Update for Bitcoin As Wall Street Jumps in!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Update for Bitcoin As Wall Street Jumps in!

After pure Manipulation WALL STREET GUYS kick in at $7900 (Inside Source)

So What next?

Bitcoin volatility will be increases onwards

My Prediction is Target 20k before 30 March.

What will happen at 10k Resistance or Support?

EASILY BREAK why? ( Big Players In)

MACD turning to bullish bias But

All now in hands of Big Players! Before few hours ago i mention relax and don't sell. I got news from inside source.



You have inside news?

Hey remember when you said we will never see 7500 - 8500 and insisted we buy at 10000 - 10380, and then 9250? LOL, nice "Technical Analysis"

Bitcoin hit $7800 the past day

Listen @noncense you cant blame @salahuddin2004. We are all humans and can make mistakes. Salah has done his best and even if the chart broke below the estimated target, it doesn't mean we are not going back on track which is what matters at the moment.

@skinnycat thank you ma’am.More respect for you from my side.I will work more hard for my followers.

Agree, not saying he is infallible or Bitcoin isn't going to increase in the long run (I'm bullish long term on the space in general). But what I find discomforting is the sensationalist advertising "It's an open challenge that Bitcoin will never drop to $7500-8500!"

That is misleading some to just buy, buy, buy when a more responsible approach would be to simply state your opinion and any evidence backing it up in a matter-of-fact way, with a clear disclaimer that markets are volatile and inherently unpredictable.

Listen @noncense who told you to visit my blog?Just ignore it thanks

The value of a free speech platform such as SteemIt is that everyone has a respectful right to their own opinion. Personal or malicious attacks should be unwelcome and be downvoted. However, I am just respectfully expressing another viewpoint.

Imagine if BitConnect said "Hey everyone, please invest in us! (But if you keep saying bad things just go away and leave us alone!). Well, that's called deception, and censorship is the best friend of deception and fraud.

Not calling you a fraud by the way, just saying that opposing viewpoints and the free and open flow of information is vital to our society. Peace.

Salah is a very friendly and respectful guy who just wants to help and I wouldn't blame him. I personally believe that there's only 2 things that are 100% guaranteed (death and taxes, although one can argue about the second ;), so even if I was a great analyst (which I am 100% sure I am not - this is probably the 3rd thing which is guaranteed :), I wouldn't speak this way. But, I guess it all comes down to a way of expressing oneself - people from different cultures speak differently. Plus, I really don't think that anyone should buy simply because someone else (no matter who) has recommended something - at the end of the day, it is only your decision. That being said, I appreciate every single forecast Salah has made and I hope he keeps making more.

100% agree, everything we have in life is purely our choices. And it's not nice pointing fingers when you failed because of your poor choices:) "death and taxes" was great :) lol

salahuddin is a technical analysis, he is going to be right 60/40. To think that he is a magic ball is wrong on your part. This is the reason why all TAs give a disclaimer. Because they know to well that people will follow blindly any infomation that is given them.

To make big money in crypto it is good to follow people like Sal, to get a feel of his methods etc but you need to study on your own. Number one, study Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the base code of all the coins. It is the DNA of crypto.

The rest of the coins you need to study them, mainly check out the GITHUB, are they actually working on there project. Many are not, i can not mention names but a coin that recently went over the $100 mark has only got one programmer... this is serious, very serious.

I have attached a video BELOW to show you how to do your checks.

Technical analysis's will say that sentiment is all that matters, and if you are only in this to make fiat, Then dont check out the companies, there is no need to as in this BULL market over 70% of traders no not care if a company is real or not, as long as the price is going up.

If you are investing in the long term then you need to know if the company you have 1000s invested in are actually doing what they are saying. WARNING. You will be shocked when you start to do this, as a few coins that i have invested in hadnt did any programming in over a year.

Does this mean panick sell..... NO. You wait for BULL market again and when it gets up to a point where you have made a good profit. SELL THEN.

Goodluck to all in 2018.

Hi Sala,
Thank you for sharing your inside information. The end result that's what really matters and counts! I was hodling in with fear and doubt. So I understand that I can whipe away the bleed from the Streets and prepare myself for a party....? That would be a nice beginning of the weekend:-)

Hi, buttercups. I am not a technical analyst myself but we may see bitcoin going even lower, may be below 7K. Just looking at the volume now doesn't make me positive in the short run. I am saying this not to disrespect anyone here, but just to keep you aware of this possibility. The upwards pointing triangles that I see forming now also don't make me any more positive about the price in the next few days. It just doesn't feel like an uptrend has started yet- I guess this is subwave 4 and shortly we will have subwave 5 which should mark the end of this big correction. I hope I am wrong and Salah is right and we go only north from here. I plan to simply hold as I don't have any more cash available for cryptos and will be looking forward to the uptrend that has to start soon. What matters is the long run and I think bitcoin will reach more than 30K before the end of this year. Cheers!

Yes, my dear friend @salahuddin2004! This correction too will end (hopefully it already did)!

