Creating a Bitcoin Bank in Less Than Thirty Minutes With a $2 USB Drive

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Today we’re going to detail how to create a secure bitcoin wallet with an inexpensive USB drive. There are a few different wallets you can download for this particular operation, but for this walkthrough, we will use an Electrum wallet. Other lightweight bitcoin clients used should follow a similar installation process.

Creating a Bitcoin Bank in Less Than Thirty Minutes With a $2 USB Drive
Download the installer to the USB drive folder.
The first thing you want to do is download the Electrum wallet to your computer. The software can be used on Mac OS, Windows and Linux systems and takes only a few minutes to download. The next step after downloading the wallet software is to install it directly on the USB drive. It’s not the best idea to use the USB thumb drive for any other applications, and the drive should be utilized solely as a bitcoin wallet, but of course, that’s optional.

Creating a Bitcoin Bank in Less Than Thirty Minutes With a $2 USB Drive
Choose what kind of wallet this will be; standard, two-factor, and multi-signature. You can also name the wallet.
Installing the Wallet Into the USB Drive Offline

Following the USB drive installation, you can opt to shut off your internet services and local area connection to perform the installation offline. It’s a good idea to safely remove the USB and restart your computer as well before installation. After a system reboot and you are sure your operating system is offline you can then plug the USB device back into the computer for the next steps.

Creating a Bitcoin Bank in Less Than Thirty Minutes With a $2 USB Drive
Create a strong password to encrypt the wallet, then choose “create a new seed.”
Next, navigate to the USB drive folder and open the installer program for the wallet. The client won’t be able to connect to the Bitcoin network, but you can still create a new wallet. The installation procedure is the same, and the new wallet app needs to be installed to the USB drive folder as well. Then, you’ll be directed through the security section where you should create a strong password and write down your seed phrase. Always remember if you lose the password or seed phrase you will not be able to recover your bitcoins on that wallet.

A Cheap Little Bank or Bearer Bond Instrument

Creating a Bitcoin Bank in Less Than Thirty Minutes With a $2 USB Drive
Your new USB thumb drive bitcoin wallet is now complete.
After you secure your wallet with an encrypted passphrase and get your seed, you will then have a fresh new wallet that can send and receive bitcoins. Just like a hardware wallet, you will need the device to access your keys, and you will also be able to restore it with a seed if the USB stick was lost, damaged or stolen. This method can cost you less than $2 for a generic USB drive which is far cheaper than $60-150 hardware products. Further with some directions, they can also be used as a bearer bond instrument by just handing someone some bitcoin off-chain.Standard.pngelec1.pngpassseed.pngwallet1.png


Thanks for sharing.. As usual this is helpful.. I think I find it easier to see it with visuals to understand..

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