😂🚀 Best of Bitcoin in social media 🚀😂
Below I have selected my very favourite bitcoin moments you can find on social media
No 5:
Nowadays everybody wants to have bitcoins but a lot of them doesn´t know the technology behind it...a massive problem...
No 4:
It´s the same issue like above...
No 3:
I know a lot of them...and it´s a quite big amount of those people who wants to tell you something about Cloud-Mining to convince you to be a part of their multilevelmarketing-networks....SCAMMERS!!!!
No 2:
This is the phone of every dude who traded bitcoin back in 2011. Karma is a real thing ;)
No 1:
It´s my all-time bitcoin-joke number one!!! :D :D :D
Tell me your favourite or show me your discoveries in the comments below (Y)