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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: Minor Wave 4 Correction in Progress

in #bitcoin7 years ago

@haejin !!! you have it totally backwards! you are seriously sending your followers to attack a totally innocent person

i was genuinely sending you a script to correct your mouse issue. I really don't appreciate being falsely accused of sending you a virus and being called an SOB on your channel. I don't want your army of followers attacking me when in fact I was helping you. I am not a troll, i'm one of the good guys.

You had it backwards, you actually believed the TROLL who was saying its a stuxnet virus...thats a virus the US gov used against the iranian nuclear computers. you can check the wiki.

for more proof that its not a virus, here are some links where you can see for yourself

i will also break down the code in its entirety. maybe you don't care but someone else can learn

$('td.chart-markup-table.pane')[0].setAttribute("style", "cursor:none");

$('') <----- this is a jQuery selector. It will find and return any elements on the page that satisfy the condition within. In this case, the condition are the names 'td, chart-markup-table and pane'. Tradingview has all of these tags on the candlestick pane. this is the panel we will hide the mouse on

[0] <----- since the selector might return multiple items, we have to pick which item. this selects the first item that is returned

.setAttribute("style", "cursor:none"); <----- this is pretty self explanatory, but it applies an attribute to the element we just selected using the first 2 parts of the script. in this case, we are setting the 'cursor' style to 'none'

@haejin i'm sorry if you thought it was a virus but its not. Please take down the part trying to attack me from your page. I am a fan and supporter of yours and this is not cool!


you can also check some of the other posts on your page i've left....the ones where i defend you against the trolls and say you are not abusing the system. The ones that say you draw new people to steemit where the trolls drive them away. I feel totally betrayed

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