Some reflections on the road ahead - the battle between the powers that be and the future of free, and the importance of sometimes lowering your expectations a little.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In these non-euphoric times (going on a good three weeks now) it's time to reflect I think. The Lambo-order is put on hold, and your friends and family is poking you and asking you with malicious delight how the crypto market is going - and coming with some standard sentences they've read in the mainstream media about how the "tech" behind is OK, but really nothing different than torrent sites..

Well, I'm no expert on the technology behind. But I do understand the basics, and I do understand psychology, markets and interruptive things. I'm a hawk on news, and I know how to navigate the waters. Let me be the beacon in your life right now...

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The road ahead

The stagnant market right now is in my opinion based on different things. First, it is somewhat responding to technical indicators and things that has happened in the past. These patterns often replicate, and that's why some traders are successful with technical analysis (and money management) as trading tactics. Second, we are halting because governments and traditional banks are stepping up the game.

We have country after country "striking down" but not actually doing much yet. We have "liberal" nations like France and Germany talking about regulations and bans.

And there are many possible scenarios.

They could of course just ban crypto trading, saying it is for our own good. Most people will at this point stand behind a decision like that - having no problems with that kind of violence. They are so used to it anyway. That way they can attract more developers and programmers to the state, helping them develop blockchain solutions that give them a larger advantage.

This is probably what governments and banks most want to do. They want the technology, but they don't want it to be a currency. The only problem with that is that blockchain technology is both. Distributed ledgers ARE currencies.

So they either have to implement a way to be able to tax all profits gained from cryptos, or they will have to try and stagnate/stop people from buying/selling and using them. The problem with that however, is that they know that technology and progress can only happen in a free market. Governments only inhibit progress with their regulations.

Regulations are only implemented to get what they want - which is what they need to survive - taxation. Taxation is just a way of transferring money from someone productive, to someone not productive. Non-productive people will of course continue to vote for governments, because they take money from the productive people and give it to them.

The battle

And this of course creates a quite hectic and difficult race for both sides. The world needs the tech to grow forward. But in order to protect the old system with governments and taxation, violence and theft must continue to happen. Cryptos makes that very difficult though. And this is where the battlefield is.

Will the free market manage to develop decentralized exchanged (Ethos, cobinhood, Komodo, Payfair etc) being run on Decentralize Internet like Substratum, BEFORE governments crack down on the larger centralized exchanges that people use now, like Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex?

And even if we win that race, how can we stop governments and banks from preventing us to deposit Fiat from our traditional banks? If they want, they can halt withdrawals from traditional banks into crypto exchanges. Or they could make it illegal.

But on the other hand, that shows their true colors, Their true oppressive and fascist intentions.

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Going forward, I'm sure some countries will chose to do the opposite of others. And we don't need that many countries opening up and thinking completely different before people flock into those countries. Of course, the rest of the world will see what kind of heaven on earth that country will be, and they will have no other option than either locking down their country spewing out propaganda to tell their people how horrible and capitalistic it is in that crypto-country, and how great we are here according to this new poll we just made for ourselves.

I think it's important to be aware of the risks here. If you are only in this to make money, I would have some nerves. However, if you are in this because you are fucking fed up being abused and inhibited - and you've seen how much you've grown the past 6 months, year or couple of years - just because you had to learn how to take fucking responsibility for your self - this is much more than just Lambos. This is freedom vs oppression. Old system vs new not-system.

IMO this is more a ideological battle. Between the optimists, freaks, anarchists, weirdos and nonconformists, and the oppressive violent brainwashed people. Money is not that important. Make sure you have a great life regardless. Be easily adaptive. You have to live in a shack? Cool. You're a hobo now. Sweet. You're on an adventure.

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It's not the Blockchain or Bitcoin that will change the world, but our way of thinking. Humanity needs to grow a pair and realize we don't need big corrupt government nor the crony banks who print money out of thin air .... nor do we need the top 1% rich & powerful assholes that are intent on controlling the rest of us!

Could not agree with you more. People need to start really asking themselves what money actually is. It is a system created by man to try to control any people who want to transact. It is centralized and highly susceptible to corruption.

Great post. In the future I believe that Cryptocurrencies WILL BE REGULATED by every single government. I am for the free market, but Wall Street and Central Banks are too powerful. Nevertheless, Crypto is here to stay.

Fully agree with the author!... This is why ZRX crypto token is among our top picks (we HODL it in our portfolio). . ZRX is the most popular protocol for decentralized exchanges (e.g. Radar Relay)


Awesome post man. To the enlightened the battle lines are drawn as clear as day.

The liberal governments that you mentioned are likely to follow the example set by China, namely, they will likely seek to regulate activities surrounding cryptocurrencies rather than ban them outright. Capital will find ways to grow and prosper, despite the the wishes of some governmental officials. Look to South Korea for an example along these lines. Parts of that government want to ban cryptocurrencies while other parts rejects that notion all together. Though I'm also no expert on these matters, following various developments reported by a number of reputable news sources leads me to believe that governments will likely seek to define exact nature of cryptocurrencies and regulate them accordingly.

The market is mostly drive by speculation at the moment. Once technologies start to mature and the environment starts to coalesce around key players, speculation will decrease and real long-term investments will begin. Those who play the long game properly will likely reap handsome rewards.

You presented a good and important topic, thanks.

Nice post dude

bitcoin is going to change the world I believe . not only bitcoin the concept of crypto is awesome.

Stay and hold, waiting for TO THE MOON.

Government should thinking about Cryptocurrency. I think.

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