BITCOIN: $13,800 & BEYOND?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

by SGT,

Clif High from returns to SGT Report to discuss the latest web bot data and the linguistic trends that suggest a near term price of $6,888 for Bitcoin before a massive correction and then a run up to $13,800, and potentially beyond, by February of 2018.

NOTE: This conversation does NOT constitute investment advice, it is merely a discussion about crypto currencies which are extremely volatile and NOT for the faint of heart. As with any potential "investment' do your own due diligence before committing a dime to ANY crypto.


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Looking very likely

Clif High is Very Nice Guy and I think people can learn from what he talks about. @sgtreport thanks Sean for the Best Content on the Internet. Cryptos are FUN, Just be careful on the money you commit to them. NEVER hold your coins on the exchanges, thats what wallets are for................STEEM On !!! UP Voted.

It's nice to be able to count on the stokjockey - a class act on Steemit!

Sean, I really appreciate that interview people like Clif. I also appreciate and that you seem to trust him very heavily, but I would suggest that you need to read between the lines with him as well. Clif has just told you a few very questionable (actually concerning) things in this interview even if they were in passing. Clif has told you that he is very much for the Internet of Things even though he says that it's because he thinks we need to be able to track everything in case of catastrophes. How is this any different that what the UN says? Only if you need to "share" resources like in the UN 2030 model does this makes any sense at all (and Clif would understand this). Then even beyond this, he also says it's because of his pirate / Templar / horse thieves family history that he thinks he can break their system whenever he wants. He also makes it abundantly clear he is NOT a Christian. He in fact, in another Deep Woo video, makes it clear that he practices sorcery, and that the Craft of Freemasonry is "pristine". Wrong! "The Craft" is Luciferian magick. Period.

Let's summarize. You are being told that he supports putting in all the technologies that the NWO wants but he puts the limit at chipping people. Huh? The powers that shouldn't be work through gradualism. They also say that it won't go beyond certain limits either, until there's some "event" or it becomes "oh so convenient" to do so. Clif is not too stupid to realize this, so why is he for this? Then he tells you about his family's Freemasonic past indirectly. Almost all pirates were Freemasons and worked for the Queen of England and the Freemasons themselves regularly claim their history from the Templars. (Don't forget their Skull and Crossbones flag symbolism either and then remember his "dancing skeleton" logo at Half Past "Transhumanist" Human as well.) I go into more detail about the signs he's typically using here as well in my other recent blog posts.

Freemasons and Luciferians will never tell you the full truth directly but they will wave all their key signs in your face knowing full well that 99% of the people will never get it. Be careful here and sift through everything with independent logic and thinking. Clif has a tendency to blind a lot of people with the "light" of his logic. He's a very intelligent guy and people put him on a pedestal because it all sounds like it makes sense even though some of it clearly doesn't. If something smells off, don't be afraid to break the lovely common trance and call these things out. Sure, everyone will likely hate on you for it because they love making money and feeling like it's all good and fine with the cryptos, but the truth needs to be spoken whether it's comfortable or not. This is what Christ would do. I am a Christian as well and believe this is our calling and duty as Christians.

Like how he said, "if they chip me ill just microwave destroy the chip. "

Not if you can't buy food without it buddy...

Clif says all sorts of simply wrong and non-sensical shit, but if anyone calls him on it, he'll come up with umpteen reasons why your wrong and he's right. Interviewers back down immediately because they love having him on. They get lots of views when they have him, and they don't want to pee in their own proverbial punch bowl by calling him on BS and then getting into a conflict that threatens these opportunities in the future.

It's not the most well done video that I've seen, but this video is still worth having a look at. It's an alternative look at Clif, how he typically acts, and views on his past comments and predictions. Whether you agree with all of the video's points or not, there are some things that just don't add up with Clif and there is continuing reason to be suspicious. All of us in the "truther" community need to fully exercise critical analysis and thinking ourselves without directly or indirectly handing this responsibility over to any sort of "expert" - whether that be Clif or anyone else. This "intellectual laziness" is exactly what enables the ongoing hoodwinking and misdirection of society along with the ongoing destruction of our rights and freedoms.

