What Bitcoin Price is Going Down?What to do Now?Relax and read this post

in #bitcoin7 years ago

what is going on guys sanket here and we'll wait what what's that Bitcoin is down to 15,000?
oh my goodness guys sell it sell it as fast as you can get out get out what did we get ourselves into all, no we're gonna lose all our money just kidding guys, just kidding .

Today in this post I'm gonna talk about the state of Bitcoin because a lot of people have been contacting me saying sanket Bitcoin is crashing what are we gonna do what are we gonna do how are we gonna save our money and guys I just want to reassure you relax this is absolutely normal there's nothing new going on here the thing is a lot of people have gotten into Bitcoin breeze in the past few weeks in fact on Black Friday for some reason so many people got into Bitcoin on Black Friday it was trending on Instagram on Facebook on Twitter coinbase opened up a hundred thousand new accounts just on that day friends and family were buying each other Bitcoin for the holidays and we saw this huge run-up but guys we need to look at the big picture


if we put this back into perspective just one month ago Bitcoin was at eight thousand dollars so even being at fifteen thousand dollars guys that is pretty much I mean almost double what it was a month ago that's a lot of money guys Bitcoin is still very very high in price and it currently has a two
hundred sixty-two billion dollar market cap guys we're experiencing a well needed correction we had a huge run-up
now we're having a little consolidation this is absolutely normal now if you're a Bitcoin for the long run for the long
term if you're new to Bitcoin just hold on to your Bitcoin don't sell it don't try to exchange it into anything else hold it a lot of people when they first get into Bitcoin when they see the price start to tank like this they panic sell them they'll try and trade it into a different crypto maybe it'll try and exchange it back into fiat currency to try and save their money but guys this is a big mistake you will only lose money in the long time if anything now is the time to buy more Bitcoin because the number one rule of buying and selling cryptocurrency is buy low and sell high so guys bitcoin is at a low right now this would be a great time to get in because when the price goes back up which it will you will then be able to make a profit . if you're in it for the long term you have absolutely nothing to worry about we have seen major
Corrections in the past we will see them in the future but the important thing is the long-term trend and long term guys
bitcoin is going to continue to appreciate in price it is not going to continue to go down it is going to go back up it will get to $20,000 again and it will go past $20,000 so I just wanted to write this post to encourage everybody if you're feeling negative about Bitcoin right now try and forget about it go do something else don't keep logging into coin market cab
and checking on it everything will be back to normal soon and another thing to remember guys is
just a month ago Bitcoin was only $8,000 so if you've been holding Bitcoin for a month congratulations on all the profits
that you've made.

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