Hi Humblestudent,
That's a very friendly and welcome advice from you, thank you for that! I am in a sort of the same position as you are. I am hodling in and maybe I invest a litle bit more money. I entered the market in November 2017 and really it felt like I was standing and sleeping under the money tree. That made me a litle bit greedy and I forgot to sale and take some profits. So now I have seen the other side I hope I have learned my lesson. But I think maybe I can use some advice in the future when it is the right time for selling. For example I bought Verge in November at $ 0.006 110.000 coins, and it went up to $ 0.25 in a few weeks....I was thinking "maybe it will be at $ 0.75 in a couple of months so why should I sell... ?".
Have a nice day everybody and maybe talk to you later!

Hi buttercups!
Oh, I was on the verge rocket as well. The same as you, I bought it at 0.006 in November and was quite ecstatic when it was $ 0.25 or maybe even higher for a short moment. I sold about half of my verge though - first at 1000 satoshi, then at about 1400 and bought some more bitshares and steem. However, I am bullish on Verge and believe that this coin has some great potential to get to about 1 usd before the end of this year - let's hope it happens!
I might be tempted to buy a few more coins too if they get cheaper, but not before I see how this Tether and Bitfinex situation unfolds. If bitcoin gets to 7K and there is still uncertainty around Tether, I will wait a bit more cause we can go back to 4K or so. This, of course is the most bearish scenario for me in the short term - my primary is once we reach about 7K (or better - we never reach it again and this correction is already over), the market becomes bullish again.
Enjoy your weekend!

I have also read about the Tether and Bitfinex story. I was on twitter with the chief finance of Bitfinex i wrote him a message in my despair :-). He said that everything is oke and that its al fud.

On the other hand I was thinking that one anonymous guy on twitter could be a "wolf of Wall Street" who blows the whole thing out of proportion...to create an excellent moment to enter the market. They must have had there bonus this week i think. And i think that the marketcap of Theter is in the world of the real big money not so big that they cannot find a solution for it...

Time will tell, nice weekend!

Sure, everything concerning Tether might be fine. It is just the way they handled the situation that makes me not to trust the CEO and the rest of the staff. Even if Tether blows, the impact on bitcoin and the alts might not be that big - I read this interview with the CEO of TenX (and this is someone who should be proficient at evaluating risk) and he expected about 10-15% decline in bitcoin price if Tether proves to be a fraud. It sounds bad, but it's not the end of the world:)
p.s. I saw in one of your comments that you were coming from the Netherlands. I've been there a few times and have a few friends - it's a very interesting country with friendly and open-minded people! I plan to study Dutch (or actually Flemish) as would like to move to Gent, Belgium this summer. Anyway, I wish you a nice Sunday and huge profits!

Hoi Humblestudent,
Wat leuk om wat van je te horen. Ik denk dat in de wereld van het grote geld ook altijd wel sprake zal zijn van fraude. BTC is immers ontstaan als reactie op de bankencrises.
Wat leuk dat je Nederlands gaat studeren.
Ik wens je veel succes!
Groetjes, Carola

Dag, Carola! Ik ben Alex. Leuk je te ontmoeten!
Mijn Nederlands is heel slecht nu, het spijt me als het moeilijk te verstaan is.
Ik ga akkoord met jouw dat BTC een reactie op de bankencrises is en dat het kan de banken gedateerd maken (misschien niet BTC, omdat het heel langzaam en kostbaar is, maar aan andere alt coin?). Maar dat zal heel moeilijk zijn, omdat de banken en de regeringen houden niet van bitcoin te veel en zij willen meer regulaties te hebben. Ik geloof dat dat zal niet straks gebeuren, omdat dat een andere potentieel probleem voor de prijs is.
Groetjes, Alex
(Hopefully, I did not torture you too much with my attempts at speaking Dutch:)

Who are you? Deep Throat!

@ salahuddin2004: Can you say something more about that info that Wallstreet people are coming in now and your inside informantion? How did you get that info?

I belive Bitcoin will rise again but not to $20k. It may reach $12-$13k.

Lol, BTC to the moon!!!
There's a trillion dollars sitting on the side lines waiting for the correction to end...This will be a parabolic rise to highs yet to be seen.

Lets hope for the best. I also want it to grow bigger..

Crypto is such a BULL market it is crazy. This price could frop to $250 and still rise to 70k by end of year, thats the madness that can happen in crypto.

Yes there are millions on the sides line but the people with that money dont want Bitcoin to win. Bitcoin has the power to take down the banks, irs, the FED.

Yes they might pump it up again, but this is only to get more people involved so they can crush people when they pull there money again. You need to be aware of this possibility.

Sir @reazuliqbal possibility 20k before 30 March If momentum remains same.

The market is giving an incredible opportunity to become more bitcoin before it rises again to 20k or more, thanks for your analysis are very useful

Dear @alejandrofa thank you so much!

200%!!! Absolutely!!

Hello are you willing to chart XCP counterparty anytime soon? Thank you!

That's what the French said....

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