shed hermits bitcoin position.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

imagesbtc.jpg I am bullish on Bitcoin, I no longer trust the banks or their dollar bills, why just the other day the debt limit for the US government was raised to over 20 trillion dollars, but the bankers say bitcoins a bubble, and their paper is king? I spend a lot of time thinking about the dollar, for example 20 years ago the minimum wage was 5.25 ish and today it is around 3 dollars more, a little over 50 %. While rent has gone from 525 to 1200 dollars for the same spot, gas from 97cents to almost 3 dollars, a movie ticket how about that? I took my kid to the movies the other night and it costed me almost a hundred dollars. Those are some things we are working the same amount of work for less money. The dollar used to be backed by gold, limited and had real value, today it’s just backed by the word of our government that they are good for it, these jokers that ruin everything. The only way they are good for it is if they extract it from the people, like what happened in Cyrus Greece, the government defaulted on their loans and raided people’s banks. stole the money of the masses.
The federal reserve dollar Is just a tool or the German, privately owned central bank to control our nation’s wealth.. nay to steal our productivity and our resources. I used to worry about my bank account, if you get sick they want to know what you have, apply for aid, they want to know, if you get in trouble or fall behind on your bills they can freeze your accounts and steal your money, have a kid with a deadbeat parent that doesn’t want to work, guess what? Your money isn’t safe. Inflation, quantative easing and bailouts are not for you and me. These scumbags are above the law even, they caused the housing crises, wars, famines, laundering drug money, ruining economies, destroying nations all in the name of greed and power. Think about the amount of control and power these few individuals now wield, printing money for wars, bailouts, whatever. At our expense!
Once I realized what digital currency had to offer I went all in just about.. I’ve since doubled my money even in this time of a downtrend, I gleefully cackled and toked as I took pitiful life’s savings and essentially made it disappear into the ether where no government official will be able to ever touch it. I truly believe that this is the people’s money, one day it will usurp the evil empire and replace their creation of wealth from nothing. I see the pricks squirming now spreading fear and uncertainty about our champion of value. They are truly the ones that create bubbles and something from nothing.
Now I know your concerned about taxes, about them putting the pinch on us for our choice, they sure are trying to make life difficult. We the people though, it’s our duty and right to take back what’s ours! With local bitcoins, mycelium, atomic swaps, and decentralized anonymous exchanges coming we will be the ones that are above the kangaroo laws of these perverted nations.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, the blockchains applications are many, too many to list or even consider, if you would like to tip an older guy living in a shed so he can toke up and create more of this wonderful content, here’s where you can send it. 
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