Who is a Trillionaire?
In purest definition, a Trillionaire is someone with a total net worth of over $1,000,000,000,000. (that’s a lot of zeros!)
You might be thinking to yourself “There aren’t any trillionaires, so why did someone take the time to make a club for zero people?”.
Totally valid question! This site isn’t just for people with a net worth of 1 trillion dollars. To us, a Trillionaire is someone who sets enormous, magnificent, and positive goals and then puts everything they have into making that happen. Now, with that definition there has been countless Trillionaires. Henry Ford, John D Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Martin Luther King Jr, Susan B Anthony, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Amelia Earhart, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and Neil Armstrong are just to name a few. These people didn’t set their goals to be “I’d like a middle class life” , “I hope that people perceive me as average “, or even “I’d like to be all but forgotten when I die”. Trillionaires, as a group, are more likely to set enormous “unrealistic” goals and be called “crazy, obsessed, or out of their mind” for their passion in achieving them. The world needs more of these people now and the world will always need more of these people. To that point, Trillionaires also aren’t the type of people to wait until something exists to try to achieve it. The world’s first trillionaire will have been working towards becoming a trillionaire longer than most people even realized it was possible, and math says that the first trillionaire has already been born.
It is our observation that society as a whole does not breed these types of people well. Typical mantras like “Go to college and get a safe career” don’t motivate our children to think and dream big. The fact of the matter is that a significant portion of the most influential people in modern history didn’t graduate from college. That isn’t an indictment of college, but just an example of how much of a different path that highly successful people take. They don’t need a be shown a road map like every else. Why? Because “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads”. Yep, even the crazy lovable Doc Brown from the movie Back to the Future was a Trillionaire.
The Trillionaire’s club hopes to motivate, inform, and connect fellow Trillionaire’s in the hope that it results in a few more Amelia Earharts, Martin Luther Kings, and Mark Zuckerbergs in the world a few years from now. We are all very eager to interact with all of you chasing your dreams, so please be active and comment on the articles, find us on social media, and help get other people on the same path that you are on. Oh, and it should go without saying but Trillionaires don’t throw negative thoughts at others pursuing their dreams.
A very motivatie Article i like it and thank you @dhanabhavani