 5% will be winners. Some of them may be a trillion-dollar protocol. There will be short-term fluctuations, but we have not seen such a transformation of the business model for a long time, "the report says.

While the modern "blockade landscape" is somewhat meager and it has a lot of white spots, but now there are enough marketing technologies based on this technology that will help determine whether the blockade will confirm the expectations of many betting experts, VentureBeat writes.

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