There is no webbot program. Cliff is a scam artist. I would rather not listen to someone like this at all

This is of course a possibility. It's also a possibility that he has Web Bots, but it's 90% actual Web Bot info and 10% made up stories and information that he has mixed in to support specific agendas. I can't say one way or the other on what is really going on behind the scenes, but something simply smells off.

He also admitted today that it is a Haida / Salish raven in his logo, but of course would never mention that this is the same deity that NWO golden boy Justin Trudeau has tattooed on his left shoulder. He also didn't mention that this Raven represents the trickster god, and when you think of the trickster god, you need to think of Pan, Pied Piper, Joker, and Lucifer as other representations of this character.

Astute observations there newsandviews.

Without wasting my time listening a 2nd time to the interview and writing a long comment;
Clif says(I'm paraphrasing now) he doesn't believe the TPTB can do anything about the cryptos for a variety of reasons. That the ACChain ain't the real thing the TPTB would do.

Well, Clif appears to be an expert on what he knows.
Remember folks, "An expert is someone who knows more & more, about, less & less".
I know the TPTB are capable of total secrecy on big things; case in point, The Manhattan Project.
If WE wanna go a little woo-woo, what about the case of Gary McKinnon:
Oh. Sounds crazy you say?
Well why did Obama & Cameron discuss his extradition publicly after 8-9 years after the hacks?
As for the ACChain, the TPTB use things like them to....track who's interested in it in any way.
And then, the METADATA gives them a cornucopia of info before the actual 'harvesting'.

How the 'TPTB Harvesting' works/functions is.....
Look-it-up yourselves.
If you don't wanna know this or anything I mentioned, blame yourself later.
Laziness/blindness/ cognitive dissonance is not good for your health & survival odds.
Anyway, thanks for reading this.
Cheers X-

newsandviews. As a Christian also, you have just added to my reasonings to no longer follow Clif as I just commented below. I am glad you brought those things to our attention. Thanks!

Sure, I'm just glad when I can help bring some sanity back to some of the crypto-craziness with a bit of history, analysis, and logic. We're in the Wild West for sure with carnival barkers and snake oil salesman to boot. Additionally, there is absolutely the plan to hijack the cryptos for very nefarious purposes, and I'm not talking just ACChain. ACChain is at this point a sideshow. I'm talking about Ethereum and loads of other new crypto-darlings that already have huge corporate and individual money and trust behind them. The NWO is seeding and pumping major cryptos right now for the creation of their UN Agenda 2030 technocratic utopia. If don't already know about it you can read more about it here.

The real trick is that want us to believe the cryptos are our own choice because they are nothing but "fantastic." They even want us to fight for them, until they switch the tables on us. This is exactly what they have done in every other historical revolution. The Soviets were masters at this at some point. 99% of the people are just "useful idiots" in these types of schemes and there are only a handful of wealthy and powerful puppet masters actually required to guide and lead the show from behind the Wizard of Oz curtain somewhere multiple arm's lengths away.

The crypto market is now around $130 billion. This Is chump change for the NWO. They can and WILL buy up every meaningful crypto out there as they can and gradually hijack it in one way or another for their purposes. You will not see them buying and manipulating except through their typical messaging of symbolism and sudden changes in direction that seem like they came out of left field. They have been playing this game for a very long time and they know how to hide their activities except for where they have to tell us, at least indirectly, what they are doing. This is why I have been writing so many posts as of late on Luciferian symbolism and blatant symbolic messaging - also very specifically on the cryptos. If you don't understand this, you won't identify their influence until it is too late. Please have a look at my series of recent posts on this to understand more.

This is why I am now getting more and more disturbed by people like Clif High, Bix Weir, and Jsnip. Whether they are knowingly doing what they are doing or just "useful idiots" fanning the crypto / ICO-craziness flames, they are driving religious support of basically all cryptos without some sense of logical analysis of where all this has come from and where it is most likely going to. They count on the fact that most people suffer from cognitive dissonance, greed, and that they don't want to believe that they could be being duped. This is where Bix Weir's "good guys" schtick is starting to piss me off as much as he's pissed off by anyone talking about "bad" cryptos. He is getting people to put their defenses down without any logic other than to trust his deep state "good guys" spiel (a story that he also has absolutely no proof of). If we should learn anything from history, it is that deep state factions are never for the people, they are for each other and that they all work for "the man" (actually Lucifer) because that's what they were specifically set up to do. As George Carlin would say, "they don't give a f**k about you". They are after one thing at the end of the day, consolidation of power and control and with a target of a NWO. We therefore need to be incredibly vigilant at this time rather than putting our shields down. Christians already intuitively know this, we just need to be reminded of it from time to time.

