tZero’s New Wallet Lets Users Trade Bitcoin and Ethereum
OSTK's stock has taken a beating along with all bitcoin-related companies. Of course, OSTK is a retailer that entered into the unrelated field of crypto-trading (i.e., the company may be transforming). I guess rising tides doesn't always float all boats (recent stock price bump notwithstanding). That said, tZero has some very smart people behind it.
"tZERO has launched a new app that combines a digital wallet with exchange services. The company, funded by Medici Ventures, launched a security token trading platform last January.
The app, called the tZERO Crypto App, will also users to trade bitcoin and ethereum and includes a private key recovery system that will keep coins safe if you lose a phone or device.
“The tZERO Crypto App is a significant milestonein our plans to provide an intuitive experience for trading all digital assets,” tZERO CEO Saum Noursalehi said in a statement. "