Wealth! Time to Decide. This is the Time to Make Your Fortune.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

(courtesy of giphy.com)

Some will look back on these days...

The days... when they gave up, gave in, surrendered...

The days when their dreams slowly faded over time.

The days when hopes, were not so much dashed,

But rather, slowly siphoned.

(photo courtesy of giphy.com)

Day by day, hanging on, and holding on, amidst the unrelenting, and ever deflating feeling.

A feeling of loss.

Loss of dreams.

Loss of hope.


Will we soon see $8,000 BTC?


And then, $5,000?


And finally - below $3,000?


Years from now, one will ask another, "When did you finally sell out?"

Another retorts in an older, scratchy voice, "February. You?"

"I sold out..., in March." he went on,

"I just kept saying to myself...", "I know Bitcoin is going back up, even to $30,000"

But when?

"Until I just couldn't convince myself any longer"

In those days, for those taken by fear...

The fear was palpable,

...and all encompassing.

"I lost my shirt!", said the first.

'Me too!", the second nodded.

This will certainly be a time to look back on,

...and remember.

Both, were left broke!

So many, lost so much.

I get that!

I really get that.

I'm broke too!

I know all about being broke.

But I am not afraid,

...perhaps because there is nowhere to go, but up.

That's why tomorrow, I am going to get a job, doing anything.

Don't much care what,

...and I don't much care if I work early morning until late at night.

I'll sleep in my car.

Anything I can sell, I am going to sell.

Then, I am buying.

I've heard it called,

"The pearl of GREAT PRICE."

You just have to go and sell everything you have,

...everything you own, to get a piece of it.

So, I am buying every coin that I can possibly afford, as they fall.

The farther they fall, the more I will work, and the more I will buy.

As Martin Luther King, preached, "I have seen the promised land!"

I have seen these coins selling at 4x their current value.

Out of my reach.

If only....

"Lift up your eyes!"

"The fields are ripe!"


"I have SEEN the promised land!!!"

I will buy Power ledger, NEO and Siacoin, and Digibyte. I will buy Dash, and Litecoin, and Cardano. I will buy ADX and ADA, and PIVX, VERGE, VERT, OMG, EOS, and LISK. I will buy so many more. And I will buy ICO's, too.

.... I will be tired.

As the 2018 year fades, or at some point, the price of these coins will come back.

They will grow brighter and brighter.

Over time they will be so valuable, and I will take half of them, and purchase the next generation of dreams.

One day we all will look back, and remember these days.

Some with sorrow.

Some with regret.

Others will say.

The winter of 2018, was when my fortune was made.

Please Upvote (because... I'm so broke!)

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because it's depressing, god no wonder. pro tip talking about something more diverse like potential!

Dude, I sympathize. But seriously, secure yourself food and shelter before speculating and gambling. Master your FOMO and concentrate on building yourself a platform of boring self-security. This will be your springboard to great prosperity.

With all due respect, and certainly not looking for an argument. My view is that in fact, the paradigm of boring self-security, is ending, and BTC, is the bell 'tolling'. We are no longer in need of masters to ensure our security on the plantation Out with the old, in with the new, and BUY LOW!!! SELL HIGH!!!

If you have the disposable income to work with then I’m with you and all in. I’m saying don’t forego you weekly groceries to fund obscure altcoins. But that’s just my opinion. If you enjoy living on the wild ride and have your basic needs met, then more power to you!

Oh, yes, of course. I have a fairly new, and pretty successful (thus far) carpet cleaning business, which turns some good profits, but not in winter. Being my first winter, I've ill prepared myself, but next winter, I'll be ready. Perhaps my story was a little skewed as to my financial status - may have implied 'nearly homeless'. Good advice. Buy low, sell high, but only invest what you are able to lose.

Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

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SBD 4.67