Central banks already own half of bitcoin that exist today. Come on guys u know this

Knowing this somewhere deep down and actually admitting it to yourself with all the knock on cognitive dissonance consequences are two very different things unfortunately.

Thank You Sean........@sgtreport

All do respect cliff is a scam artist. He lies about having his webbot computer program and charges $100.00 usd a month for his news letter. He's done many letters in the past. Now I believe he's studies cryto world for sure. But there is no webbot snd that lie my friends makes him a scam artist. Profiting from a massive lie

Since hearing Clif rubbish gold on Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog last week and pumping of bitcoin (though I have a little to complement a decent gold/silver stack), sorry to say, I will not be listening to any more of his interviews. He seems to have lost some credibility according to comments by others who saw it and done himself no favours. He does seem to get quite a bit of flack from certain quarters about his (in)accuracy with predictions.

Resteemed, at the rate it is going who knows how high it will be..i have been receiving emails from australian traditional stock inveaters and all they are talking about is bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin

I finally got some..a tiny bit..but better than nothing lol..

Yeah i gave up coffee and servo food and just put the money i saved from that once a week or fortnight into soon adds up..get healthier in the meantime win ;)

Bloody good idea.I only learnt to buy last week lol..but I plan to keep ferretting away a bit more :) we have lived in a caravan on the road the last 2 years, so have learnt to minimalists :)

Good way to be! We are panning on doing the same when the kids get a bit older..

Who would have expected an electronic currency to be first and amount to this fantastic sum

I did Clif is good on the unmanipulated stuff. Not good on PMs though

re silver we shall see. best advise is on cryptos, not so good adsisories on gold and silver. the emotional wave may be what we have already gone through where people are getting out of it because of the low prices. There in lies a bit of the crash syndrom. Same with gold. terror within the gold and silver community. Like a lot of people I listen listen to Clif, plus a few others. I think others like myself and have maybe or maybe not invested. Its a tough call. But then again if you dont hold it you dont own it. I have a preference which is PM however they are hard to carry. Aslo as an oldster that never learned much about internet stuff those others are difficult. In order to make this more people friendly it must be easier for us old folks. There are many that have no idea of cryptos nor block chain we want simple.

I found it interesting to hear about the emotional intensity of the silver move. I guess we are going know when it happens.

BTC vs USD ".......purchasing power the dollar has lost" - I can't believe Cliff is seriously saying that. W T F !!

8 years ago when BTC started, what could be bought with $1USD now will cost $1.29USD. What could be bought with 1BTC, now will cost you 0.000316BTC. Which currency is losing purchasing power over time? (please note this is meant as a visual example, the actual math over the last eight years will vary)

Would be great for us lol

Always enjoy the interviews with clifhigh. There was also a clip on CNBC with Fidelity talking about allowing clients to view their coinbase balances from their platform. Nothing ground breaking but still postive news

13,000 seems high for just 6 more months of growth, it would need to be pulling more than 1000 usd per month. and the market cap would need to almost triple if not more and have to stay invested in bitcoin to stabilize it. People would need to stop you know manipulating the price. But eventually i think its very possible to get around 10,000 but personally i see it taking a little longer. maybe im wrong lets see!

He's likley wrong and he'lll just say in feb" well because of this it's this way" and his foolish newa letter 100 bucks a month subscription holders will believe him. He's a scam artist

I think the FIAT to BTC portals are going to be the choke, that restricts the rise. It is still a slow process to buy BTC direct from most currencies. Myself I am restricted to $100 a day at one spot and $500/week at Coinbase. Way more than I need, but for big money that is way to slow.

Buy and that and you manipulate the value.

Boost talks about the fact that as more people use BTC to purchase stuff the selling goes up because bitpay sells the bitcoin at time of purchase and pays store in dollars or euros. It's insane to me cliff is wrong literally 98% of the time and people just cling to the 2% otherwise

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